Chapter 90: Aftermath

The moment Yan Que was killed and Yuwen Shengjie retreated, the fate of the Four Spiritual Peak was sealed.

The only reason the battle dragged on was because the Martial Extermination Realm cultivators on the Four Spiritual Peak’s side had to hold Ji Wenlong and the others back to allow their disciples to escape!

Disciples of the Tongyou Peak weren't fools. They started their counter attack the moment the Four Spiritual Peak showed signs of losing. Without mercy, they hunted down their enemies.

In the skies, Ji Wenlong and Shang Bo led the charge. The Fourth Order Primary Realm cultivators on the institution’s side attacked without a care in the world as Lang Xiaoyun and the others were beaten black and blue.

They were helpless and could only choose to give up on the cultivators running on foot. Lang Xiaoyun summoned a massive moon before sending it crashing down into the ground to scare the cultivators of the Tongyou Peak off.

On the other side, Lu Zhanyi and Ran Biluo did the same. They used a supremely strong attack to try to stop the cultivators of the Tongyou Peak.

Ran Biluo, who finally gathered all the courage she had, sent a sword light flying towards Shang Bo.

Even though it was easily nullified by Shang Bo, Lang Jingyun took the opportunity to destroy a mountain beside him as he made his escape. The avalanche of rocks that came blocked off several disciples of the Tongyou Peak.

Their actions indeed affected the cultivators of the Tongyou Peak. However, the cultivators of the Four Spiritual Peak that were trapped had their fates completely sealed.

Liu Qinglan yelled from the skies above, “How dare you massacre cultivators in the Martial Intent Realm and below?!”

“Bullshit! Which one of you saw us killing them intentionally? Those who died can only blame their bad luck for getting in the way of our attacks!” Lu Zhanyi roared as the wings behind him flapped steadily. His nimble movements in the air allowed him to avoid many attacks from Ji Wenlong and the rest.

He was the one who assisted Ran Biluo in holding Liu Qinglan and Shang Lubing back.

“Humph. Great excuses!” Shang Bo growled before stabbing straight towards Ran Biluo. His lance tore through the air and trails of flame could be seen where his weapon went. All of a sudden, he twisted it slightly and the lance went straight for Lang Jingyun.

Gasped in fright, Lang Jingyun could only raise his weapon to defend himself.


A loud blast rang through the air and Lang Jingyun’s face turned completely pale. The inner qi in his body ran wild. A sickly sweet taste appeared in his mouth and his body sank. He seemed to have realized what Shang Bo was doing and he desperately tried to stabilize himself.

Even so, his body sank close to a hundred feet.

Shang Bo didn’t stop there. The shockwave from the blast traveled into the earth and formed a crater dozens of feet wide.

There were four cultivators of the Four Spiritual Peak there and they were crushed into the ground. Two of them were at the Martial Extremity Realm and they were turned into meat paste instantly. A Martial Intent Realm cultivator was squished deep into the ground. From the looks of it, he shouldn’t be alive.

The only one who survived was another Martial Intent Realm cultivator who managed to avoid the center of the impact. Even so, his divine sense crumbled under the pressure. No one knew how much he would recover in the future.

One had to know that the Martial Extermination Realm cultivators of the Four Spiritual Peak were covering the escape of their own clansmen! As such, they were flying where their clansmen were most concentrated!

“Oh? This is a good idea…” Liu Qinglan and Shang Lubing smiled.

Lu Zhanyi could freely soar between the two of them earlier and managed to gain the upper hand in the small skirmishes. The two of them changed their tactic all of a sudden. They released their strongest skill without a care in the world, and they didn’t even bother aiming directly for Lu Zhanyi most of the time. The shockwave and energy waves brought by their attacks killed god knew how many cultivators of the Four Spiritual Peak trying to run away.

Even if they didn’t die, they had to pay a great price to take on those 'random bombardments’ by the Martial Extermination Realm cultivators.

Lu Zhanyi had to retreat helplessly. When he took a single hit from the two of them, he vomited a mouthful of blood. He could only run over to Ran Biluo for help.

The Martial Extermination Realm cultivators of the Four Spiritual Peak could only cry out with rage. The tactic they used only served to smash them in the foot, especially when they were outgunned by those from the Tongyou Institution.

