Chapter 84: Suppression

The protection formation between the Kaiyuan and Qiling Peaks were torn apart, and the cultivators of the Four Spiritual Peak rushed in from the opening.

The squads at the foot of the mountain were unable to utilize the full power of their mounts and could only fight the enemy on foot.

That was the easiest offensive members of the Four Spiritual Peak launched. There was a Martial Extermination Realm expert standing above their heads to scare the enemy. The cultivators of the Tongyou Peak could only defend passively at the foot of the mountain.

Yan Que’s shoulder trembled slightly and a gust of wind blew behind him. A strand of extermination qi emerged from his hand and turned into a long black staff.

Stepping back slightly, Yan Que swung his staff towards the two peaks. The bridge that was already damaged earlier rattled violently and no one knew if they could withstand the strike from Yan Que.

As the heaven and earth qi in the area gathered to form a massive staff eighty feet long, the rattling of chains became even stronger. It was as though someone was shaking it intentionally.

Shang Xi grabbed the broken chain that was swinging in the air as she poured her true qi into it. The thick chains and Shang Xi’s slender body formed a stark contrast.

When the massive staff smashed into the bridge, the chains that were still intact turned limp all of a sudden and absorbed the impact. The chain controlled by Shang Xi shot upwards to soften the blow even further. As a massive shockwave tore through the Tongyou Peak, the bridge managed to remain completely intact.

Of course, Shang Xi wasn’t so lucky. She took on the remaining impact of the collision and her arms went completely numb. Her expression fluctuated greatly and she only managed to suppress her rampaging inner qi after some time.

Shang Xi’s expression turned grim as she looked at Yan Que hovering in mid air.

She barely managed to hold out against the attack earlier. How was Yuan Zilu going to defend against it with his injured body?

On the Kaiyuan Peak, Shang Xia stabbed his sword straight into the heart of the battle. “Senior Yuan, take the sword!”

He could see that the sword in Yuan Zhen’s hand was merely a low-grade weapon. Compared to the Stinging Gold Scissors in Jia Yuntian’s hand, it was at an obvious disadvantage.

The Delicate Jade River Sword whistled through the air and Yuan Zhen threw his own sword at Jia Yuntian. Grabbing Shang Xia’s weapon in one smooth motion, he charged straight towards Jia Yuntian.

Jia Yuntian’s expression changed as he raised his scissors to defend himself.

A loud clang rang through the air and he retreated slightly. He was forced to the edge of the mountain!

Several stones beneath his feet crumbled, and Yuan Zhen arrived with Shang Xia’s sword.

Even though the Delicate Jade River Sword was a soft sword and Yuan Zhen wasn’t comfortable using it, it was a mid-grade weapon nonetheless. He no longer needed to be afraid of Jia Yuntian’s scissors cutting through his weapon and he could release his full strength.

As a burst of booming laughter left his lips, Yuan Zhen waved the sword through the air to summon several rays of sword qi.

“Alright, you can leave now!” Yun Yifei reminded Shang Xia as a thin strand of silk emerged from his sleeves to wrap up Jia Yuntian’s legs. It was an attempt to create a striking chance for Yuan Zhen!

Shang Xia retreated several feet, but he chose to observe the battle.

The more he watched the battle, the weirder his expression became.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them exchanged dozens of moves. Ordinary cultivators at the Martial Extremity Realm wouldn’t be able to see their movements clearly!

However, things were different for Shang Xia. The light in his eyes shone brighter and brighter as he observed the battle.


All of a sudden, he yelled, “He’s going to use ice attributed qi in his left hand and fire attributed qi in his right!”

Even though Yuan Zhen and Yun Yifei heard him, they didn’t think too much about it.

In the next instant, a ball of flames appeared in Jia Yuntian’s right hand and surrounded the pair of scissors he was holding. The scissors turned into a giant crocodile that spat flames as it cut towards Yuan Zhen.

