Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1206: Star Beast Nest and Profit

Li Jidao mumbled softly, “Do you mean to say that high-level True Immortals would usually remain in the Star Beast Nest they found?”

Xing Xingtian replied seriously, “To be more exact, they have no choice but to guard the Star Beast Nests they have located. They are the first line of defense against those terrifyingly strong worlds out there. The moment they leave, I believe the Spirit Abundance World’s position would be revealed immediately!”

Xing Xingtian glanced at Liu Jingsheng suddenly and muttered, “If I’m not mistaken, the person guarding the first Star Beast Nest should be your junior brother, Huang Jinghan…”

Liu Jingsheng grunted once before he continued, “The Star Origin Guards’ information channel is impressive indeed… It’s indeed as you say.”

Xing Xingtian didn’t care about what Liu Jinsheng implied and he nodded slowly in response, “You guys better pray that the world you offended isn’t backed by any greater powers… It’s best not to allow other worlds to invade the Star Beast Nest you have taken control of. If you truly fail to keep it safe, it would be best to destroy it completely and wipe out all traces of its connection to your world. You should prevent the position of your world from being exposed while being able to retreat safely…”

A light flashed in Liu Jingsheng’s eyes. It seemed as though he had taken Xing Xingtian’s advice to heart.

On the contrary, Lu Wuzi was feeling the pressure as unease started to set in. According to their agreement back then, he would be taking over Huang Jinghan to guard the Star Beast Nest.

Zhang Xuansheng, who hadn’t said anything for some time, suddenly asked, “Since the high-level True Immortals of the Spirit Abundance World have been standing guard in the Star Beast Nests they located to prevent being invaded by other powerful worlds, why have we discovered many of them appearing around their worlds? Aren’t they afraid of being invaded now?”

Xing Xingtian glanced at Zhang Xuansheng with a face full of shock and muttered, “True Immortal Zhang, you also have very impressive information sources…”

Smiling softly, Zhang Xuansheng ignored the praise.

Xing Xingtian eventually continued, “It’s not difficult for them to head back. Like I said earlier, as long as they destroy the Star Beast Nest and hide all tracks of it in space, all they would lose is a Star Beast Nest and a platform to interact with higher-level worlds.”

“Since they are willing to give up on the secret region they discovered, there has to be something even more important! True Immortal Xing, I believe you should be even more well-informed than us since you have the Star Origin Dao Field behind you. Why don’t you share some pointers?” Yang Taihe questioned.

“True Immortal Yang, why are you so sure they found something more tempting than keeping the Star Beast Nest and not the fact that they were unable to withstand the invasion from stronger worlds?” Xing Xingtian asked in a strange tone.

An uncertain look flashed across Yang Taihe’s eyes but he maintained his composure and continued to ask, “What could cause so many high-level True Immortals of the various worlds to come back at the same time then? Could they have been invaded at the same time, or is there actually another reason that they decided to return?”

A dark light flashed through Xing Xingtian’s eyes and he growled, “True Immortal Yang, I don’t know what you’re implying, or what rumors you heard, but what I wish to tell you is that regardless of your intentions, blindly looking for Star Beast Nests is a dangerous operation that will endanger all of us. That’s all I’m going to say and you’re on your own.”

Shang Xia’s clone hadn’t said anything since he arrived and had been closely observing the conversation.

It wasn’t that he didn’t care about what they were talking about, but he was still just a clone. He lacked the same ability to react as well as his true body in most situations and his main task was to remember everything that happened so he could impart the memory to Shang Xia after he returned.

Also… From the looks of it, Xing Xingtian was blocked every step of the way when he tried to negotiate with the Spirit Luxuriant World.

The existence of Stargazers in the Tongyou Institution was something he already didn’t expect, and news of Shang Xia entering the fourth tier of the Marital Void Realm also caught him off guard.

Of those present, no one understood the implications of a high-level True Immortal of a world better than him.

As such, before he met Shang Xia’s true body, he had to adjust his attitude towards the Tongyou Institution and the Spirit Luxuriant World as a whole.

Too bad for him, he also seemed to have come a little too late as all he met was Shang Xia’s clone. He knew that Shang Xia’s true body had most likely already entered the Star Beast Nest and it was too late to say anything else.

Even at the end, he made a shocking discovery. The True Immortals of the Spirit Luxuriant World were far more united than he had thought… At the very least, that was what it seemed on the surface.