After running for four miles without stopping, Shang Xi and the others heaved a sigh of relief. They looked at the craters and ravines that formed in the distance, dumbfounded.

Shang Xia pouted, “Is the difference between Martial Intent Realm cultivators and Martial Extermination Realm cultivators that big?!”

Shang Xi snapped at him, “Brat, why do you sound like you’re looking down on those in the Martial Intent Realm? Huh?”

Shang Xia quickly stared at his toes and kept silent.

Knowing that the two of them were playing around with each other, Yun Yifei interrupted them with a more serious question. “What are we going to do now? The way forward is blocked, and we wouldn’t be able to chase them down in a short period of time. Those around us would be killed by others soon…”

After their path of escape was sealed, the Martial Intent Realm cultivators of the Four Spiritual Peak turned to fight for their lives.

Most of those left were under the Martial Intent Realm anyway, and Shang Xi and the rest wouldn’t be needed to kill them all.

“Why don’t we go across the obstruction? We’ll take two hours at best…” Shang Xi suggested out of the blue.

“Two hours is more than enough for them to run away. Even with our horses, we might not be able to catch up. Moreover, they might start laying down traps for us given time. If we continue to chase, we might fall for an ambush.”

Shang Xia chuckled at the side. “Well, I have a way for us to avoid all of their traps…”

Yun Yifei and Sun Haiwei looked at the kid, wondering where he got his confidence from.

The only person who fell into contemplation was Shang Xi, and she eventually asked, “Are you sure you can do it?”

Shang Xia nodded solemnly.

Turning to Yun Yifei and Sun Haiwei, Shang Xi declared, “We can give it a shot.”

Without waiting for their replies, she turned to Yan Qi and said, “Seventh Brother, return to the Tongyou Peak and take care of Brother Quan. I heard that he’s injured. He could use your help.”

“Sure.” Yan Qi nodded and dismounted. “In case you need it. I’ll return on foot!”

Shang Xia exclaimed behind him, “Seventh Uncle, be careful!”

Yan Qi turned around and grinned at Shang Xia before running for the Tongyou Peak.

After he left, Shang Xi looked at Yun Yifei and asked, “Sister Fei, are there any of your clan members around us?”

“I’ll look for them.”

Since Yan Qi revealed his identity of having a pure Swallow Bloodline, it would be extremely unsafe for him to leave the vicinity of the Tongyou Peak.

It didn’t take long for Yun Yifei to find a clansman. She was a young lady who was slightly above twenty in age!

“This is Yun Zhidai. She’s the daughter of my fourth brother. Her cultivation is at the small completion stage of the Martial Extremity Realm and she’s close to the large completion stage. She should enter the upper division in half a year or so…” Yun Yifei introduced.

Shang Xia looked at her and discovered that she was staring at him.

“Alright, let’s not waste any more time! Head out!” Shang Xi ordered.

Even though Yan Qi left and Yun Zhidai joined their squad, the difference in offensive power wasn’t evident.

She might not be at the Martial Intent Realm like Yan Qi, but she was able to work better with the four of them. It was so much so that Shang Xi and Yun Yifei were confident of taking on anyone weaker than the Martial Extermination Realm!

The five of them quickly discovered the direction they were going to take.

Turning to Shang Xia, Yun Yifei laughed, “Little Xia, it’s time for you to show your stuff!”

Shang Xia nodded and whistled loudly.

No one knew what was going on, but they continued to advance.

All of a sudden, Shang Xia whistled once again.

Yun Yifei raised an eyebrow and asked, “Are you trying to summon someone?”

Shang Xia nodded before whistling once again.

All of a sudden, his cries were met with a reply. A loud cry came from the nearby woods.

When everyone turned to look in the direction of the woods, a streak of silver shot towards them.

Shang Xi and Yun Yifei were about to get into battle formation when Shang Xia raised his forearm and smiled, “It’s here!”

When the lightning flash stopped on Shang Xia’s hand, Sun Haiwei and Yun Zhidai were too confused to react. A fatter and taller Mutated Rain Swallow could be seen resting on Shang Xia’s hand.

“Is this a Lightning Bird?” Sun Haiwei asked. She stared at the bird cautiously and continued, “I’ve seen one in the past, but this looks a lot bigger!”

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