Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1123: Six Harmony Flawless Rod Technique

When Kou Chongxue had been roaming the sea of stars, he ran into a ruined world where a mysterious cultivator was attempting to break through the bottleneck of a third tier True Immortal.

Unfortunately, he failed to fully conceal his presence and was discovered by the enemy. He was almost heavily injured by the other party!

He didn’t manage to find out who the mysterious expert was, but luckily, his identity wasn’t compromised either.

However… The strange reaction from the Star Origin City made Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue suspect Starry Pavilion Master Tong Yutang. They suspected that he was the mysterious expert, and their doubts grew deeper after Shang Xia learned that Tong Yutang’s cultivation base at the second tier True Immortal was just a facade! It didn’t take long for him to become their prime suspect after they dug a little more.

Shang Xia went over to craft talismans for Tong Yutang next, while Kou Chongxue started a secret investigation on the Starry Pavilion Master.

It was a shame it hadn’t been long since the Spirit Luxuriant World came into contact with other worlds and the Land of Star Origin. The Tongyou Institution’s rise was also something really recent and even if they wanted to expand their influence, they wouldn’t be able to see results in the short term.

Fortunately, they had Feng Ziying who managed to smoke his way into the Star Origin Guards. This super spy managed to gather a lot of secret information regarding the Star Origin Guards for Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia.

Connecting many different clues, Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue eventually discovered the relationship between Tong Yutang and the Star Origin Guards… No… More accurately, they seemed to have learned about the relationship between Tong Yutang and Zhuge Xiang. They didn’t really like each other, and Tong Yutang might also have some sort of relationship with Xing Xingtian, the Seventh Camp Commander. Moreover, their relationship seems to be kept secret. Not even people in the Star Origin Guards knew about it.

Even so, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia were still unable to be certain that the mysterious cultivator trying to break through to the fourth tier Martial Void Realm in the ruined world was Tong Yutang.

… However, the situation changed.

Back then, Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue moved about sneakily because Kou Chongxue suffered a loss at the hands of the mysterious expert. He knew that he wasn’t a match for the other party and also suspected that there was a powerful backer behind them. As such, he chose not to make any rash decisions.

Now that he advanced to the level of External Fusion and became a third tier True Immortal, his abilities made a huge leap forward. Even though he might not possess the same cultivation as the mysterious expert at the peak of the third tier, and the strength that came with it, he was confident he could escape unscathed even if he was discovered.

Also, according to his original plan, he would also have Shang Xia, a monstrous existence at the peak of the second tier who possessed combat strength rivaling third tier True Immortals!

The reason he came back to the Tongyou Elysium to tell Shang Xia about everything he found out, was because he wanted to enlist his help to head over to the ruined world and discover the secrets of the mysterious expert!

Also, the main reason he decided to move out was because he received news from Feng Ziying that there were rumors of Zhuge Xiang reaching the level of Returning to the Origin to become a fifth tier True Immortal. The moment the news started to spread among the Star Origin Guards, Xing Xingtian, who was the Seventh Camp Commander, seemed to have sent a lot more patrols out into the sea of stars. They also spent a lot more time outside.

Kou Chongxue thought that he had a great plan, but he didn’t count on Shang Xia being so talented that he was a mere step away from entering the third tier.

The world was vast, and there were many things one could do to supplement their strength. However, one’s cultivation was still the most important thing at the end of the day.

Even if Shang Xia was willing to take the trip over to the ruined world with him, Kou Chongxue wouldn’t allow it and would force him to continue cultivating.

“What are your plans then?” Since he wouldn’t be of any help, Shang Xia naturally wanted to suggest that Kou Chongxue didn’t take the risk by going alone. Instead, he wanted to shift the patriarch's attention to something else.

Kou Chongxue understood that since the mysterious expert probably already raised his guard, even if he went over, he might not be able to take advantage of the situation. He might even alert the enemy to what he was planning to do.

After a short moment of contemplation, he muttered, “I’ll stay in the institution for the time being. I’ll take a look and see if there are any promising disciples. No matter what, we can’t possibly leave the Elysium empty if the both of us head out.”

“Senior Sister Sun should possess the qualification to enter the fourth element of the Martial Dipper Realm…. Are there any other candidates we can pick out?” Shang Xia asked.

“Little Sun has already started to refine her fourth fate dipper. As for other disciples with potential… From what we have right now, only Ge Qingzhu and Tian Mengzi might be possible candidates. They have reached the third element of the Martial Dipper Realm, but we only have a single slot to become an Elysium True Immortal…” Kou Chongxue explained.

