Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 504: Presenting Talismans

Chapter 504: Presenting Talismans

Talisman Grandmaster Shang was finally about to emerge from seclusion!

The news caught the attention of many cultivators in the institution. Especially so for those who had been betting in the Tongyou Mysterious World. All of them wanted to know how many talismans Shang Xia actually managed to craft.

“Heh! Brother Huo, how many rank four talismans do you think Grandmaster Shang managed to craft?” Someone seemed to have received information that Huo Wuji had a pretty good relationship with Shang Xia in the institution and they decided to ask him for some insider information.

Chuckling in amusement, Huo Wuji replied, “Brother Shan, all of us have been watching Grandmaster Shang’s secret chamber. Don’t you have an idea of how many talismans he made?”

Deacon Shan broke into laughter the next moment. “No matter what, we’re separated by a layer of restrictions! There might be some talismans that manage to evade our detection… if that happens, we won’t be able to accurately tell!”

“Deacon Shan, looks like you bet quite a large amount if you’re so concerned about this…” Huo Wuji joked.

A helpless smile appeared on Deacon Shan’s face and he sighed, “I got carried away and bet nearly 10 pieces of gold in one shot!”

10 pieces of gold were the same as 10 gold coins. Cultivators weren’t usually willing to use the word ‘gold coins’ to quantify their money and they simply substituted them by calling gold coins pieces of gold instead.

10 gold coins were equivalent to 1000 silver essence. The amount Deacon Shan bet was more than enough to gather 2 portions of rank two advancement medicine!

As a deacon of the Tongyou Institution, 1000 silver essence wasn’t exactly a small amount. It was close to several months of his pay. Fortunately, the institution didn’t just pay them a standard amount every month. There were still bonuses and ways for them to earn a little more.

Huo Wuji grunted softly after hearing how much was on the line. “You’re really willing to party with your money…”

“What are we talking about? There are so many more people out there who bet more than myself… They even bet on the exact number of talismans he would manage to craft!” Deacon Shan muttered.

Wu Tingfang, who was nearby, interrupted, “How many talismans do you think Grandmaster Shang managed to craft?”

“We don't know the exact number, only an estimate. At the very least, we know that he managed to complete 12 rank four talismans. Our highest estimate is that he managed to complete 17 of them!” Deacon Shan muttered.

“17?! That’s not possible!” Wu Tingfang shook his head. “Grandmaster Shang only has 35 pieces of rank four talisman paper to work with. If he really managed to complete 17 talismans, wouldn’t that mean that his success rate is over 50 percent? Those are rank four talismans we’re talking about! A rank four Talisman Grandmaster only needs to succeed a third of the time. A 50 percent success rate only applies to rank three talisman masters!”

Huo Wuji also agreed. “17 is pushing it a little. Even though I’m extremely confident in Grandmaster Shang’s skills, I wouldn’t dare to think that he managed to craft 17 rank four talismans.”

Deacon Shan added immediately, “Who knows, that might actually be the case! Didn’t you hear that the changes around his secret chamber have been getting more frequent in the past month? I heard that a rank four talisman paper craftsman and Grandmaster Shang’s friend came to deliver a bottle of rank four talisman ink a little more than a month ago. That might help to push his success rate to a whole new level!”

Huo Wuji and Wu Tingfang shook their heads slightly in disbelief.

Rank four talisman ink might be useful when crafting talismans, but crafting rank four talismans depended on the talisman masters themselves. External reasons were also important when it came to crafting talismans, but a mere bottle of rank four talisman ink wouldn’t help too much.

“Actually, 17 rank four talismans might be a stretch, but it’s not exactly impossible…” Someone else interrupted.

Turning around to look at the person who arrived, the 3 of them chuckled. “Chief Mu!”

Deacon Shan seemed extremely interested in any possibility that Shang Xia could craft more talismans than they had thought and quickly asked, “Chief Mu, why do you think that? Is there a reason you would believe that Grandmaster Shang would be able to craft the talismans? Please advise us…”

Mu Jianyin broke out into laughter and explained, “Even though our institution has around 8 rank four talisman inheritances, he might not have to make all of them.”

A light lit up in Deacon Shan’s eyes. “Chief Mu, do you mean…”

Mu Jianyin continued to laugh. “Every Talisman Master is good at something. The institution might have different types of talismans, but those talismans are not related to each other. No matter how talented one is, one might not be able to craft them all. He should be able to craft 5 or 6 of them… Alright, let’s not look down on him. After all, we’re in no position to ensure he crafts all of those talismans anyway.”

Her explanation was correct. Regardless of who it was, none of them found it in themselves to disagree with her.

Mu Jianyin continued, “... Because of that, he might have familiarized himself with several types of talismans. If he focused on those, he would greatly increase the success rate of crafting rank four talismans.”

Deacon Shan couldn’t hold himself back and yelled in agreement, “That sounds reasonable!”

Mu Jianyin smiled softly and completed her explanation, “Of course, crafting 16 or 17 rank four talismans seems a little over the top. I believe he should be able to craft 14 of them or so…”

Deacon Shan failed to contain his happiness after hearing her explanation.

“Talisman Grandmaster Shang has already left the Tongyou Mysterious World and returned to the Talisman Hall!”

