Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 115: Wind Manipulation Zoysia and Compelling Ningpo Wigfort

Chapter 115: Wind Manipulation Zoysia and Compelling Ningpo Wigfort

Even though Shang Xia’s actions in the institution were slightly over the top, there was nothing actually bad about what he did. Other than the fact that he liked to show off a little, he wasn’t as rash as young masters of large families tend to be. He wasn’t extremely unfriendly either.

After he entered the battlefield between two worlds, Shang Xia’s actions were indeed impressive.

It was especially so when he saved the disciples of the third outer division and helped them to break through to the Martial Realm! After that, he had numerous contributions in the war, and he even discovered the beast tide just before it started! The various outer disciples had a great impression of him, and there were even some who were extremely grateful.

If they had to use something as an example, Shang Xia and Sun Haiwei killed three cultivators of the Azure Spiritual Race, saving several disciples! They received a ton of thanks. It was especially so for the disciples who were injured during the battle. Their lives were saved by the duo’s actions! Even if they had to force themselves to their feet, they wanted to thank Shang Xia for his grace!

After all, if not for them, the injured cultivators would definitely die! They wouldn’t be able to run away from the cultivators on the other side!

The disciples might be a little hesitant to talk to Sun Haiwei due to her status as a teacher in the institution, but they were extremely familiar with Shang Xia. It didn’t take long before they were joking around with him.

“All of you were too damn lucky. You even managed to find a place like this! When you report this to the institution, you’ll be able to obtain a lot of herbs!” Shang Xia laughed.

“Haha! If not for you rushing over in time, our good fortune would have ended in the hands of the cultivators of the Azure Spiritual World!” One of the disciples who barely stepped into the Martial Realm sighed with displeasure.

Shang Xia didn’t respond to his comment and continued, “How did all of you form such a huge group to go adventuring anyway? You’re not from the same class…”

“All the other teachers disappeared after we arrived at the Tongyou Peak. All of us were left out to dry. After the beast tide, someone said that there are cultivators of the Four Spiritual Peak who are weak and injured left out in the wild and we chose to take a chance. We joined forces and left to look for an opportunity outside, but this happened…” The person who spoke seemed pretty familiar with Shang Xia from the way he spoke.

Shang Xia chuckled in response, “Xu Xindi, weren’t there many fellow disciples of our third division who broke through to the Martial Realm? Why are you the only one in this group?”

Xu Xindi was indeed a disciple of the third outer division. He was also one of the ones who broke through when Shang Xia saved them from the hidden valley from the cultivators of the Wind Swallow Race.

A helpless sigh left his lips. “Senior Brother Shang, Teacher Sun sent them out to the Warehouse Division to take on various tasks. Not only will they be able to learn something there, but they will also be able to earn silver essence! I missed the chance because I was in seclusion. When I wanted to look for Teacher Sun after emerging, I found out she entered seclusion. That’s why I came out here with them.”

On one of the massive planes not too far from the valley…

Five disciples with Dou Zhong at the lead stood silently as they looked at the larger group chatting happily around Shang Xia.

One of the youths snorted coldly beside Dou Zhong, “Hmph. Look at him showing off… When did he learn to make a good reputation for himself?”

Dou Zhong turned around and glanced at him. Before he could say anything, two of his companions got to their feet. “Second brother, we’ll head over to take a look. We’ll be back soon!”

The disciple who was grumbling earlier felt his expression hardening. “Didn’t we already greet Teacher Sun? What are you going there for? Are you trying to kiss up to Shang Xia?”

An awkward smile appeared on the faces of those who stood up, but the last of the five spoke suddenly. “Brother Yong, you can’t say that. The only reason we managed to enter the Martial Realm is because of the help we received from the disciples of the third outer division. We should definitely show our gratitude…”

Before he could retort, he was pulled aside by Dou Zhong.

“Second brother…” Dou Zhong didn’t care about his reaction at all and he smiled at the two who wished to head over. “Of course. Go ahead but be back soon…”

The two of them ran over to Shang Xia as soon as they heard what he said.

Looking at their backs, the disciple who was called ‘Brother Yong’, growled, “Useless freaks!”

Dou Zhong shook his head and sighed, “That’s how the world works… Your method seems a little too offputting…”

“I hate the way he does things! He’s only able to gain all his achievements because he was born into a good family!”

Staring at Shang Xia, the look in Dou Zhong’s eyes grew even deeper. No one knew what he was thinking about.

After chatting with almost everyone around him, Shang Xia smiled, “Alright, alright. This medicine valley is a valuable resource. Even though high level herbs might be hard to find, there should be a ton of low level herbs. It’s extremely useful for your cultivation. All of you should look around and look for them. You should grab it before the institution sends a team down here to guard the resources. When that happens, you won’t be able to pick them freely anymore.”

Xu Xindi raised an eyebrow in shock. “Brother Shang, aren’t you going to join us in our search?”

“It’s not that easy. Even though the valley possesses remarkable abilities, rank two herbs are extremely difficult to find. I might not be able to find one I can use either. All of you can go ahead.” Shang Xia sighed.

As the group dispersed amidst laughter, the valley became boisterous again.

