Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 137: Large Completion Stage!

Chapter 137: Large Completion Stage!

All the members of the Rose Party in the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Spiritual World had already been killed by Shang Xia.

However, he felt that he couldn’t remain complacent. He knew that the Rose Party would definitely send more people over if they couldn’t get any response from those who had been sent there.

“I need to quicken my pace… I killed Murong Yuntian through pure luck. If another Martial Intent Realm expert comes, I won’t be able to deal with them! They might even send more than one!” Shang Xia muttered to himself.

Shang Xia reactivated the formation according to the records in the Mountain and Sea Recollection. Even though the formation hadn’t been activated for a long time, it wasn’t broken!

Especially after Murong Yuntian’s death. His inner qi seemed to be devoured by the formation, allowing it to restore itself to some degree.

As the lines along the wall became brighter, the Mountain and Sea Qi Gathering Formation started to work again. It had the ability to gather heaven and earth qi into the Mountain and Sea Fantasy Spiritual World!

Shang Xia could feel the density of the heaven and earth qi in the room growing quickly. However, he wasn’t in a rush to start his cultivation as he continued to observe the walls.

A moment later, the stone walls started to glow to resemble polished jade. According to the book, Shang Xia took out the Unstable Rock and tossed it into the water where he came from.

“Plop…” The instant it hit the water, strange runes started to appear all around it. Space seemed to twist and the spatial fluctuations expanded to fill the chamber.

The heaven and earth qi that filled the chamber was affected by the sudden change. Shang Xia felt a strange sensation pulling, pushing, and dragging him in all directions.

He felt his body grow lighter all of a sudden, but he would turn as heavy as a rock in the next instant.

The change happened extremely quickly, and the stone chamber seemed to have fallen into chaos.

Thinking back to the time when Liu Qinglan released the liquid that contained the properties of fire and ice, Shang Xia realized that the Unstable Rock he used as a catalyst earlier should be the key to the type of qi in the chamber! The heaven and earth qi in the chamber was probably transformed into light and heavy qi!

His Yin Yang Essence Qi started to transform quickly to complement the type of qi around him.

As he circulated his Yin Yang Mysterious Art, his body turned into a bottomless hole that started to devour the energy around him.

Shang Xia, who was concentrating on the circulation of his Yin Yang Mysterious Art, didn’t notice that his body was starting to float in the air. It would sink at times, but it would quickly bounce back up.

In the essence qi stone mine outside the Coral Forest…

After receiving Sun Haiwei’s report, the higher-ups of the institution immediately sent over several experts, along with members of the Shang Clan.

Looking at the pool of water that flooded the mine, Inner Division Instructor Gu Shou asked Sun Haiwei, “Did you go down to take a look?”

Sun Haiwei nodded. “Yeah! The hole in the ground was dug by a rank three undead corpse and we killed it to secure the mine. The hole seems to connect to a tunnel, but it stretches a long way! It seems to be in the direction of the Coral Forest, and I located a protection screen at the very end of the tunnel! I am unable to cross the protection screen, and I have no idea what lies behind it.”

With his stern expression and facial features that made him look a bit older than he actually was, Gu Shou turned to look at the actual elder standing beside him. He asked Shang Ke, “I’m not too familiar with whatever happened here. Senior Shang, do you have any ideas?”

Shang Ke chuckled in amusement, “Whatever the case, we need to head down for ourselves. If she’s right and the Coral Forest lies past the protection screen, Instructor Gu should understand what the implications are.”

Gu Shou nodded and turned to a young lady standing beside him who looked a little distracted. “Lass, it’s up to you!”

“Huh?” Snapping back to attention, a reluctant expression appeared on her face as she looked at the body of water in the mine. “Oh… Alright then… Let’s go take a look!”

In the stone chamber, everything looked to be really peaceful as Shang Xia hovered in mid air.

He had no idea what happened outside the Coral Forest, and if anyone were to watch him cultivating, they would see that the space around his body was slightly twisted. Something definitely looked off around him, but he gave off a strangely harmonic feeling with the world around him. It was difficult to describe the feeling in words.

The strange energy that surrounded him was precisely what allowed him to remain floating in mid air.

As Shang Xia turned his attention to his dantian, he discovered that the amount of light and heavy qi contained within was starting to reach the saturation point.

