Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1221: Five Peaks City’s Teleportation Formation

Beneath the Five Peaks Ridge in the Jiao Continent…

When Shang Xia exterminated Dugu Yuanshan’s soul in the past, the Five Peaks Ridge was created and it had already become a key stronghold of the Tongyou Institution in the Jiao Continent. The experts of the institution even established the Five Peaks City beneath the ridge.

Even though the Five Peaks Ridge was surrounded by a massive marsh back then, it had already been developed as many people could enter the Five Peaks City from the rest of the Jiao Continent. In recent years, the city has grown more and more bustling.

No one expected the Five Peaks City that always allowed anyone to enter and leave as they wished to seal itself off one day. They even activated the grand formation around their city and seemed to be ready for battle.

Many cultivators in the city started to discuss among themselves, and they were guessing if something big happened.

However, news quickly arrived that the Tongyou Institution’s formation in the north of the city was almost complete and the formation was a Teleportation Formation that led to the Tongyou City back in the You Continent!

As soon as they heard what happened, fervent discussions broke out in the city. After the news of the Teleportation Formation was verified by the experts of the Tongyou Institution, many cultivators started gathering their friends to head over to the north of the city to take a look.

To many of the low to mid-level cultivators, teleportation was something that only existed in legends. Even Martial Extermination Realm cultivators in the Spirit Luxuriant World could only make use of spatial tunnels to travel through a short distance in the void. Only experts who have reached the Martial Dipper Realm had the ability to create spatial tunnels on their own and travel through them.

That was also why many low to mid-level cultivators had never stepped out of their continents…

Even those cultivators who loved to adventure and wanted to travel to faraway places wouldn’t be able to go too far. After all, the time taken for the journey wasn’t the biggest problem they would face. Instead, the journey would be fraught with dangers.

However… If a Teleportation Formation that led to other continents was truly established, the situation would change completely.

Even low-level cultivators would be able to pass through the continent easily to arrive at the You Continent!

The Tongyou Institution might have already blocked off the region where the Teleportation Formation was located, but that didn’t stop cultivators from crowding around outside the cordoned region to take a look at what was happening/

As one of the super talents under the Tongyou Institution, Sun Haiwei had been stationed in the Jiao Continent to handle things there.

She was watching 2 Formation Grandmasters directing dozens of Formation Masters around as they carried out the final checks. With so much at stake, Sun Haiwei had personally taken charge of watching over the area.

With a fourth element Martial Dipper Realm expert like herself watching over the project, no one would dare to cause trouble.

It didn’t take long for the Formation Grandmasters to report that the formation was ready to be activated.

Sun Haiwei nodded with a solemn expression stuck to her face and she asked, “What is the time set by those at the institution?

“Exactly 12 noon…”

Raising her head to silently calculate the time, she eventually muttered, “Alright, let’s start the preparation now!”

With 30 minutes to noon, the Formation Grandmasters placed high-grade essence crystals of the five elements carefully around the core of the formation and prepared for the activation.

Powerful spatial fluctuation eventually emerged from the middle of the formation, but it didn’t cause any widespread destruction.

Along with the full activation of the Five Element Teleportation Formation, several low to mid-grade spiritual beasts stumbled onto the platform as they seemingly appeared from nowhere.

They quickly found their footing on the platform they arrived on before starting to run in various directions.

Sun Haiwei, who had long been prepared, waved her arms and sent all those spiritual beasts tumbling back onto the platform.

Nodding at the Formation Grandmasters on her side, they started another round of transfer as those beasts disappeared from the platform before reappearing in the You Continent.

Above the heavenly screen, the True Immortals of the Spirit Luxuriant World stared at what happened in Five Peaks City.

Watching how the beasts that were sent to the Jiao Continent returning to the You Continent, Liu Jingsheng gasped in admiration, “Looks like the Teleportation Formation is properly established…”

Yang Taihe’s clone mumbled from the side, “The spatial disturbance caused by the activation isn’t small indeed… It basically covered the entire city. However… It is true that there are no obvious tracks left of the transfer.”

As he spoke, he turned to look at Shang Xia’s clone that looked extremely relaxed. He wanted to ask more, but because his question might concern high-level secrets of the institution, Yang Taihe’s clone seemed a little too embarrassed to continue asking.

Naturally, he wasn’t the only person who was amazed and curious at the principles behind the formation that left no trace behind.

Noticing the flabbergasted expressions on the faces of those around him, Shang Xia simply looked in the direction of Five Peaks City with a smile. He pretended not to have seen anything.

The next second, the Teleportation Formation in the Five Peaks City emitted familiar spatial fluctuations once again and people started to walk out of it.

“Oh? Senior Brother Tian, why are you here?” Sun Haiwei raised her eyebrows in shock when she saw who had come.

Tian Mengzi held a talisman in his hand and grinned, “That’s because I have his.”

He was holding a rank five Five Element Teleportation Talisman Shang Xia made. Clearly, it was so he could easily escape in case anything went wrong with the transfer.

“Did you feel anything wrong during the process?” Sun Haiwei continued to ask.

Tian Mengzi shook his head and chuckled, “Everything was fine. However, if one hadn’t reached the Martial Intent Realm, they might feel a slight sense of discomfort as they hadn’t started cultivating their souls. The discomfort they feel should be proportional to how far they travel…”

Even though Tian Mengzi stepped off the platform, the spatial fluctuations remained.

Sun Haiwei couldn’t help but ask, “Are there more people coming?”

“Since there isn’t any problem with the transfer, we would have to test out sending cultivators of different levels.”

Soon after, cultivators of the institution ranging from the Martial Extermination Realm, Martial Intent Realm, Martial Extremity Realm, and even the Martial Realm arrived on the Jiao Continent.

Sometimes, only cultivators of a single level would appear and at other times, there would be a mix.

Above the heavenly screen, Yin Jingxu’s frown grew deeper as more and more cultivators of the You Continent arrived. Eventually, he mumbled, “There’s nothing more for us to see here. Since the formation works, we will fully support the establishment of the same formation to the Star Beast Nest!”

After he spoke, he cupped his fists towards the others before taking his leave.

Some of the others started chuckling under their breaths before bidding Shang Xia’s clone farewell.

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