Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 436: Four Seasons Samsara Wine

Chapter 436: Four Seasons Samsara Wine

From the moment he arrived, Shang Ke could tell that Shang Xia hadn’t given up on entering the Yuxi Peak.

When he saw how Shang Xia was testing his limits at the foot of the mountain, he could feel Shang Xia’s resoluteness. He knew that there was no use trying to dissuade the youngster any longer. Since there was no stopping him, Shang Ke felt that he might as well introduce the situation on the Yuxi Peak to the best of his abilities.

To be truly honest, Shang Ke’s explanations were spurred on by Shang Bo’s intention.

The Yuxi Peak might be extremely mysterious and dangerous to any cultivator in the Martial Intent Realm or lower, but that wasn’t the case for experts in the Martial Extermination Realm. Was the Yuxi Peak dangerous even to them? Probably. However, it wasn’t anywhere as mysterious as it seemed.

In the half a year or so when Shang Xia had been examining the Yuxi Peak, the way he used his Man and Heaven Synergy Chapter wasn’t something he could hide from those Martial Extermination Realm experts who were stationed there. Because of that, most of them determined that he probably had some sort of special technique or monstrous treasure that could allow him to affect the chaotic qi covering the Yuxi Peak.

The Martial Extermination Realm experts who discovered him realized that even most of them weren’t able to do the same.

When the other Martial Extermination Realm experts observed him in secret, Shang Xia’s ability to detect them depended on how strong they were. However, he discovered Shang Ke’s presence the moment he arrived.

At the same time, he understood that his intention to enter the Yuxi Peak had already been noticed by many people.

His actions seemed to be overlooked by those who noticed it and Shang Xia knew that it might be related to both Shang Bo and Shang Ke’s protection. Another reason might be because he was extremely careful when testing the strange qi on the Yuxi Peak. He didn’t allow it to react as violently as the first time he came. Martial Extermination Ream experts who saw him around felt that there was no point in obstructing him and chose to remain at the sidelines. Well, that was until Shang Ke arrived anyway.

Shang Xia felt a lot better because of the lack of interference. At the very least, it looked as though he wouldn’t be facing many obstructions when entering the Yuxi Peak.

As for the possibility that anyone who could stand in his way hadn’t found a way to enter and leave the Yuxi Peak safely, Shang Xia tossed it to the back of his mind. Those who couldn’t enter and exit safely wouldn’t pose a threat to him regardless.

The Yuxi Peak seemed to be an opportunity that belonged to Shang Xia and Shang Xia alone!

After informing Shang Xia about several other matters regarding the Yuxi Peak, Shang Ke turned to take his leave. He didn’t plan on staying in the battlefield between the two worlds for long.

Shang Xia wanted to ask about matters regarding the absence of Martial Extermination Realm experts on the Observation Peak because of what he learned from Shang Tai, but Shang Ke instructed him to focus on his task at hand instead. According to his Fifth Grandpa, there was no need for him to think of other things at the moment.

Despite what Shang Ke said, that seemed to be an answer to Shang Xia’s question nonetheless. His guess was basically verified. The experts of the Tongyou Institution, along with the Martial Extermination Realm experts of the great families of the Tongyou City seemed to be planning something big. In fact, they seemed to have reached a tacit understanding with the experts of the four great races of the Liao Continent and Changbai Holy Land.

Since his question was answered, Shang Xia no longer bothered himself with it for the time being. Like how Shang Ke told him to focus on whatever he was doing, Shang Xia understood that his main goal was to make preparations for him to enter the Martial Extermination Realm.

In the following month or so that passed, Shang Xia no longer headed out unnecessarily. He remained in his secret chamber to temper his inner qi in preparation for his breakthrough. He wanted to ensure that he was at his peak state before his Four Seasons Samsara Wine was successfully produced.

As soon as Summer arrived, Ge Qingzhu delivered the Nine Leaf Lotus as promised.

“You’re really daring… You seem to be taking a path that no one has tried before!” Ge Qingzhu mentioned after handing the herb over to Shang Xia.