A layer of frost covered his left hand as he chopped at Yun Yifei, causing her movements to slow down.

Jia Yuntian’s sudden change in tactic caused the two of them to be slightly taken aback.

With his battle experience, Yuan Zhen knew that there was no retreating now. Otherwise, his opponent would be able to regain his footing and prolong the battle.

Yuan Zhen continued to swing his sword as rays of sword light appeared in the air above him. They forcefully suppressed the flames, but his clothes were charred black by the time he did. Blisters started forming on his skin due to the extreme heat.

Yun Yifei wasn’t so lucky. She was weaker than Jia Yuntian to begin with and she retreated quickly to Yuan Zhen’s side.

Too bad for Jia Yuntian, Yuan Zhen didn’t retreat. He was quickly suppressed once again.

Yun Yifei didn’t hesitate. As soon as the icy qi faded, she went back to the battle.

All three of them came to a sudden realization of how helpful Shang Xia’s earlier reminder was.

“Soft qi from his left hand and strength attributed qi on his right!” Shang Xia’s voice came from the side again.

Yuan Zhen instinctively released a wave of sword qi to push away everything in his path before pointing at the area under Jia Yuntian’s ribs.

The pair of scissors in Jia Yuntian’s hand was deflected by the sword qi and most of the strength contained in it dissipated. His weakness was revealed instantly.

Facing Yuan Zhen’s finger, he couldn’t dodge at all as he pulled his weapon back to forcefully take on the impact.

A loud blast rang through the air. Even though he managed to block Yuan Zhen’s finger at the last second, his arm went numb from the impact. His hand started shaking involuntarily.

As for Yun Yifei, she was still suspicious about Shang Xia’s reminders. She hesitated slightly and the long strand of silk she used was caught by Jia Yuntian.

Forcefully suppressing his inner qi, Jia Yuntian’s gaze landed on Shang Xia who was hiding behind a rock. “Brat, did you also cultivate the Triple Mystery Polarity Art? How did you predict the type of qi I was going to use?”

In a battle between experts of the same level, any distraction could prove fatal. Now that Jia Yuntian’s attention was placed on Shang Xia, Yuan Zhen took the opportunity to release his sword qi. It slashed deep into Jia Yuntian’s shoulder and blood stained his clothes red.

Shang Xia was obviously unwilling to reveal anything. He not only cultivated the Triple Mystery Polarity Art. He also fused it with the Yin Yang Diagram in his dantian to create his own technique! The secret art he created was leagues ahead of the Triple Mystery Polarity Art!

That was the reason why Shang Xia could easily foresee what type of qi Jia Yuntian was going to use.

However, he had to admit that Jia Yuntian’s usage of the different types of qi was impressive indeed.

Even though he reached the limit of the Martial Intent Realm, he didn’t possess the ability of the Yin Yang Diagram! Even so, he was able to control his qi so perfectly!

Strictly speaking, he cultivated for a much longer time than Shang Xia. The way he transformed his qi was already ingrained into his bones after countless hours of cultivation!

Shang Xia’s mind might be full of thoughts, but he didn’t forget to give Yuan Zhen and Yun Yifei reminders from the side.

In a short amount of time, Jia Yuntian suffered three nasty wounds from Yuan Zhen’s sword. His body was soaked in blood and he was an arrow at the end of its flight.

Yun Yifei slowly adapted to the battle and she made several key changes to her fighting style. She managed to affect Jia Yuntian’s movements with Shang Xia’s reminder, and Yuan Zhen became successful in his attack.

Right before Jia Yuntian could fall to Yuan Zhen’s sword, a sudden change occurred.

A giant palm formed from heaven and earth qi smashed towards the Kaiyuan Peak before anyone could react.

“Be careful!” Shang Xia, the only one who was paying attention to the surroundings, yelled.


The palm smashed into a formless barrier above the Kaiyuan Peak, but it didn’t stop there. It pressed down mercilessly, causing the peak to shake.

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