Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 299: Killing Chen Sanyang

Chapter 299: Killing Chen Sanyang

Obtaining the two most important treasures Lin Yi possessed, Shang Xia was satisfied. He casually tossed everything left into his Embroidered Cloud Case without examining them closely.

Next, he had to catch up to Chen Sanyang!

However, he made a huge miscalculation. He had to kill Chen Sanyang before he left the Thousand Leaf Mountain Range! If he allowed Chen Sanyang to leave the mountain range, his actions might be discovered!

He felt lucky that Lin Yi sent himself to death earlier. He wasn’t prepared for Shang Xia’s attack earlier, and Shang Xia didn’t exert too much energy.

Running in the direction Chen Sanyang left, not many clues were left for him to accurately track the man.

Since he knew Chen Sanyang was returning to the Changfeng City, he wouldn’t be wrong if he headed in the same general direction. His only hope lay in Yan Ni’er. He prayed that the little bird knew what he meant when he gestured to her earlier. If she knew what his intentions were, things were over for Chen Sanyang. After all, she could even track Martial Extermination Realm experts, much less a Martial Intent Realm Chen Sanyang.

Running through the Thousand Leaf Mountain Range, he discovered he made a huge mistake. If Yan Ni’er was tracking Chen Sanyang, how the hell was she supposed to tell him which direction to go? In hindsight, he should have brought the four little birds along with him. With the four of them, they could relay the message to him.

Now, he could only hope that Chen Sanyang would take a short break so that Yan Ni’er could return to tell him where to go.

While waiting for him to point him in Chen Sanyang’s direction, Shang Xia didn’t stop moving. Seeing as he was about to leave the Thousand Leaf Mountain Range with no sign of Yan Ni’er, Shang Xia became slightly irritated. He even wondered if Chen Sanyang discovered her presence.

Yan Ni’er might not be as fast as the Lightning Bird, but she could still fly faster than Martial Extermination Realm cultivators. Moreover, not many people would pay attention to a mere bird.


The problem was if she was discovered by the other party. She might be able to fly quickly, but she was still a little bird at the end of the day. If Chen Sanyang wanted to kill her and laid down a trap, it was highly possible she would be dead.

As worry started to overwhelm him, a familiar cry rang in the skies above.

A look of joy appeared on Shang Xia’s face as he turned around to stare at the source of the cry. However, a look of confusion quickly formed on his face. Why did Yan Ni’er appear from the East? That wasn’t where the Changfeng City was located.

Naturally, it wasn’t time for him to think about all that. He ran towards her quickly.

Yan Ni’er seemed to be really anxious when she came, and the moment she saw Shang Xia, she turned around and sped off.

No longer caring about his usage of inner qi, Shang Xia tried his best to keep up. Every time he leaped off a hill, he would use his Origin True Qi to glide in the air. He could cover a longer distance that way.

With his speed, he traveled several miles in one short hour. He finally saw Yan Ni’er who was making circles in the air above.

It seemed as though he was nearing his target.

Slowing down to catch his breath, Shang Xia restricted his aura once again. He carefully walked in the direction Yan Ni’er was circling to look for traces of Chen Sanyang.

Before he could locate the man, Shang Xia discovered a massive path that cut through the mountain range.

“Why are we here?!” A frown could be seen on Shang Xia’s face as he observed the path that was barely five feet in width before him. It snaked across the entire mountain range, and he quickly discovered the presence of some other people.

The path stretched across the Thousand Leaf Mountain Range and connected the border of the Ji Continent to the Changfeng City. It was also the only path that carriages could travel through.

Ordinarily, the path would be populated with merchant carriages or people who were traveling between the continents. Nothing was different when Shang Xia arrived.

At that moment, Chen Sanyang was hiding on a nearby hill as if he was waiting for someone to arrive.

A chill ran through Shang Xia’s heart. He knew that he had to deal with the hidden threat that was Chen Sanyang as quickly as he could. If he allowed the person Chen Sanyang was waiting for to appear, things would become troublesome!

However, there were too many people traveling around. No matter how Shang Xia went about doing it, he was bound to be discovered.

Shang Xia was a decisive person regardless. Since there was no way of dragging it out any longer, he chose to make his move. Retracting his aura, he merged his divine sense with the world around him.

He started moving towards Chen Sanyang but he discovered that on the hill where Chen Sanyang was, there wasn’t much to hide behind. He was able to conceal his aura, but he couldn’t hide his physical body!

Even though there were talismans that could allow him to hide his body, Shang Xia could only create a rank one talisman called the Shadow Talisman that allowed him to remain unseen when he was in a shadow.

The hill Chen Sanyang was on didn’t possess any cover at all, much less a shadow he could hide in. Not to mention the fact that he could only remain undiscovered when he wasn’t moving while hidden.

Helpless, Shang Xia could only choose to approach Chen Sanyang cautiously with the intention to strike at any time.

