Chapter 94 - Im Yours

Chapter 94 - I'm Yours

"I love you, Gavriel…" These tumbled from Evie's lips. Her heart was so full of emotions for this person before her that it was all she could do to utter these three little words that had been used so often that others might not feel the impact any longer. However, her lips could only express what her heart – no, every fibre of her being – was filled to the brim of. Just saying those words was already making her tremble with so many emotions she could not think straight.

So, she focussed her eyes, heart and mind on the very person who triggered such a tsunami of emotions to surge forth from the depths of her. Though she still could feel those roiling feelings, this man she called her husband was like a beacon. The firm and sure lighthouse that gave direction to her heart that was tossed about in the sea of emotions. She was certain that she has no regrets giving her heart to this person. And a beautiful smile bloomed across her lips.

From Gavriel's point of view, as those words uttered by his little wife echoed over and over in his head, his body remained motionless. His eyes wide and he was completely bereft of speech.

And when Evie made her move and planted an innocent yet incredibly emotional kiss on his lips, Gavriel lost it all and he seized her mouth just as she was pulling away. Their lips barely parted a hair's breadth when he captured those lips again in a kiss so desperate and ardent, it was as if he were determined to claim everything that was hers or coming from her – even the very vapour of her breath.

Gavriel could not explain what he was feeling, the moment he heard those words, everything seemed to disappear and there was nothing else in this world that mattered but just him and her. He did not know what to say. He could not. His mind was just that overwhelmed by those three little words others throw around so casually. Even he did not expect his reaction to be this exaggerated. Wholly because of his little wife. All he knew was that what he felt right now was too much that no words could ever explain it. It was more the case that words to explain what he was feeling at this moment had not been discovered or created yet. No, there was just no words worthy enough to describe this feeling he had for her.

All he could do was embrace her as tight as he could and kiss her with everything that he had and utter her name. If the words have yet to be created, then he would just show her with his actions. "Oh, Evie…" he uttered against her lips and then kissed her again, so passionately, possessing her completely with a soul-stealing kiss, until she was rendered breathless.

"Gavriel," she whispered between her breaths and his lips came crashing against hers again, his tongue invading her mouth again as if he just could not get enough. As if it would kill him if he did not continue kissing her and Evie was completely helpless. She too, wanted the kiss to never end. If only she could continue without the need to take in air!

Without realizing it, her hands around his neck moved with a mind of their own and her dainty elegant hands touched the muscles of his broad back and caressed the back of his neck.

Gavriel groaned at her fluttering touches and his kisses became even wilder, deeper, as though her caresses were a jar of oil thrown into the fire. And before she knew it, he had eased her back onto the lush, thick grass. Her heavy cloak served as carpet while his hand cradled her head.

She moaned as the pressure of his kisses increased. His hands began to caress her tenderly and she could do nothing but surrender until her nipples tingled at the touch of his artful ministration.

Pleasure was starting to consume her. The sensual heat was just too much and yet she could not seem to get enough. She wanted more. No, she craved for more.

Subconsciously, Evie clutched a handful of his clothes. She wanted him, needed him, closer, no, not just closer, she wanted to feel his naked skin pressed directly against hers. Her lips frantically kissed him back, showing him just how much she wanted him as well. She never thought she would ever act so shamelessly like this. Her body craved for him so hungrily and she had no control of it. Oh, Gavriel… what have you done to me?

Her body twisted and undulated under him, accommodating him, urging him, as small sobs broke from her throat. And then, the tight bodice of her gown loosened.

Gavriel did not release her mouth at any time as his hands continued moving to free her from the layers of clothes that were wrapping about her. There were just too many layers in his opinion, as his fingers worked quicker to get rid of these hurdles that were stopping him from getting to his final goal. Her cloak was spread under her on the grass.

And then at last, her breasts were released from her dress and the moonlight shone on her. But Gavriel suddenly broke the kiss and panting, he spoke.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't… resist…" that last word was nearly inaudible as his gaze stared down at her. She was like a goddess. With her silvery blond hair spread out on the black cloak and her pale skin and milky-white breasts exposed to the moonlight. She was so breathtakingly stunning that Gavriel was rendered speechless as if completely mesmerized.

"Gav…" Evie uttered as she lifted both her hands, as if inviting him to take her and ravage her.

Gavriel swallowed hard. The devil knows how hard he fought to keep himself from ripping all her clothes at that very moment and taking her on the spot without any fanfare.

"No. Oh god, Evie," he had to grit his teeth to speak but he could not even force himself to take his eyes off her. "You're not… you're still unwell… I can't –"

"I'm fine." she cut him off, her eyes glimmering with unspeakable desire that made her look even more ravishing. "I'm yours… take me Gavriel…"

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