To his dismay, he knew that he had no other choice than to leave the Spirit Luxuriant World. The only thing he didn’t doubt was that they would heed his warning.

Since Shang Xia had already entered the Star Beast Nest, it was too late for him to say anything else. All he could do was to leave the True Immortals of the Spirit Luxuriant World to make the judgment by themselves. After all, the Spirit Luxuriant World already had a high-level True Immortal and would be able to tie up any loose ends if push came to shove.

Shang Xia didn’t know Xing Xingtian’s feeling after arriving in the Spirit Luxuriant World, as he had already arrived in a pretty strange looking secret region.

It looked like a fragmented world whose space had been cut up into multiple pieces, as rays of multicolored light scattered about.

It was a shame there were no Space Beasts left in the nest that could threaten him. Shang Xia estimated that every powerful beast should have already rushed out for the invasion.

That might be the case, but Shang Xia wasn’t careless. He carefully stretched his divine soul deeper into the Space Beast Nest and discovered that it was starting to twist in certain regions, and some of them were even severed completely. There were also several parts in the nest where his divine soul would crash into an impassable wall.

A sense of unease suddenly filled his heart and Shang Xia quickly released his domain.

His multicolored surroundings suddenly blew apart as starlight slowly started to scatter. The true appearance of the Star Beast Nest was eventually revealed to Shang Xia.

A massive mouth that resembled the abyss seemed to appear from behind him as it tried to swallow him whole as his domain was forced to compress slightly. However, strands of sword qi that were made from Six Direction Qi quickly rushed out from his body to fill his domain. Every one of them seemed to be made up of a different element.

The giant mouth hadn’t had time to close when it was shredded. Along with a pained howl, a strange Star Beast was revealed as it turned to run away.

However… How could Shang Xia allow it to escape so easily?

The sword qi he released started to gather together again, before turning into a giant revolving blade that seemed to contain the flow of time. It shot into the body of the beast at blinding speed and the beast started to crumble from the inside. It was as though the beast aged from the inside out and it eventually turned into a giant rotting corpse that was floating in the secret region.

That was a rank five Star Beast that was about to break through, which might be why it was left in the secret region. If it truly managed to break through before the invasion began, Shang Xia would have to face 3 rank six Star Beasts. Even with his strong cultivation base, he might not have been able to deal with them.

Naturally, if it was alone, there was no way it could harm Shang Xia.

As Shang Xia tried to look for the Star Core Essence of the beast, the corpse started to break down and scatter slowly across the lands.

The death of the beast that seemed to have aged countless times left barely nothing of value, and it was the reason Shang Xia barely used the Samsara Nether Blade he comprehended from the Twenty Four Solar Term Divine Blade Art.

Thankfully, it didn’t harm the Star Core Essence and Shang Xia was able to obtain it. Special treasures like that naturally possessed their special characteristics.

Carefully keeping the Star Core Essence, he was able to carefully observe the Star Beast Nest that had been fully exposed.

Even though heaven and earth qi was dense, it contained a lot of impurities. Shang Xia could feel many different types of Star Extermination Origin Qi within and other types of Star Fate Dipper Qi. They were so dense that Shang Xia could easily condense a few fate dipper essences if he wished.

Of course, it wasn’t time for him to do anything like it. He quickly filled the region with his divine soul to carefully inspect it.

The Star Beast Nest was several times larger than the first Star Beast Nest they found. The heaven and earth qi it contained was also a lot more dense and chaotic.

That wasn’t all. There were crystalized star extermination qi, Star Dipper Stones, Star Meteor Iron, Star Dust, Starlight Flower, Star Dew, and many other high-level treasures. Even for a high-level True Immortal like Shang Xia, he was fully dazzled.

When the Spirit Luxuriant World discovered their first Star Beast Nest, Shang Xia was also the first person to rush into it. However, he didn’t discover so many treasures when he entered.

One had to know that those were only treasures Shang Xia could find easily with a sweep of his divine soul. If he searched for real, he might be able to find even more impressive treasures!

“From the density of heaven and earth qi… This place is almost comparable to an Elysium!” Shang Xia couldn’t help but sigh.

Of course, being impressed was one thing, but his hands that were collecting his loot never stopped. Whatever he could get his hands on were thrown into his spatial artifact.

He also discovered another exit to the Star Beast Nest, and he wanted to take a look at whatever was outside.

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