Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 131: Sneak Attack!

Chapter 131: Sneak Attack!

Shang Xia had a feeling that the essence jade in his hand was capable of bringing him straight up to the large completion stage. However, it was no time to enter seclusion!

Perhaps, he could fool the two of them with his Water Repulsion Pearl and the hidden chambers, but once a Martial Intent Realm cultivator arrives, they would be able to sense everything with their divine sense! Nothing could hide from that!

Unless… Unless Shang Xia could learn how to use the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Grand Formation! Even a little bit would be more than enough!

He might have no idea how to utilize formations as complicated as the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Grand Formation, but he obtained the Fantasy Spiritual Pearl and the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Diagram! After playing with them for some time, he discovered some interesting uses.

Of course, he only managed to discover them after the pearl fused with the diagram.

For example, when Shang Xia fully opened the diagram the pearl would hover above it!

Shang Xia quickly discovered something new on the diagram. Previously, he could only see the four red dots and a large yellow dot. Now, there were two other green specks blinking on the diagram.

Those two specks were extremely close to him, and they were basically superimposed on each other.

Without a doubt, those two green flashes represented Murong Danran and Yuwen Changtian.

“Oh shit! This is a livestream!” Shang Xia gasped. However, there wasn’t a volume function to this. He had to listen to their conversation across the wall.

Well, that felt better anyway.

After listening to them for some time, Shang Xia started to twist the Fantasy Spiritual Pearl around. Indeed. He discovered that he could change the angle on the diagram! He could even zoom in and out as he wished!

Next, he tried tapping various spots on the diagram. He discovered that as long as he sent some of his inner qi into the diagram, he could view different locations in the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Spiritual World!

With the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Diagram, there was no such thing as a fog of war to Shang Xia any longer! If only he could reactivate the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Grand Formation. If that happened, wouldn’t that mean that he would be able to use it to attack his enemies?

Too bad he could only dream about it for the time being. He had no ability to reactivate the formation.

In fact, not even Murong Danran, a formation master, could activate the formation. At least, not alone.

The formation had been deactivated for more than ten years. It was practically impossible for anyone at their level to revive the formation alone! They would require a ton of help!

Shang Xia pointed at another location on the diagram, and it was where he entered the Coral Forest. It was extremely peaceful and there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary there, causing a wave of disappointment to wash over him.

If the formation underwater doesn’t open up, he wouldn’t be able to leave! There was no way to get outside help, and he wouldn’t be able to call for backup from the Tongyou Institution!

It seemed as though he would have to face everything alone!

One of the ideas he had was to leave before the Martial Intent Realm expert arrived. After all, the Coral Forest was massive! The Mountain and Sea Fantasy Spiritual World was merely one of the four spiritual lands possessed by the Zhu Family!

Despite that, leaving the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Spiritual World now would mean that Shang Xia would be placed in great danger. Remaining in the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Spiritual World meant that he could use the diagram to observe his surroundings and prepare for any dangers that might arise.

All of a sudden, Yuwen Changtian’s voice caught Shang Xia’s attention. “... I was thinking… Brother Ouyang and Brother Dongfang ran into trouble here too… For him to disappear in this area again… Could he be hiding nearby?”

Murong Danran muttered, “That makes sense. But you don’t need to worry. He’s only at the Martial Extremity Realm. He won’t be much stronger than me based on the battle earlier. He only managed to surprise us by hiding underwater. For him to move so easily underwater, he definitely has some sort of treasure that allows him to do so! However, he seems to be injured by Brother Changtian’s earlier attack. Otherwise, he would have tried to ambush us already!”

“That is true too. We don’t have to stay here to try to look for him. We can search for him elsewhere and when Senior Yuntian comes, we’ll dig him out of the ground!” Yuwen Changtian sighed.

Murong Danran shook his head and responded, “That’s not a good idea. We’re currently in the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Spiritual World. Even though the restrictions here have been deactivated, it’s still a massive maze. It might not be easy for us to return here after we leave. Let’s just remain here and wait for my martial uncle…”

Since Murong Danran had a way to contact members of his clan, Yuwen Changtian didn’t doubt that they would be able to locate him too. Listening to him wasn’t such a bad idea.

“Murong Yuntian?!” Shang Xia was no stranger to the name. He used to be known as Jia Yuntian back in the Tongyou Peak, and he was a spy for the Rose Party!

“Hmph… Enemies will inevitably cross paths…” Shang Xia growled.

“... I’m afraid that Senior Yuntian is still injured! I heard that he was attacked and cornered on the Tongyou Peak. When they saved him, he entered seclusion right away! Not that much time has passed and no one knows how much he recovered.” Yuwen Changtian said.

However, Murong Danran seemed extremely confident. “Brother Changtian, rest assured. After Martial Uncle Yuntian was brought over to us, the elders in our clan got him a portion of Meridian Replenishing Powder!”

“Meridian Replenishing Powder?!” Yuwen Changtian was slightly taken aback by the revelation.


“Meridian Replenishing Powder!” Shang Xia gasped in shock.

“That’s right. Even though the Meridian Replenishing Powder is a rank two medicine and isn’t too useful when it comes to treating injuries, it’s especially useful when it comes to healing his meridians. It’s exceptionally helpful to allow a heavily injured fighter to recover a portion of their strength.” Murong Danran went deeper into the details in order to reassure Yuwen Changtian. He didn’t know that everything he said had been heard by the spy next door.

“Martial Uncle Yuntian’s cultivation was at the peak of the Martial Intent Realm! Even with a portion of his strength, ordinary cultivators who had barely entered the Martial Intent Realm won’t be his match! How is that now? Brother Changtian, do you feel better about the situation now?” Murong Danran continued.

Yuwen Changtian chuckled softly. No longer bringing up the idea of going elsewhere to search for the hidden assassin, he continued to look around him cautiously.

All of a sudden, the feeling of death crept up in his mind as everything in his surroundings started to turn blurry.

“Be careful! He’s about to appear soon! Hurry up and break the illusion!” Yuwen Changtian roared.

“Mother fucker! He dares to attack us when we’re together?” Murong Danran cursed. He took out the liquid he used earlier and dabbed it onto the space between his eyebrows. He didn’t forget to remind Yuwen Changtian, “Stick your back against the wall! Don’t allow anyone to sneak up behind you! Watch me break this shitty illusion…!”

Before he could complete his sentence, a rumbling sound came from behind Murong Danran. His expression twisted immediately.

Even Shang Xia didn’t expect them to react that way! After learning that their backup was about to arrive, Shang Xia could only choose to carry out another round of sneak attacks. Forcefully using the Fantasy Spiritual Pearl by sending in some void and reality qi, he managed to send out illusions to the two standing on the other side of the wall. He knew that Murong Danran would be able to shatter the illusion quickly, and he launched his stronger attack the moment he opened the secret door.

Who would have thought that Murong Danran would convince his companion to stick his back against the wall? If he still failed to carry out his sneak attack, he would be insulting the great luck the heavens blessed upon him!

With their backs right in front of him, Shang Xia didn’t hesitate. His Chaos Essence Lightning Palm appeared instantly as their bodies started to shiver from the electric shock they were given.

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