Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 395: -I need my brains to think for a better name- (cont)

Chapter 395: -I need my brains to think for a better name- (cont)

Shang Xia had a sneaking suspicion that his rank four advancement medicine wasn’t going to be easy to create at all!

It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen the recipes of other rank four advancement medicine in the past. However, none of those he had seen before even came close to the Four Seasons Samsara Wine described on his Crimson Soul Tablet!

Just obtaining the Spirit of the Four Seasons alone would probably be comparable in difficulty to crafting other rank four advancement medicines.

Moreover, the recipe recorded on the Crimson Soul Tablet was only the start. Shang Xia hadn’t completed the entire recipe due to his fear of damaging the tablet beyond repair. He didn’t know how much more difficult it would be once the complete recipe was produced.

Shang Xia’s headache didn’t end after looking at Spirit of the Four Seasons. Instead, he turned to look at the assistive ingredients and discovered that they were all precious rank four herbs.

Gathering them wouldn’t be a walk in the park.

All of a sudden, the crack that had been sealed up earlier broke apart in full force again. That wasn’t all. Another thin crack that had the width of a hair appeared on the fourth surface of the Crimson Soul Tablet, extending down a third of its surface. At that instant, Shang Xia could feel the tablet trembling violently as though it would break apart at any time. His sudden decision to continue deducing the rank four advancement formula didn’t seem too smart, but he did it anyway.

Only then did Shang Xia think about the situation from another direction. The Crimson Soul Tablet’s ability to improve on recipes and formulas might not only exhaust world origin. It also used up some sort of special essence that was unique to the Crimson Soul Tablet itself.

Well, it was also entirely possible that the enhancement and completion of a rank four advancement medicine was too taxing on the Crimson Soul Tablet which resulted in the damage at the end. However, Shang Xia didn’t care too much about that at the moment.

He continued to look at the words that appeared on the second face of the tablet.

Assistive Treasure: A Pot of Hundred Year Old Inexhaustible Spring Water, 1x Hundred Year Old Violet Ningpo Wigfort, 1x Hundred Year Old Windchime Grass, 1x Hundred Year Old Yang Fire Stone.

Assistive Ingredient: Crimson Crystal Valley Brewer’s Yeast

Feeling the additional destruction to the Crimson Soul Tablet, Shang Xia could tell that the deduction of the assistive treasures and supplementary herb didn’t damage the tablet as much. After reading the contents on the tablet, Shang Xia also realized that the treasures and herbs required on the second face of the tablet weren’t as precious as those on the first.

At the very least, he had heard of them.

By that time, only two of the four faces had words on them. According to how the Crimson Soul Tablet operated in the past, the complete recipe would only be produced after all four faces were filled.

Moreover, the last two faces would contain the way to use the medicine and things like the success and compatibility rate. All of which were extremely important.

Looking at the damage on the tablet, Shang Xia gritted his teeth and finally decided to continue the deduction process.

Along with another round of heavy trembling, the Crimson Soul Tablet became even more damaged. This time, Shang Xia felt as though someone had stabbed a sharp spike straight into his soul. He felt as though his divine sense was about to rip in half, causing a loud scream to escape his lips.

Shang Xia’s body that was hidden in the trunk of a tree shook violently as pain shot through it. His body curled up like a cooked shrimp in pain but he forced himself to keep his consciousness locked onto the Crimson Soul Tablet.

The crack on the fourth face of the tablet extended by another third as the words on the third face finally became visible. Shang Xia quickly stopped the Crimson Soul Tablet from further deduction and the pain abruptly disappeared. He felt a wave of comfort washing over his body. Without time to waste, he turned his attention to the third face of the Crimson Soul Tablet.

Remarks: One can only use the medicine in a location that experiences all four seasons at once. At the same time, one can use the opportunity to carry out a joint refinement of the Four Seasons Extermination Origin.

Only a single line was recorded on the third face of the Crimson Soul Tablet.

After reading that single line, Shang Xia felt a trace of despair filling his heart.

How is this possible?!

What the fuck is this?!

He didn’t know if it was possible for all four seasons to appear at the same time, and there was no need to start on the next sentence. What in the world did it mean for him to carry out a joint refinement?! Was he supposed to refine all four strands of extermination origins that corresponded to the different seasons at the same time? Was it even possible?

One had to know that refining a single strand of extermination origin was a tall task for any cultivator trying to enter the Martial Extermination Realm. If he had to refine four at once…

Shang Xia had never heard of anyone refining more than a single strand of extermination origin when breaking through, much less four!

And there was another question. He didn’t understand what the Four Seasons Extermination Origins meant in the first place.

Irritation and despair filled Shang Xia’s heart in equal parts as he tried to think of the various possibilities.

He knew that the Crimson Soul Tablet wouldn’t make up nonsense to mess with him and that accomplishing whatever was stated on it would definitely be possible, but the difficulty of making it happen seemed to be on a whole other level.

After giving himself some time to calm down, Shang Xia finally started to think through the matter properly.