Shang Xia mumbled in a low voice, “From what I understand about Senior Sister Sun, she is most likely going to attempt to become a Free True Immortal. As for Instructor Ge and Senior Brother Tian… We might have to choose between them if we have no other choice.”

“We’ll see…” Kou Chongxue sighed softly.

No matter how they looked at it, the Tongyou Elysium’s current state basically ensured that one of their potential candidates to enter the Martial Void Realm would be able to become an Elysium True Immortal.

Then again… If one was truly aiming for the stars and to not be shackled to their world, they shouldn’t be settling to become an Elysium True Immortal in the first place.

To the higher-ups of the Tongyou Institution, their slot to become an Elysium True Immortal was a real headache.

After Kou Chongxue left the Elysium, Shang Xia returned to cultivating.

Everything he planned to do continued as per usual, but he received pointes from Kou Chongxue. He decided to turn his attention to completing his Six Harmony Secret Art.

Perhaps it had something to do with what Kou Chongxue said, but Shang Xia approached his problem from a new angle. He was suddenly no longer interested in rushing to break through to the level of External Fusion to become a third tier True Immortal. Instead, he started to focus on his secret art and other techniques second tier True Immortals could do, such as splitting off a clone.

Actually, splitting off a clone wasn’t something extremely rare as cultivators would have already learned how to split off clones in the Martial Dipper Realm.

Of course, creating clones in the Martial Dipper Realm was more to ensure they would be able to remain alive by sacrificing them during critical moments.

In the past, their clones might have the strength of a Martial Dipper Realm expert, but the moment it was slain, one’s cultivation would drop. As such, one wouldn’t split off a clone unless they were in a desperate need to do so.

A True Immortal didn’t actually have such concerns! Even after splitting off a clone, their cultivation wouldn’t be affected even if it was destroyed! All they would lose would be some inner qi. Moreover, a clone with the strength of a True Immortal would be a very strong helper! It was more than worth it to create one.

After one became a second tier True Immortal. Most of them would choose to learn the technique to split off a clone. Among the True Immortals of the Spirit Luxuriant World, Shang Xia was the only exception as he was the only second tier True Immortal who hadn’t learned how to split off a clone.

Before becoming a third tier True Immortal, Shang Xia was carried away by a sudden impulse and decided to learn how to do it.

Creating a clone was usually preceded by splitting off a portion of one’s divine soul. It wasn’t difficult for someone like Shang Xia who had a monstrous divine soul. The only issue he faced was the excruciating pain when separating his soul.

That was a trial every single True Immortal had to face if they wanted to create one.

After the soul came creating the body of the clone. It could be created with a small portion of their inner qi.

Next came its energy reserves. They had to store enough inner qi in the clone so that they would be able to fight for some time! When that happened, the portion of the divine soul possessed by the clone would be able to control its body and utilize the inner qi stored within to possess basic combat abilities in the Martial Void Realm!

Due to the fact that the soul was split off, after a clone was created, they would be able to make decisions on their own.

After finally creating one…

Shang Xia seemed to have thought of something and he chuckled while addressing the clone, “I haven’t been out in a long time. Looks like I need you to go to the institution and clear the doubts of disciples who have any questions…”

Shang Xia’s clone laughed in response, “I came from you, and we are one and the same. Is there a need to be so formal? Also, there are many disciples in the institution who chose to walk down your path. Most of them merely went through the process without understanding the principles behind it. It’s true that I have to make a trip over to prevent them from walking down the wrong path…”

After the clone left, Shang Xia felt himself becoming a lot less restrained than before. Even the Crimson Soul Tablet wanted to fly out of his sea of consciousness.

His rank six secret art he had been working on for some time also started to circulate without him putting much thought into it. His flow of qi seemed a lot more natural than before.

HIs rank six secret art, that had been causing him a massive headache since a long time ago, seemed to undergo some sort of transformation. He had been working on it for a long time, and he racked his brains on how he should proceed. Who would have thought that he would be able to complete a full cycle of inner qi rotation as soon as he split off a clone?

Even though there were still many problems and areas of improvement, it could be said to have fully taken shape.

The next moment, Shang Xia felt as though the World’s Will blessing had descended on him again as his divine soul could see the world around him with greater clarity.

With his rank six secret art finally taking form, he finally broke through the bottleneck and became a third tier True Immortal!

At the same time, he also came up with a name for his rank six martial arts that was also starting to take shape. He decided to give it a unique name, the Six Harmony Flawless Rod Technique!

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