Sneaking slowly behind Chen Sanyang, Shang Xia eventually got thirty feet of him.

At that moment, Chen Sanyang seemed to have felt something and he started to turn his head.

Knowing that he was about to be discovered, the Scarlet Star Spear appeared in Shang Xia’s hand and he got ready to attack. All of a sudden, a sharp cry rang above Chen Sanyang’s head. When Chen Sanyang raised his head to look at the skies above, he was shocked by a ray of grayish lightning rushing down towards him.

He jumped in fright, retreating close to five feet with a single leap to avoid Yan Ni’er’s ambush.

A trace of annoyance could be seen on his face as he chopped out with his right hand. The heaven and earth qi around him seemed to ignite as sparks flew all around. A fiery blade shot towards Yan Ni’er.

Yan Ni’er wasn’t stupid. All she wanted to do was to distract Chen Sanyang. She knew that she wasn’t strong enough to fight a Martial Intent Realm expert.

When Chen Sanyang leaped backward earlier to dodge Yan Ni’er’s sudden attack, Yan Ni’er hurriedly flapped her wings to return to the skies above.

The fire blade created by Chen Sanyang struck nothing, but he couldn’t care less about that. He could feel a terrifying killing intent rising behind him and the hair on his neck was already standing erect.

It was a distraction?! Someone is actually behind me! Shit! I was played by that fucking bird!

Chen Sanyang forced his body forward and pushed off with all his might.

A terrifying aura emerged behind where he stood, and the top of the hill seemed to be flipped over by a wave of heaven and earth qi. As he flew forward, he felt countless rays of sharp qi flying past him. Waves of pain started assaulting him as he felt many wounds cutting deep into his bones.

Even after suffering so much pain, he was unable to catch a glimpse of his attacker! He had no idea who was trying to kill him!

He could only continue to run forward while disregarding his injuries.

The winding path that connected the Ji Continent to the Changfeng City was right in front of him! Once he arrived, he would definitely run into some merchant groups. There would probably be some martial artists protecting the convoys and he might be able to use them to distract the person who sneak attacked him!

Even though it would cause some casualties among those merchant groups or random groups of travelers, Chen Sanyang could care less about them! He was from the Azure Spiritual World to begin with! He couldn’t wish for more people of the Azure Origin World to die.

Shang Xia didn’t expect Chen Sanyang to be so sensitive to danger. Neither did he expect Chen Sanyang to be an expert at the large completion stage of the Martial Intent Realm! It seemed as though everyone was hiding their strength nowadays. Everyone was clever. They wouldn’t reveal their true cultivation level or hidden cards unless they were forced into a corner!

Even though he unleashed his third move earlier, Flashing Meteor, he only slightly injured Chen Sanyang.

Thankfully, Shang Xia had already made his preparations. He didn’t expect to kill Chen Sanyang with his first move, and he quickly followed behind Chen Sanyang. He didn’t forget to wrap a piece of cloth around his face to hide his appearance before rushing down the hill.

Releasing his divine sense, he locked onto Chen Sanyang who was barely ten feet away from him.

Their divine senses clashed with each other as Chen Sanyang tried to resist the suppression that came along with the lock-on.

Even though Shang Xia’s cultivation level wasn’t as high as Chen Sanyang, he wasn’t losing any ground. In fact, his divine sense seemed to possess an edge over his opponent.

The two of them charged downhill, causing the merchants who were using the path to panic.

Screams filled the air and there were some curses mixed within. There were even some brave individuals who didn’t care who the two of them were and started attacking indiscriminately.

Chen Sanyang knew that he couldn’t give his enemy any opening. Every time he was distracted by the martial artists in front of him, a powerful attack would come from behind.

As for Shang Xia, he steeled his heart. Since he decided to kill Chen Sanyang, he was going to go all out. Those who distracted him from his tasks were thrown to the side mercilessly.

“Who are you? Who the fuck are you?!” Chen Sanyang screamed in terror, but he didn’t dare to turn his head. A feeling of despair crept into his heart.

However, a rumbling sound came from the foot of a nearby hill. From the sound of it, they were rushing towards him at a terrifying speed.

Soon after, several riders mounted on Scarlet Cloud Horses appeared in Chen Sanyang’s vision.

The killing intent behind him disappeared suddenly. Those riders who appeared were like angels to him, and he waved to them desperately. “Save me, please save me!”

All of a sudden, a small hole appeared in his thigh. Losing balance, he crashed into the ground with a loud thud.

The story Lin Yi told him earlier surfaced in his mind. Looking at the wound on his thigh, he recalled Lin Yi’s story of how a weird spearman killed three of his fellow comrades. According to Lin Yi, the spearman had a way of striking his enemy without the spear actually making contact.

“It’s him!” Struggling to get up, Chen Sanyang stared at the riders who were closing in on him and tried to yell, “Sha…”

A spear descended from the heavens and lodged itself deep in Chen Sanyang’s throat, interrupting whatever he was trying to say.

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