Ever since he met Shang Ke the other day, Shang Xia realized that his path of cultivation had been somewhat uncovered by those Martial Extermination Realm experts. They might not know what he was doing exactly, but they seemed to be aware that he was trying to break through in an unconventional way. As such, he no longer bothered hiding his actions.

Thinking about the bottle of incomplete advancement medicine he obtained from the Scripture Depository back then, Shang Xia chuckled. “That might not be the case. Some people might have tried it before, but it’s possible that none of them succeeded…”

Ge Qingzhu shook his head in response and sighed to himself, “That’s a really bold move… Did no one try to stop you?”

Shang Xia’s expression didn’t change as he chuckled in response. However, a multitude of curses were running through his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he felt as though he was a fool. He thought that he had hidden his method of cultivation very well, but it seemed as though many people already knew what he was trying to do.

He had no idea how deep they had dug into his cultivation. He even wondered if his entire cultivation process had been uncovered!

Shang Xia didn’t know the answer to the question, but he was actually starting to feel afraid of the implications if that was true. He didn’t dare to ask his Grandpa Bo or even Kou Chongxue to verify the extent to which his cultivation process had been compromised.

The only thing he knew from all the responses he was getting was that he was truly going to step onto a lonely path of which there were no records of anyone succeeding.

While his thoughts were running wild, a snow-white lotus appeared on Ge Qingzhu’s hand.

“This is something that might help you in your journey. It can help alleviate some of your inner injuries you might suffer if things go wrong. Please accept it. If you run into any huge issues in your cultivation, this lotus might save your foundations, giving you another chance to rise up in the future.” Ge Qingzhu muttered.

Despite the causal way he put it, Shang Xia was extremely touched by his actions. After all, the lotus Ge Qingzhu was giving him was equivalent to a chance at a second life in case he failed while cultivating.

Shang Xia was stuck in a dilemma on whether to accept when Ge Qingzhu chuckled, “I told you to accept it, but I didn’t say that you can keep it in the event that you succeed. If everything goes as planned, you have to return it to me when you step into the Martial Extermination Realm.”

With the recipe that he copied off his Crimson Soul Tablet, Shang Xia headed straight to the Medicine Hall. He brought all the herbs required, but when he arrived, he saw a familiar figure standing in the middle of the hall. She seemed like she had been standing there for quite some time while expecting his arrival.

“Instructor Chu?” Shang Xia greeted without the slightest change in his emotions.

“My advancement medicine was completed some time ago but I came over just to wait for you.” Chu Jia looked at Shang Xia with a mirthless smile on her face.

Shang Xia remained neutral as he muttered, “I’ll have to congratulate Instructor Chu in advance for entering the Martial Extermination Realm then. Also for becoming the first rank four Formation Master of the Tongyou Institution.”

“I’m going to enter the Martial Extermination Realm slightly before you. Aren’t you affected by it in any way?” Chu Jia seemed a little disappointed when she noticed his casual response. However, she realized that whatever she said didn’t allow her to convey her true feelings and she quickly added, “I heard that you were planning to break through to the Martial Extermination Realm with a method that has never been tested?”

A trace of shock flashed across Shang Xia’s eyes. “I didn’t think that Instructor Chu would be so well-informed…”

Shang Xia truly didn’t expect that someone like Chu Jia who was making her preparations to break through to the Martial Extermination Realm, had also heard about what he was planning to do.

“I’m sure you learned that the institution is planning to make a huge move soon… However, from the looks of it, you won’t be able to make it in time to take part in the operation. Hehe, I really look forward to working together with you in the future…”

Shang Xia was slightly confused, but just as he wanted to ask for more details, Chu Jia had already turned around to leave.

Not too long after she took her leave, Shang Xia caught sight of Ge Wangchun and Liu Zhifang. He quickly brought out the recipe. He handed it to them along with 8 rank four treasures and the other herbs required.

The moment Ge Wangchun and Liu Zhifang laid eyes on the advancement formula, their eyes widened in fright. That wasn’t all. Their jaws dropped as they revealed an expression of disbelief when they saw the rank four treasures before them.

“8 rank four spiritual treasures?”

“This… Youre advancement formula…”

The two of them gasped simultaneously. They glanced at each other subconsciously and saw the incredulous look in each other’s eyes.