In other words, Shang Xia had truly entered the large completion stage of a Martial Extremity Realm cultivator!

Since he cultivated both extremities simultaneously, his speed of cultivation couldn’t be compared to other cultivators!

Back in the Polarity Essence Gathering Pool, Shang Xia confirmed that he had already surpassed the small completion stage of the Martial Extremity Realm but didn't quite reach the large completion stage.

Now that he found himself unable to take in any more heaven and earth qi, he knew that he had successfully stepped into the large completion stage! The Yin Yang Diagram in his dantian turned a lot more solid than before.

“Hah… I didn’t think that I would progress so quickly…” Thinking back to the time before he entered the battlefield between two worlds where his cultivation was at the grand completion stage of the Martial Realm, a sense of accomplishment filled his heart.

How long has it been since then?

Even though the frequent changes in the battlefield between the two worlds caused timekeeping to be a huge problem, Shang Xia was sure that not much time had passed. At the very least, the two month holiday given by the institution wasn’t over. Otherwise, they would already have received news on the Tongyou Peak.

“Well, whatever.” Shang Xia rotated his Yin Yang Diagram and started to transform the light and heavy qi back into his Yin Yang Essence Qi.

All of a sudden, the blood-red tablet in his sea of consciousness experienced some changes.

Looking at the words on the tablet, he noticed the difference instantly.

Martial Intent: Yin Yang Sword Formation (Can be advanced)

Prerequisite Cultivation Technique: Yin Yang Mysterious Transformation (Large Completion Stage) (Ice and Fire, Softness and Strength, Void and Reality, Light and Heavy)

Prerequisite Martial Art: Flexible Sword Art, Cloud Drizzle Sword Art

Subsequent Martial Art: None

Requirement: Yin Yang Diagram


Medicine Required: Meridian Tempering Powder, Meridian Replenishing Powder

Required Item: Yin Yang Sword Talisman

Success Rate: 75%-85%

Compared to when he just obtained the Cloud Drizzle Sword Art, the name of his prerequisite cultivation technique changed from the Yin Yang Mysterious Art to the Yin Yang Mysterious Transformation!

Shang Xia was visibly surprised. He realized that the change might not have anything to do with the tablet! He thought about it during his cultivation process about how his inner qi transformed to possess different attributes, and now it seemed as though it had been reflected in the name of his technique!

“Perhaps… Perhaps the tablet can change based on my thoughts!” Shang Xia muttered to himself before looking at the other changes.

The Vigorous Sword Art and Formless Sword Art were gone. In their place was the Flexible Sword Art. The Cloud Drizzle Sword Art was a new addition.

Shang Xia thought about the reason behind the change, and it might be because he fused strength and softness qi and unleashed the final move of the Flexible Sword Art. After getting his inspiration from the fusion, he managed to incorporate it into every stroke.

That would provide an explanation for why he no longer needed two sword techniques for softness and strength qi respectively.

As for the Cloud Drizzle Art, Shang Xia also fused void and reality qi together when he sneak attacked Sima Like under the water.

The final test he could use to prove his guess was the Twisting Twin Blades.

Enough of sword techniques. Shang Xia looked at the success rate and it returned to its original value.

Since he obtained the Meridian Replenishing Powder from Murong Yuntian, the only medicine left was the Tempering Meridian Powder!

Once he was ready with all his preparations, he would create the Yin Yang Sword Talisman and try to comprehend his Martial Extremity Intent, the Yin Yang Sword Formation!

Shang Xia opened his eyes and nearly yelled out loud. However, he discovered he was floating in the air and his eyes widened in shock. With his mental state disturbed, he fell butt-first into the ground below.

Luckily for him, he was pretty close to the ground.

Crawling to his feet, Shang Xia tried to transform his inner qi into light and heavy qi. He tried to float in the air but to no avail.

It’s probably related to the Mountain and Sea Qi Convergence Formation…

Shang Xia quickly came to a conclusion. He only managed to do what he did because he absorbed the qi around him. He formed a miraculous balance with the surrounding qi, allowing him to float in the air. Since he completed his cultivation, he could no longer achieve the state of equilibrium!

Light and heavy qi… Perhaps my movement technique will receive a huge boost thanks to my comprehension this time!

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