Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 197: Broken Barrier!

Chapter 197: Broken Barrier!


A crisp slap rang through the air and it sent Lang Jingyun’s four segmented whip flying in the other direction.

At the critical moment, Liu Qinglan arrived. Her timely appearance saved Shang Ke from certain death.

Retrieving his whip, Lang Jingyun felt a stinging sensation in his arms and he frowned in disbelief.

The war ended not too long ago, but it seemed as though Liu Qinglan’s strength improved significantly!

Lang Jingyun could only curse in his heart about the speed at which those freaks from the Tongyou Institution cultivated.

Liu Qinglan didn’t know the complex thoughts flowing through Lang Jingyun’s head and her whip flew through the air towards him.

After killing the rank four snake and obtaining its tendon, she managed to upgrade her seven segmented whip to an eight segmented whip! Even though it wasn’t a high-grade weapon, the power it possessed was phenomenal! Moreover, she became a lot stronger with the weapon in hand.

As their weapons tangled together, Lang Jingyun realized that killing Shang Ke would be impossible with Liu Qinglan present.

He also managed to discover a queer disturbance near the Four Spiritual Peak. Deciding to return, he made a signal towards Lu Zhanyi and the two of them disengaged immediately. They retreated in the direction of the Four Spiritual Peak.

Having crawled back from the gates of hell, Shang Ke didn’t even have time to thank Liu Qinglan as he retrieved a bottle of medicine to treat his injuries. If there was any delay, he might be sent straight back to the netherworld he barely escaped from.

“Who would have thought that you would be able to refine an extermination origin. Looks like the Shang Clan will turn into the strongest clan in the Tongyou City…” Liu Qinglan’s expression was complicated as she stared at the recovering Shang Ke.


With his pale face, Shang Ke felt a lot better after consuming the medicine. After thanking her, he sighed softly, “Without my third brother, our Shang Clan will still only possess one Martial Extermination Realm expert. Our strength would remain the same! There’s no way we would become the strongest clan in the city.”

Liu Qinglan’s expression changed instantly. A look of fright appeared on her face. “Don’t tell me… No… The report sent to the Tongyou Peak was stamped with Shang Bo’s insignia, he can’t be dead!”

Shang Ke suppressed his injuries and explained, “Shang Bo withdrew as the patriarch of our Shang Clan. He’s planning to focus on being the deputy patriarch of the Tongyou Institution and give it his all!”

Pausing for a second, he turned to look at Liu Qinglan. “This… Nevermind… Let’s not talk about this for now!”

Liu Qinglan gasped in shock, but a smile soon appeared on her face. “That’s great! It’s something worthy of celebration for our institution! Also, I think congratulations are in order for your ascension as the Shang Clan Patriarch!”

“You should know that I am greatly against the idea of Shang Bo doing that…” Shang Ke sighed and waved his hands to dismiss her blessings. Pausing for a second, he continued, “Even though Liu Jitang is dead, his son, Liu Zhiyuan, has entered the Martial Extermination Realm. The four great clans will remain as such, but our institution will lose a deputy patriarch.”

Nodding solemnly, Liu Qinglan replied, “I knew about Deputy Patriarch Jitang’s death. I thought that the Liu Clan would decline because of it. Now that Liu Zhuyuan has broken through, things should be alright.”

“Looks like you received news about the rank five undead corpse. Let’s circle back to the Four Spiritual Peak and see how much destruction it can cause!” Shang Ke muttered.

A smile appeared on Liu Qinglan’s face. “Of course we have to return. It’s the best chance we’re going to get! Now that they’re the ones in danger, it’s time for us to profit from their misfortune! As for your injuries…”

“I’m fine! If the undead corpse can really shatter the barrier around the Four Spiritual Peak, I wouldn’t mind sacrificing half my life for it!”

The two of them quickly rushed towards the Four Spiritual Peak.

A strange look appeared on Shang Ke’s face when he noticed several cultivators following behind Liu Qinglan.

“You brought our disciples here too?”

“Once the barrier breaks, we need some experts to clear up the trash…”

Shang Xia was pretty regretful that he didn’t pester Shang Ke to bring him along, but he trudged on towards the Four Spiritual Peak nonetheless.

Along the way, the Lightning Bird that returned to relay the news met up with him!

He didn’t know if he would be able to make it in time for the battle that was bound to happen on the Four Spiritual Peak!

For them to be able to stand against the Tongyou Institution for the past twenty years, no one knew how deep their foundations went. Both sides experienced countless casualties after so many years of fighting, but neither could suppress the other.

With a chance to destroy the stalemate, the members of the Tongyou Institution wouldn’t miss out on the great show! Once the Four Spiritual Peak was decimated, the four great races that made up the Four Spiritual Peak’s strength would receive a huge blow!

Their accumulations would be plundered mercilessly, and the Tongyou Institution would secure their advantage in the battlefield between two worlds with no problems at all!

The Lightning Bird circled around Shang Xia as it chirped angrily. It seemed to be scolding Shang Xia for not moving fast enough. With its speed, it could have made two round trips to the Four Spiritual Peak in the time it took Shang Xia to travel.

“Damn bird, shut up!” Shang Xia snapped in irritation. “Look at you! You’re a tiny little shit! When you grow bigger, this granddaddy here will ride on you as we soar to the skies.”

An angry chirp rang in Shang Xia’s ears as a lightning bolt fell from the skies.

“Hah! You dare to strike me with lightning? Don’t you know that you got your abilities from me?!” Shang Xia leaped into the air and boosted himself on a tree nearby. Rising high, he pointed at the lightning bird and a thick bolt of lightning flew at it.

Releasing a clear cry, the Lightning Bird flapped its wings slightly. It seemed to be taunting Shang Xia to make him send more lightning bolts its way.

Scolding it jokingly, the two of them messed about all the way until they caught sight of the Four Spiritual Peak in the distance.

After so long, Shang Xia finally arrived! He stared at the Martial Extermination Realm experts hovering in mid air as they stared down the Four Spiritual Peak.

He really wanted to know what was happening in there, but from afar, everything looked as peaceful as could be.

That was what he could see on the surface. With so many Martial Extermination Realm experts surrounding the Four Spiritual Peak, it was naturally easy to infer that things weren’t going too well inside.

The thing that Shang Xia found incredulous was that the rank five undead corpse had clearly entered the barrier. However, the protection formation didn’t seem to be destroyed!

He wondered if the members of the Four Spiritual Peak had water in their brains. Why would they allow Zhu Tong to enter the barrier?!

As he stood there in confusion, the peaceful situation started to change. In an instant, the world before his eyes experienced a heaven-shaking transformation.

The protection barrier around the Four Spiritual Peak fluctuated violently and it popped like a bubble!

An earth-shattering explosion rang through the skies and the four mountains that made up the Four Spiritual Peak shook violently. One of the peaks crumbled completely, and one of them was on the verge of destruction. Another looked as though someone cleaved a giant chopper through the body of the mountain, and only one of the peaks remained relatively safe.

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