First things first, he had to awaken from his slumber in case he ran into any trouble. After all, he was still deep in the forestry in the battlefield between the two worlds. He didn’t know if the Poison Miasma Frog would appear again or if there were other dangers in his surroundings.

Regardless of how difficult it was for him to obtain whatever was recorded on the Crimson Soul Tablet, waking up to ensure his own safety was the most important thing at the moment.

In the darkness of the hole he had been hiding in, he forced his eyes to open as a wave of aches and pain swept through his body. Several yelps escaped his lips and when he was finally awake and aware of his surroundings, he gathered his thoughts and went to observe the words on the Crimson Soul Tablet again.

The last face might still be empty, but Shang Xia didn’t wish to exhaust and damage the tablet even further. If he forcefully completed the deduction, the Crimson Soul Tablet would likely shatter.

According to his previous experiences in the Martial Extremity Realm, the last face would only state the compatibility rate and success rate anyway. At that point, there was no reason for Shang Xia to refer to them.

The only use they had was to boost his confidence when he was advancing. The recipe was complete and as long as Shang Xia was confident in himself, he could ignore the rates calculated by the tablet.

From the rest of the information recorded in the tablet, there was no way for Shang Xia to gather all the ingredients he required in a short period of time. As such, it goes without saying that he wouldn’t be able to craft his advancement medicine any time in the near future.

Without the advancement medicine, he wouldn’t be able to break through to the Martial Extermination Realm anyway. Or according to what he knew and the knowledge he gained from his previous world, the Four Constellation Realm!

Since he wouldn’t be breaking through any time soon, the success rate and the compatibility rate didn’t matter too much at the moment.

Even though it was useless for him at the moment, the success rate had its uses. For example, he could modify the formula as he saw fit to affect the success rates like he did with his Chaos Essence Lightning Palm. Thinking back, he gave the institution a weaker version of the formula he used to comprehend the Chaos Essence Lightning Palm which had a lower success rate than what he could comprehend.

With the recipe of the rank four advancement medicine and his unique way of cultivation, Shang Xia had the ability to create an inheritance that recorded his way of cultivation the moment he stepped into the Martial Extermination Realm! He could record the recipe of the advancement medicine he used up to the techniques he learned. Through some manipulation of the techniques or recipe with the Crimson Soul Tablet, Shang Xia might be able to develop a way for cultivators with his inheritance to smoothly increase their strength even though he might need to compromise the strength they would possess.

Choosing not to complete the fourth face of deduction at the moment, Shang Xia felt that it wouldn’t be too late to finish it after finding more world origin and repairing the tablet slightly.

Making up his mind, he fed the tablet with the remaining world origin that was stored in his body when he stopped the restoration process earlier. The crack on the fourth face of the tablet slowly started to close up.

Unfortunately, the restoration stopped after a small part of the crack was sealed up.

Taking a long breath, Shang Xia couldn’t help but lament silently. If he wasn’t able to repair the Crimson Soul Tablet, he wouldn’t be able to rely on it after entering the Martial Extermination Realm. He might no longer be able to receive help from the tablet to comprehend his fourth martial intent like he did with his previous ones.

Looking at the different criteria and treasures, Shang Xia looked at the part where he had to advance in a location that experienced all four seasons simultaneously and felt that it wasn’t exactly impossible for a place like that to exist. Also, he hadn’t heard of anyone trying to refine four strands of extermination origins at once but that didn’t mean that no one had tried it before.

With the bottle of incomplete medicine in his hand, it was enough proof that someone had been thinking in the same direction.

The Azure Origin World was massive and Shang Xia was a mere Martial Intent Realm cultivator. Even if he had his knowledge from his past life, that didn’t mean that everyone else was completely useless.

There were Martial Extermination Realm experts who had lived a long life and there were even Martial Dipper Realm ancestors who left their legacy behind on the continent. Even though he hadn’t heard of anyone who had entered the Sixth Order of the Primary Realm, that didn’t mean that it was absolutely impossible for someone like that to exist.

With the knowledge he learned from Kou Chongxue and other sources, he knew that the Azure Origin World was merely one of the many worlds out there.

Everything that he felt was impossible was merely because he was a frog at the bottom of the well! Just because he hadn’t heard of it yet didn’t mean that things were unachievable!

The reason he didn’t think to ask his various seniors in the institution and the clan was because he was trying to safeguard his secret of reincarnation! He was afraid that the others would lust after his knowledge and do him harm, but his way of thinking was truly a little lacking. Of the true powerhouses, which one of them didn’t possess any heaven-shaking secrets? Even if he didn’t wish to reveal the secret of his Crimson Soul Tablet and his reincarnation, he could approach the problem from other angles!

Finally realizing that his thinking was the source of most of his problems, Shang Xia felt a huge weight lifted off his chest. It seemed as though he finally broke through the mental barrier that had been holding him back all that while and he finally completed a type of transformation to his mental state! He finally possessed the mindset that cultivators should have in the first place!

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