“You’re pretty good at building relations…” Sun Haiwei’s voice rang in his ears.

He chuckled in response, “All of us are fellow disciples. I’m doing all I can to help them…” His tone changed all of a sudden and he asked a question of his own. “How was it? Did you find any treasures on them?”

Sun Haiwei tossed over a bag of silver essence before dropping the rest of the items onto the ground. A helpless smile formed on her face. “You’re going to be disappointed this time. The three of them have nothing of value. Looks like they hadn’t been here for a long time too. They didn’t collect any herbs…”

“What a pity…” Shang Xia looked through the items on the ground and discovered that there were several empty bottles. It was clear that they had used everything in there.

Seeing as there was nothing noteworthy on the ground, he turned to look at the spikes in Sun Haiwei’s hands. The signs of wear were clear. “Senior Sister Sun, your martial intent is too wasteful… You can’t possibly waste a pair of weapons after using your martial intent, right? You should look for a pair of graded weapons…”

Sun Haiwei rolled her eyes at him in annoyance. “Do you think graded weapons grow on trees?!”

Shang Xia chuckled in amusement, “Well… You’ll definitely be able to find it…”

Since the two of them were still on a mission, they decided to take their leave now that they had dealt with the danger.

Just as they were about to leave, a strange cry rang through the air. “Hey! Looks! It’s a Wind Manipulation Zoysia! This is a rank two herb! It’s one of the ingredients to create the Meridian Tempering Powder!”

Shang Xia turned to stare in the direction of the voice instantly.

Sun Haiwei raised her eyebrows in shock, but he had already disappeared by the time she turned to look at him.

“You know about the Meridian Tempering Powder?” Shang Xia’s voice rang in his ears just as he carefully plucked the zoysia from one of the cliff faces. He was startled and nearly tossed the herb away.

“Huh? Senior Brother Shang?” Chen Hanyang gasped when he noticed Shang Xia standing behind him. He quickly came back to his senses. “Oh? Are you talking about the Meridian Tempering Powder? Of course I don’t know much about it! It’s one of the most expensive medicines a disciple in the Martial Extremity Realm can use! I only heard about it in passing!”

Not too far from them, Dou Zhong and several other disciples also heard the commotion. They rushed over quickly but stopped when they saw that Shang Xia had already arrived.

Chen Hanyang saw the solemn expression on Shang Xia’s face and guessed that his senior brother really needed the medicine. A helpless chuckle escaped his lips. “Senior Brother Shang, I’m a student who studies herbs… That’s how I learned about the Wind Manipulation Zoysia! Also, none of the recipes on the Tongyou Peak can be used for medicine for cultivators at the Martial Extremity Realm. If you wish to learn about the Meridian Tempering Powder, you need to return to the institution. The medicine is extremely difficult to create, and not even rank two chemists would dare to take on the task of making it.”

Shang Xia thought about it for a moment and asked, “So… The institution does have the recipe to make the Meridian Tempering Powder…”

“Yeah… Of course! However, they will never teach it to outsiders.”

Shang Xia nodded slowly and looked at the herb in his hand. “Junior Brother Chen, let’s do a trade for this herb.”

Chen Hanyang handed the herb over to Shang Xia without even thinking about it. “What do you mean a trade? All of us here cannot even begin to thank you for the help you gave us. If you need it, you can have it!”

“No. I can’t accept this without giving you something in return…” Shang Xia paused for a second. “I admit. This Wind Manipulation Zoysia is extremely useful to me. Alright… The Meridian Tempering Powder should be priced close to three hundred silver essence… As one of the main ingredients of the medicine, let’s price the Wind Manipulation Zoysia at eighty silver essence…”

“That… That’s too much!” Chen Hanyang waved his hands and cried. “I’ll take fifty silver essence at most! I can’t accept any more than that!”

“That’s close enough…” Sun Haiwei appeared at the side and spoke up.

“Alright. Fifty silver essence it is then.” Shang Xia nodded his head before turning to look at Sun Haiwei, “Hehe, Senior Sister Sun, can you lend me some money right now? I’ll pay you back when we return…”


Zhou Yong started to panic when he saw Shang Xia keeping the herb. “Second brother, you need the Wind Manipulation Zoysia to advance too! Are we really letting him keep it?”

Dou Zhong stared at Shang Xia before sighing, “It’s true that the five of us would have been able to retreat from the battle eventually if things got ugly. However, they?saved all of us. Since he got there first, it won’t be appropriate for us to fight him for it.”

“Hmph… Second brother, you’re too honest for your own good! Do you think he cares about your feelings when he takes away the Wind Manipulation Zoysia? You might have already obtained one of the main ingredients to create your medicine, the Compelling Ningpo Wigfort, you still need the zoysia to perfect it!”

Dou Zhong chuckled. “There’s no need to rush… There’s still time! After all, it’s better to take the final step before trying to break through to the Martial Extremity Realm…”

A light flashed in Zhou Yong’s eyes. “This… Are you really going to comprehend your martial intent before stepping into the Martial Extremity Realm?”

Dou Zhong revealed a deep smile and replied, “I managed to gain some insights into it…”

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