Chapter 61 - So Bad

Chapter 61 - So Bad

Shock was clearly etched on Evie's face as Gavriel eased away from her and faced Luc. Evie saw how his face had transformed from one that was playful and seductive, into one that was cold and flint-like.

"Take my wife back to the castle." He ordered in a calm voice and the green eyed blond immediately nodded.

Evie reached out and clasped at Gavriel's coat. Her expression was severe.

Seeing the worry in her eyes, Gavriel bent and whispered to her. "Don't make that face, love. Didn't I promise I'd protect you? I will not let a single unwelcomed person get pass this wall so do not worry, okay? Furthermore, we need to continue what we started but was rudely interrupted… right?" Gavriel teased with a grin, trying to ease Evie's worry.

The certainty in his voice made Evie felt secured and that teasing managed to get her to loosen up a little. However, she was not so much worried about herself but more for him. She knew he was strong but… that earlier nightmare… what if her father had allied himself with the crown prince? No, why would her father be with the crown prince? The crown prince was humanity's enemy. And the weather was not bad. She looked up in the sky and it was clear. The first sign that a dragon would arrive sooner or later were thick dark clouds appearing in the sky. If the dragon guardian goes out for war, a gloomy weather would follow him wherever he goes. And when it was time for the dragon keeper to call the creature, a thunderstorm would precede the dragon as it makes its way to the guardian's location, before emerging from the thick clouds along with lightning that accompanies it.

Seeing that there was no sign of her father nor the dragon coming, Evie was utterly relieved. It seemed that her nightmare was not going to happen yet – at least not tonight.

But still, she could not help but feel worried for him. A war was a war – it recognises no friends nor foe and has no boundaries. Anything could happen.

"Evie," Gavriel's voice echoed and then his lips brushed lightly against hers.

When her eyes slightly widened with his unexpected move, he leaned away, flashing her a small smile. "You're not listening," he gently chastised.

"Di-did you say something?" she stammered, flustered. She could not believe he was so calm and could even behave in this manner with her at time like this. Her recollections of people going off to war previously were always cloaked in a heavy, sombre mood. Thus, she was slightly taken aback at his current conduct.

Gavriel did not respond immediately, he stared at her and then leaned in towards her again until his lips were almost touching her ear. "I asked if I can touch you."

Maybe because of the situation, Evie failed to pick up on the mischief in his voice. He was only trying to lighten up her tenseness. But Evie took his words seriously.

"Of course." She answered without hesitation though there was a blush of pink on her cheeks which belied her embarrassment. However, her eyes were incredibly serious. "Didn't I already agreed to this last night?" she added. That slight pinkish hue turned into a dark red smear across her cheeks, but the situation seemed to have made Evie's tongue-tied problems disappear. She used to get flustered and took way too long to respond when it comes to things like this.

At that moment, Gavriel froze, completely shocked. What did he just hear?

Reaching out, Evie wrapped her arms around his strong and broad torso and embraced him. "You can… you can touch me all you want once you're back… so please come back to me safely." She whispered against his chest, knowing that he could hear her clearly. The feelings inside her chest grew larger and larger until she felt it was getting too much for her to bear. When did her feelings for him grew to this proportion? "I'll be waiting for your return in the castle." She added as her grip on him tightened, not willing to let him go.

Gavriel was still a frozen statue when Evie finally convinced herself to let go of him to look at his face. She knew she had to let him go now. He must leave now. His men needed him.

"Go, your men need you out there." She told him in a calm voice, not letting her worry show on her face anymore. She was trying her hardest to be that supportive and loving wife that would wait patiently at home for her husband to return victorious from war.

A low masculine groan suddenly echoed as Gavriel, the statue, finally moved. He tugged on his hair with one hand while his gaze on Evie glimmered with an intensity she had never seen before. His eyes were so incredibly bright Evie momentarily forgot to breathe.

And then, with an abrupt and greedy move, he lunged and had her in his strong arms. His one hand was clasping her against him in an unbreakable hold while his other hand held her face and kissed her hungrily.

"Gav…" Evie moaned. "Wait…"

"Oh, Evie… damn it…" It took him everything to stop and pull away. "You're so bad. Suddenly telling me all this when we are right smack in the middle of this situation." He growled again. "Do you know how I feel right now? I've been waiting for this for a damned long time and now that I hear these words I've been waiting for…I can't… good lord… why would you tell me this right now?" his whispers were filled with utter frustration and need.

"Be… because I need you to return safely." Evie said caressing his face ever so gently. "If you really want to touch me, hold me… come back to me safe."

He cursed, yanked his hand through his hair and then his hands flew to both sides of her face. "Just you wait, Evie… I'll make you pay for this." His eyes gleamed with a dangerous and savage need that ignited something inside Evie. "Just you wait. I swear… I'll settle this quickly." He promised her, voice heavy with want.

"If I don't die of waiting first…" Evie heard Gavriel mumble under his breath.

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