Shang Xia wasn’t too surprised by their reaction. After all, ordinary rank four advancement medicine wouldn’t require so many rank four treasures. Whatever the case, he only had one worry on his mind. “Teacher Ge and Teacher Liu, is there a problem with my advancement formula?”

After a short second where they communicated with their eyes, Ge Wangchun broke the silence. “There’s no problem with it. However, Brother Liu and I refined several rank four advancement medicine in the past and we have never heard of any that required so many rank four treasures!”

Shang Xia chuckled wordlessly, and he made it clear that he wasn’t planning to explain further. He provided the main ingredients that were required, but because he needed to hide some secret from the two of them, he didn’t tell them about the brewer’s yeast he was adding.

Liu Zhifang thought for a second and looked at the ingredients before him. He eventually muttered, “It’s not impossible for us to craft your advancement medicine. However, we would need to expend a lot of time in order to do so. Moreover, refining this set of advancement medicine would greatly affect us both mentally and physically.”

Shang Xia thought for a moment and asked, “Do you need me to do anything then?”

“Talisman Master Shang, I believe you remember that there are 2 other rank three Alchemists in the Tongyou Institution. Lei Xiang and Feng Yongchu. As long as you manage to invite one of them over to help us, we would be able to get things done in half the time.” Ge Wangchun explained.

Shang Xia quickly mentioned, “This disciple will immediately get an elder from the Shang Clan to notify Teacher Lei and Teacher Feng so that one of them can come over to help you. However, I have another small request.”

When he saw their confused gazes, he quickly added, “Disciple’s elder, Shang Tai, has some knowledge on medicine refinement. I hope Teacher Ge and Teacher Liu can allow him to assist you when you refine my advancement medicine. If he manages to learn a thing or two, we would be extremely grateful.”

Ge Wangchun and Liu Zhifang exchanged another gaze and they seemed to complete a round of quick communication before Ge Wangchun gave a reply. “It’s not impossible for us to let him watch us refine the medicine. However, the institution has a rule and we will not explain everything we do. He will have to rely on himself to obtain insights when observing our refinement process.”

Waving his hand before him, Shang Xia grinned, “That’s great! I’ll head back and tell him to head over right now. I managed to obtain some herbs during my adventures in the battlefield between the two worlds. I can’t make use of them to their fullest potential and I’ll ask him to bring them over so that Teacher Ge and Teacher Liu can use them to warm up for the refinement process.”

When he was done, he sent the news back to the Shang Clan Manor. As soon as they received his report, they flew into action. Shang Ke personally went to the Medicine Hall in the Tongyou Institution to convince Feng Yongchu to head over to the battlefield between the two worlds to begin the refinement process of Shang Xia’s Four Seasons Samsara Wine with Ge Wangchun and Liu Zhifang.”

When Shang Xia returned to the Shang Clan’s territory on the Observation Peak, he brought out several herbs that wouldn’t be of use to him. He handed them to Shang Tai and informed him to bring them to the Medicine Hall. He also notified Shang Tai about the deal he made with Ge Wangchun and Liu Zhifang to let him observe the refinement process.

Two months passed in a flash and eventually, the 3 rank three Alchemists finally completed Shang Xia’s Four Seasons Samsara Wine.

Throughout the process, Ge Wangchun provided some explanations to Shang Tai despite what he said about the rules of the institution. Eventually, Shang Tai also managed to add Shang Xia’s Crimson Crystal Valley Brewer's Yeast during the brewing process.

Even though the advancement medicine was complete, Shang Xia couldn’t use it immediately to advance.

As rank four advancement medicines were closely related to wines, they needed some time to ferment in order to bring out their best effects. Even though they weren’t like actual alcohol that required years to ferment. Advancement medicine like that probably required a month at most. After a month, they would be able to bring out their optimal effects.

Naturally, rank four advancement medicines could last for an extremely long time.

Since the time the Medicine Hall started the refinement process of the Four Seasons Samsara Wine and with the time it took for the advancement medicine to be ready, 3 months had passed. When everything was ready, Shang Xia returned to the Yuxi Peak only to be met with a surprising figure.

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