Chapter 72 - Normal

Chapter 72 - Normal

The library was a large, elegant place that was a bookworm's dream come true. Shelves after shelves of books, from all topics that one could think of were gracing those layers of strong mahogany wood. However, the first impression Evie got from this place that it was awfully silent. It was so still that the sounds of her gown brushing against the beautifully polished wooden floor and her quiet steps seemed to vibrate extra loud in her ears. Thus, walking through this place made her feel a little uneasy. However, as beggars cannot be choosers, she decided to go ahead and stroll through the place.

As she slowly walked, her eyes were not idle. Looking around, Evie's observant gaze fell on the large sturdy table that was placed in the middle and the first thing that came to her mind was Gavriel. His face, his eyes, his voice and his kisses. He had kissed her so hard as she sat on top of that very table.

The memory was so vivid in her mind that she started to feel hot. She wanted him to kiss her again, to be able to taste his sinfully delicious mouth. She wanted to hear his seductive voice calling out her name and stare into his hypnotic grey eyes. She wanted to see him. So. Very. Badly.

Evie squatted on the floor and hugged her knees, feeling a telltale moisture at the corners of her eyes. She could not believe how much she was missing him. It was not even that long yet and she already felt as if it has been weeks since they last saw each other.

She somehow felt that this world was not so magical anymore. Without him, this initially charming castle, this breathtaking snowy place, seemed to have lost their sparkle and glitter in her eyes. She did not know she could feel this way due to a man.

Having the thoughts that she could not survive in this vampire world without Gavriel made her hug herself even tighter. Now she realized just how much he meant to her. Just how much she needed him and wanted him.

"Where are you? You said you will never leave me without telling me first." She whispered softly knowing that there was no way that he would hear her, as she buried her face miserably on her arms.

For a long while, Evie remained in that position. When she finally lifted her face, she took a few deep breaths to compose herself. She knew there was no use acting like this. He would not magically appear before her even if she wailed and rolled about.

Standing up from her crouched position, she looked around and was about to turn and head back to her chambers when something caught her attention and caused her to halt in her steps. Her gaze fell on that one book that had reminded her of her husband.

Evie had just decided to go back because she knew that it would be bad if any other vampires caught sight of her roaming around at this hour. She did not want to cause any trouble for them. But for some reason, the sight of that book was enough to make her forget about her good intentions and she ended up staying a little while longer.

She faced the shelf and stared closely at the book. She had not had the chance to even touch this previously and now her curiosity had intensified. Why was this book always catching her attention?

Lifting her hand, Evie slowly reached out and touched the book. She did not know why, but her heartbeat was suddenly racing. Was she going to find something unexpected inside?

The anticipation made her feel incredibly thrilled and nervous. However, when she opened it, the book was empty. "Well, that was anticlimactic." Evie thought wryly.

With a deep frown, Evie flipped through and scanned the pages, but they were curiously blank. Thinking that there were some secret or hidden messages, Evie tried to move the book closer towards the candle, hoping to catch a glimpse of something. Nothing appeared. She tried many other ways she knew but after almost turning the book upside down, Evie could only give up. There was just no sign whatsoever that the blank book had something secretive hidden in it. But then, why was this book blank? Was it just some accessory? Who would put a blank book in a library?

Puzzled, Evie refused to believe that the book was nothing. She tried once again but the results were the same. She could not derive anything from all her flipping and digging.

Frustrated, Evie closed the book. She decided to return the book back to the shelf when she noticed something. What was this? Wait, blood?

Her eyes widened. Did someone touch the book with their bloody hand? Curiosity gripped her hard once again. She looked closely at the other books beside it and at the next layer, another book was seen also to be tainted with blood smears. It was not obvious at all, but due to Evie's meticulous and observant nature, she definitely would have noticed and picked up what was normally unnoticeable to others.

Evie was quick to grab the other book, opening it in haste in the hopes of seeing something interesting. But then again, the content of the book only served to dismay her even further. Granted, it was not a blank book like the earlier one, but there was nothing intriguing about the contents inside it. It was just another normal book.

She looked around again, not knowing what exactly she was looking for. But to her surprise, she found another book stained with blood, but this time at the lowest layer. She grabbed it and opened it. Still, she found nothing out of the ordinary.

Dismayed, Evie sighed. "What am I doing?" she murmured to herself.

Realizing that she was just being ridiculous, Evie decided to return all the books when her eyes caught another book stained with blood. This time the book was located in the centre of the shelf. Evie stared at it intently, not rushing to pull it off the rack. She told herself rationally that it was probably just a coincidence and would more likely than not be the same as the other books. Probably someone injured had touched the books not realizing that they stained it with their blood. But Evie's curiosity won over and she reached out for it.

"This is the last," she muttered to herself firmly, as she pulled it out.

What followed the moment she pulled the fourth book out made her freeze in shock as she watched with widened eyes, the thick walls suddenly moving, silently and without notice. Oh, my!! A secret door?!!

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