Chapter 180: Surprise!

As two of them went to intercept Shang Xia, none of their teammates found it off. After all, Shang Xia’s attack when he just appeared was too terrifying!

Killing a Martial Intent Realm expert at the Martial Extremity Realm was terrifying enough! However, he did it in one strike!

Of course, everything they saw was on the surface. Shang Xia knew that his situation wasn’t as good as they were thinking.

The experts of the Rose Party weren’t some third-rate trash like Zhu Ying. Moreover, he was suppressed by too many divine senses when he first appeared.

If he wanted to attack, he needed to break through the suppression of those Martial Intent Realm experts. He had to use quite a bit of energy to do so.

The previous exchange allowed him to confirm his guess. His sword formation was able to counter the effects of their divine sense! Of course, he had to deploy it in order for it to work!

As long as he remained in the radius of his sword formation, he would be protected fully! In fact, he wouldn’t even feel the slightest bit of pressure coming from their divine sense.

Naturally, doing that came at a massive cost. His inner qi consumption became a huge issue.

When he activated the Yin Yang Sword Formation, he was able to kill Martial Intent Realm experts with no problem. Since the time taken for him to unleash the strike was short, his consumption of inner qi shouldn’t be something he couldn’t withstand. However, resisting their divine sense was a whole other issue.

Even with his huge reserves, resisting two different divine senses from two experts drained him quite a bit!

Now that he was under attack by two Martial Intent Realm experts, he had to unleash his sword formation once again! Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to exert half of his fighting abilities with the suppression of their divine sense.

That was the true reason behind the terror of Martial Intent Realm cultivators! They could easily defeat lower leveled cultivators with their divine sense alone!

That was also why Shang Xia didn’t bother playing tricks or dodging their pincer attack. Instead, he increased his speed and charged straight towards them.

He was afraid that if he had to sustain his sword formation for a longer time, he would die without them doing anything! The faster he ended the battle, the better!

“Kill him!” The two experts of the Rose Party yelled in unison and revealed a sinister smile.

They felt that their companion only died because he was caught off guard.

Well, they weren’t wrong. At the very least, Shang Xia couldn’t kill them as easily as he killed the other.

Anyway, Shang Xia’s target wasn’t to kill them with his sword formation. Without caring about the waste of resources, three rank three talismans flew out at the two of them.

Those were the treasures he picked out from Zhu Ying’s corpse, and the divine sense that was supposed to be in them had long dissipated. They were merely ordinary rank three talismans now.

Even though the talismans weren’t very effective in dealing with the Martial Intent Realm cultivators, they couldn’t really ignore them either!

Choosing to defend themselves while still continuing their assault on Shang Xia, they released a burst of inner qi.

To the two of them, defending against those weak talismans wasn't hard. They barely had to waste any time. However, that was the opening Shang Xia was looking for. Rushing past them, he charged straight at the Martial Intent Realm expert who was fighting Peng Lanqing.

Shang Xia was clear that the two of them had already raised their guards against him. Even if his sword formation was strong, he wouldn’t be able to kill both at once!

In that case, he chose to confuse them with a distraction!

With Peng Lanqing already holding the other two of them down, making a sneak attack would be enough to send those opponents to the depths of hell! No matter what, the members of the Rose Party would die.

Peng Lanqing was extremely deserving of his status as an instructor of the outer division. He might have exhausted a lot of energy, but he was still holding on strong. He was in no way weaker than Shang Ke before he entered the Martial Extermination Realm.

The only reason he hadn’t defeated his enemies was because there were too damn many of them!

Now that two of them had left to intercept someone else, the last two had to bear an extraordinary amount of pressure. Peng Lanqing immediately gained the upper hand, but killing the enemy instantly was next to impossible.

Shang Xia’s appearance changed that!

Rushing at Peng Lanqing’s opponents, another sword appeared in Shang Xia’s hand. A loud blast tore through the air as two streaks of reddish-gold lightning bolts tore through the air and struck both of Peng Lanqing’s opponents.

Shang Xia’s Chaos Essence Lightning Palm might be strong, but it wasn’t enough to critically injure an expert of the Martial Intent Realm yet.

Despite that, his attack was extraordinarily fast! Before anyone could react, the two lightning bolts struck them! In a state of shock, the two of them fumbled.

That was what Shang Xia was aiming for too.

Peng Lanqing was an experienced cultivator. He wouldn’t miss the chance Shang Xia created for him.

Unleashing all his energy at once, he attacked his opponents without hesitation. In fact, he seemed to want to drag his opponent to hell with him from the intensity of his offensive.

The situation changed once again. Peng Lanqing’s opponents also released everything they had to defend themselves desperately. His sudden movements revealed a weakness that Shang Xia was all too happy to capitalize on.

With the Yin Yang Sword Formation doing its thing, a shrill ringing tore through the air. Shang Xia revealed his true plan. His targets were the ones held down by Peng Lanqing! Shang Xia’s inner qi gushed out from his body. Ignoring his consumption, a sea of sword light swallowed one of them. As a grunt echoed in Shang Xia’s ears, the cultivator who was focus fired by Shang Xia detonated his weapon.

Shang Xia’s expression changed slightly. Even though his target managed to escape, he paid a heavy price. His right hand was chopped in half.

Thinking that he had already escaped, the cultivator wanted to heave a sigh of relief when a palm came crashing down on his head. He failed to react and he crumbled to the ground instantly. He was deader than dead…

A roar rang in the distance as Peng Lanqing’s opponent spat out several mouthfuls of blood. It seemed as though Shang Xia’s tactic was extremely successful as he allowed Peng Lanqing to obtain an upper hand against the last one!

All of a sudden, Peng Lanqing stared at Shang Xia and yelled, “Be careful!”

Instinctively, Shang Xia leaped forward and flew tens of feet away.

By the time he crawled to his feet, he saw two shadows behind him and waves of heaven and earth qi brushed against him. He nearly fell face-first inyo the ground again.

Looking back, he saw Peng Lanqing standing in his original spot. The two Martial Intent Realm cultivators who were left behind earlier finally reacted, and they wanted to chase Shang Xia down. However, Peng Lanqing was terrifyingly strong. Without their companions to assist them, they were no match for Peng Lanqing! One of them flew through the air while vomiting blood while the other grabbed his broken hand while retreating slowly.

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