Chapter 640 Not like this

Chapter 640 Not like this

This chapter is dedicated to @MonsterUnderTheBed! Thank you so much for the supergift!

Because the dragon was attacked at such a close proximity to the dark wall, Zolan had fallen in the midst of where the battle was thickest at.

The moment he landed on the ground, the monsters came swarming at him from all sides. He did not have any time to plan nor to position himself. Shit! Was this it, for him? He did not see himself leaving in this manner, so shameful in his opinion. He had thought that he would at least go out fighting a fierce and meaningful battle. Not like this…

Everyone around him was either losing or dying. No one could help him now. No one was even aware of his predicament. There was nowhere else to run. A monster that was charging towards him, swung its incredibly long arm at him and he managed to block that attack. But another attack came at him, then another, and another until he found his vision blurring out.

It seems like he had been hit and was now lying on the ground. His sword. He still had it in his hand. Shit!

Licking the blood that was flowing from the corner of his lips, Zolan forced himself to get up. If this was it for him, he should at least take some of these filthy things along with him. Misery loves company, right? So he should take along as many of them as he could before his end arrived.

"Come!" he roared, his red eyes burning and shooting sparks as he pointed his sword at the monsters. They came rushing at him and with a smile, Zolan charged at them, all by himself, not caring if he lived or died.

The battle raged on as though it would never stop.

Blood and death and fire, and battle cries began to fill up the atmosphere. The monsters began to push back everyone's army, slowly but surely.

In Azrael's army, Samuel and Leon managed to take down another giant. Kione had sent them back to Azrael's side when he saw that most of the giants had flocked into one direction, rampaging in Azrael's army. Kione's decision had saved Azrael from getting swallowed up needlessly by the darkness. Now they had managed to retreat, creating a space between them and the wall of darkness that was fast pushing them back.

However, another unthinkable thing happened. After the giants, came strange four-legged creatures that were as big as the fire dragons themselves. Four were spotted around the rim of the abyss. Three of them were in the direction of the King's army. The other one emerged before Kione's army.

These monsters did not spit fire, but they were capable of spitting out a dark green liquid that could turn anything it touched into a pile shiny and bare bones, not leaving anything else behind.

"Shields!" Kione shouted out to his soldiers as the monsters came at them, annihilating the soldiers before it before they could even reach the monster.

They only needed a moment longer to plan. Attacking this monster mindlessly was nothing but suicide. But then, they could not retreat more than a few yards back as well.

Thankfully, their shields worked. The dark liquid could not penetrate it. Kione cooperated with his soldiers to attack the monster and for quite some time, they managed to inflict serious blows on their enemies.

But their shields soon crumbled. It seemed that with the monster's repeated attacks it would eventually penetrate their shields too. The average dark faes or more like the soldiers who had a weaker shield magic fell prey first.

The situation was getting bleaker again. The monster was truly massive and deadly, and they had no idea where its weakness was. And its attack never stopped coming at them. It kept sending those corrosive liquids at them like a shower of deadly arrows.

They could use their shields to stop those smaller droplets of corrosive liquid but what if the monster sends the liquid in a large spray like how the dragons spit fire? Kione could only hope that this monster at least does not have that ability.

"Attaaaaack!" Kione and his men rallied and attacked the monster once again. They could only continue doing this. This was the only way for them to know its weakness – by repeated attacks and close observation on if there were any loopholes they could exploit.

But the more they attacked it, the more aggressive it became. To their momentarily relief, the silverish dragon came flying to their aid. Silver saved many of them from getting turned into nothing but a pile of whitewashed bones.

The dragon aimed its fire power at the ugly creature. The massive monster growled back at the dragon's provocations. It was working! The dragon's fire seemed to be its weakness… but wait…

Kione's eyes widened at the realization that there were no other monsters around except this massive one. It was fully surrounded by them. However, something seemed to be wrong here.

Then in the next second, he saw it.

"Retreat!" Kione roared. Following his sudden orders, Kione's magic blasted out. He used his own magic to hit the dragon above to make it leave and thankfully, the dragon rider immediately understood what he intended to do and made the dragon flew away just in time.

And the massive monster exploded. The corrosive liquid came like an explosive wave and Kione could do nothing but create a shield wall made of his magic while shouting at everyone to keep running. Knowing that his soldier's shields could not hold on much longer.

Kione fell to his knees as he gave everything that he had to keep his own shield from shattering. This was it. At least he had managed to protect thousands of his soldiers. He knew then that he was a goner. He had already used up all the magic that he had, even his emergency reserves. If he teleports now, his shield will give way first and the waterfall of corrosive liquid will swallow him, no doubt about that.

The shield began to crack. Damn and double damn!

Looking back over his shoulder, Kione saw dragons coming. They were filling the sky. One dragon was diving at an accelerated speed towards him. And he saw her. Riding on the back of the dragon. She looked like a fiery goddess with that fiery red long hair. No… you should not come over here… Vera…

His shield cracked and the liquid poured over him like wave.

"Kione!!!" Vera screamed as she watched him get swallowed by the dark liquid just as her dragon was about to reach him.

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