Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 195: Other Powers in the Tongyou City

Chapter 195: Other Powers in the Tongyou City

Back in the Tongyou Institution…

News of Kou Chongxue’s injuries had spread through the lands. Undercurrents were surging through the city but the four great clans slammed their doors shut, refusing to receive any guests. The only expert left in the institution was Yun Jing.

Since she was the only one who couldn’t hole up somewhere and hide from everyone, she received many requests to see her. Since the incident where the information was leaked, it was Song You’s third time reporting to her.

Yun Jing seemed to be deep in thought as she wore a blank stare on her face.

“Is it them again?” A soft sigh left her lips before Song You could say anything.

Raising his head slightly, he saw Yun Jing turning to look at him.

Her appearance was pretty ordinary, and she dressed simply. Those who didn’t know would think that she was an ordinary middle aged lady.

However, the poise of a Martial Extermination Realm expert could never be hidden from the world. There was an exquisite air around her.

Song You lowered his head instinctively. “Yes… Other than Wei Zhongwen from the Ji Continent and Chang Huaiwu from the Bing Continent, You Haibiao of the Qing Continent has also arrived. Many experts from the various families have arrived. Even though it seems calm on the surface, some of them have already begun to move secretly.”

A sneer left Yun Jing’s lips and she glanced at Song You from the corner of her eye. “Do you have any idea how we should deal with it?”

“The key lies with Patriarch Kou. If Patriarch Kou makes an appearance…”

He hadn’t completed his sentence when he felt Yun Jing’s death stare on?him. His throat bobbed slightly and his lips twitched slightly. “Now that everyone has set their sights on our Institution, we might cause more panic if we refuse to give an explanation. If Patriarch Kou can make an appearance, we should be able to quell all their thoughts of defiance.”

After he spoke, he raised his head carefully to look at Yun Jing. He heaved a sigh of relief after noticing how she was deep in contemplation.

Right before she could say anything, her gaze shifted to the entrance of the main hall.

Song You swallowed a mouthful of saliva when he saw her action, but the sound of hurried footsteps gave him the explanation he needed.

More than half the strength of the Tongyou Institution were sent to the battlefield between two worlds. The number of Martial Intent Realm experts who remained were few and far between. There were only a select few who could enter the main hall as they wished. It didn’t take long for Song You to guess the identity of the newcomer.

Yu Duhe, one of the heads of the Outreach Division, scurried into the hall. He held a report in his hand that had been delivered by a mutated fowl they tamed in the battlefield between two worlds.

“Urgent report from the Tongyou Peak!”

Yu Duhe handed a bamboo pipe that was the size of a thumb to Yun Jing the moment he entered. There were countless restrictions around it, stopping anyone unauthorized from reading its contents.

Receiving the bamboo pipe, A soft glow enveloped the object as the restrictions were broken by Yun Jing. She quickly scanned through the contents.

Song You whispered softly to Yu Duhe. “What is the report about?”

Yu Duhe shook his head and sighed, “It’s surrounded by a rank four restriction. Neither of us is qualified to open it.”

Right after he spoke, the two of them noticed a smile appearing on Yun Jing’s face.

“Song You, since they wish to meet me, bring them in!” Yun Jing’s indifferent voice rang through the hall.

Even so, Song You seemed to hear the unwavering confidence in her voice. It was as though they held the absolute advantage. A huge weight seemed to be lifted off his shoulders. “I’ll bring them over right now!”

The moment he turned around, Yun Jing’s voice rang in his mind again. “Oh right. Lift the martial law imposed on the city. They can move about in the morning, but the night curfew will remain!”

Song You nearly tripped over himself when he heard the order. Even Yu Duhe didn’t understand what was going on. “Instructor Yun, shouldn’t we lift the martial law after the other deputy patriarchs return?”

The smile on Yun Jing’s face grew even wider. “There’s no need for that anymore.”

“There’s a rank five undead corpse after him! Be careful of traps!” Yan Su’er’s warning came a little too late.

When Shang Xia killed Zhu Ying previously, his body had been preserved perfectly. Only when Shang Ke retrieved it earlier and used it to block She Zhihong’s attack did the body explode into a rain of blood that fell on the Four Spiritual Peak.

The moment it did, a huge path formed with yellow-colored clouds appeared in the skies above the Four Spiritual Peak.

A withered corpse appeared in the blink of an eye. Even though it was several miles away earlier, it arrived after taking three huge steps! A ferocious glare landed on She Zhihong.

The fourth layer Martial Extermination Realm expert felt his limbs going cold instantly. He was so surprised by the sudden change in the situation that he didn’t pull his spear back in time.

“Fate… Fate Dipper! Martial Dipper Realm!” She Zhihong’s voice trembled violently as he choked out the few words.

A loud howl left the withered corpse’s lips, and the resulting soundwave tore open the clouds that gathered above the Four Spiritual Peak.

Everyone could hear the desperation and maniacal intent in its voice.

Shang Ke’s body was frozen in mid air. He was afraid that any movements he made would attract a round of abuse from the rank five undead corpse.

She Zhihong was utterly confused at the moment. Even though he had no idea what was going on, he could tell that the undead corpse was full of killing intent! And he was its target!

Instinctively, he dove into the protection barrier around the Four Spiritual Peak!

His actions became the prologue for whatever came next.

Following She Zhihong’s figure, the rank five undead corpse dove downwards too.

Noticing that the corpse was no longer paying attention to himself, a single thought formed in Shang Ke’s mind. “Run!”

He had to make his escape immediately!

Sima Zhanxing looked at the undead corpse that was chasing behind She Zhihong and quickly turned to stare at the fleeing Shang Ke. A bad premonition filled his mind. “That… That corpse that exploded earlier! Shit!”

Gritting his teeth, Sima Zhanxing?flew into the air.

Even though he had already guessed what had happened, he realized that he had no choice but to assist the Four Spiritual Peak in stopping the rank five undead corpse!

“Do not enter the Four Spiritual Peak!” Yan Su’er’s voice rang in the distance, but she sped towards the Four Spiritual Peak at the fastest speed possible.

Too bad she wasn’t fast enough. Even though her speed was comparable to She Zhihong, one of them was a lot closer to the barrier than the other. Moreover, She Zhihong was running desperately and it wouldn’t be easy for him to change directions even if he wanted to.

“It’s over!” Yan Su’er’s face turned as white a sheet and a feeling of powerlessness filled her body.

With no other choice, she could only return to the Four Spiritual Peak.

As the protection formation was only controlled by Martial Intent Realm disciples, they would never be able to hold out against the frenzied attacks of the rank five undead corpse. Yan Su’er had to return to take charge of the situation!

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