A yell came from somewhere, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Mu Jianyin followed the source of the voice and heard that it came from the outside world and quickly turned to leave.

She might not have entered the Martial Extermination Realm, but she was one of the four heads of the Outreach Division. Her status was a little higher than Huo Wuji and the others and it was a little more convenient for her to enter and leave the Tongyou Mysterious World whenever she wished.

Seeing how much of a rush Mu Jianyin was in, Wu Tingfang couldn’t help but yell, “Chief Mu, did you also place some bets on the kid?”

She didn’t turn around, but one could hear the awkwardness in her voice, “Haha, I also wagered a few gold pieces… I’ll head back and take a look. I don’t think it will take long for the truth to be revealed!”

After leaving the Tongyou Mysterious World, Shang Xia casually made his way back to the Talisman Hall. Along the way, countless people stared at him and some fearless ones even pointed at him as they spoke.

Too lazy to bother with them, Shang Xia quickly returned to the inner hall in the Talisman Hall where he discovered many people already waiting for him.

Other than Lou Zizhang and Fan Yuanhui, Gong Hang who had been in seclusion the whole time was also present. Everyone else in the Talisman Hall who had some sort of status was also present. Naturally, Ren Huan was also waiting expectantly for him and so was everyone else.

That wasn’t all. Even Liu Zhiyuan, the head of the Warehouse Division and a deputy patriarch of the institution was present. He also brought important members of the halls affiliated with the Warehouse Division.

Zhang Haogu from the Scripture Depository was also present, but he came alone.

Other than the two Martial Extermination Realm experts who had been outside the Tongyou Mysterious World, Yuan Zhen and Qian Sitong had left their seclusion to head over. Shang Xia could feel that they were consciously trying to hide their auras as though they were hiding their cultivation level.

Spreading his divine perception out, Shang Xia could tell that other than those present in the hall, there were many who were paying attention to everything that was happening.

With his heart trembling slightly, Shang Xia chuckled, “What’s the matter? What’s with the huge lineup? Is this really important or something?”

Of those who were present, Shang Xia seemed to be one of the most junior members of the institution. However, regardless of whether it was his cultivation level or his status as a Talisman Grandmaster, no one else seemed qualified to talk to him other than Liu Zhiyuan and Zhang Haogu.

Even Qian Sitong and Yuan Zhen were desperately trying to suppress their presence.

Finally breaking the silence, Liu Zhiyuan took a step forward and laughed, “It’s nothing too much! However, everyone here is a little curious about what happened during your seclusion in the Tongyou Mysterious World. We would also like to know Martial Nephew Shang’s progress when it comes to talisman crafting.”

“Oh?” Shang Xia grunted softly and continued, “It took half a year, but thanks to everyone’s support, I managed to achieve what I had. I would like to thank everyone here before anything else.”

After speaking, he cupped his fists and turned to everyone in the hall.

His actions were genuine as no one was clearer about it than he was. Almost everyone present had a hand in assisting his progress in the way of talismans.

Gong Hang, Fan Yuanhui, Lou Zizhang, and everyone in the Talisman Hall silently accepted his gesture.

As silence fell upon the hall once again, no one dared to breathe loudly. Only the Martial Extermination Realm experts dared to stare at Shang Xia with expectation burning in their eyes.

Realizing that the situation had returned to a relative calm, Gong Hang spoke suddenly, “Why don’t you present the talismans you crafted? Let’s not keep everyone in suspense any longer!”

The moment the words left his lips, attendants emerged from one of the side entrances. All of them held a jade platter in their hands and the first of them approached Shang Xia.

With a smile on his face, Shang Xia brought out a sealed case and placed it on the platter after personally opening the case to reveal its contents.

All of a sudden, Gong Hang’s voice rang clearly through the air. “A rank four Spiritual Protection Substitution Talisman!”

The moment he spoke, the attendant brought the platter around the hall to show off the talisman to everyone in the hall. When he was done, he went over for another expert to seal the case. Standing at the side, the talisman was displayed for everyone to observe and learn from.

In the middle of the hall, Shang Xia gestured for the second attendant. When he arrived, Shang Xia placed another talisman on the jade platter.

With a calm look in his eyes, Gong Hang declared, “A rank four Space Shattering Golden Blade Talisman!”

The attendant took the same route the first one did before arriving at the back of the hall.

Shang Xia continued to gesture for the next attendant as Gong Hang continued to introduce the talismans Shang Xia presented. “Rank four Snow Spike Ice Radiance Talisman!”

“Rank four Mist Concealment Dissipation Talisman!”

“It has already been four types of talismans! Grandmaster Shang managed to craft 4 different talismans!”

“Grandmaster Shang is truly talented indeed. He took out half of the talisman inheritances recorded by the institution.”

“Shh, it’s not over yet. Grandmaster Shang is gesturing for the next attendant!”

Voices spread through the hall and cheers could even be heard coming from outside.

Everyone stared at Shang Xia who was gesturing for the next attendant.

As the oldest and most experienced Talisman Master other than Shang Xia, Gong Hang was trying his best to maintain his indifference when introducing the talismans. Coughing lightly, he continued, “Rank four Abyssal Void Shattering Talisman!”

“Rank… Rank four Thousand Mechanism Extermination Guidance Talisman!”

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