Chapter 294: Chapter 294

Arthur's Point of View


Sitting beside Aydalia all alone, I spoke to her unconscious form. "What was it you saw in my memories?" I placed my forehead in my hands in thought. "Did you see a false idol? A monster that terrified you?" Lowering my hands, my eyes focused on the form lying on the bed. "Was it truly to help me, or is it a trap?"

The Duke and Duchess of Lestrania offering my Helmsforth had one of two outcomes. Maybe it's true that they were being honest. It's possible they were approached by Aien for Aydalia, and they are sincere in their offer. On the other hand, if I accept and it's a trap, I'll likely be labeled a traitor. That won't affect me as much since they wouldn't be able to make me leave, but it's still a suspicious offer.

A knock at the door got me to lean back in my chair, immediately annoyed. "It's open."

Someone entered. Had I been more rested, I probably would've cared more to see who it was. Considering I'd been up for a few days straight, things could be worse. That being said, my mind was teetering. No sleep, low energy, and putting up with annoyance after annoyance was making things worse and worse.

"Sir." Greigh's voice called out.

I just sat there and didn't respond as I waited for him to continue. "..."

I probably didn't look the most presentable, given my posture, clothes, and overall appearance. "I came as you requested."

And so, the two of us sat. Greigh cut in every now and then. Usually, when he learned about someone new. Hearing about another hidden sibling, Elias was surprising for him. As was Mara. He also became interested in my interactions with Aerowyn and Aydan. Both were legends that interested him in some manner.

Other than that, only three instances really surprised him. The fact that I had such close interactions with the Dragons in the past. However, he understood that given their longevity, which is even more well known than Elves, that many would likely remember me. Thus, Dryritt's respect that he showed me. I also had to explain that despite my magical garments in the past, Dragon eyes are very keen and magical in nature.

His second question dealt with Thana. "Do you believe she is still behind everything to this day?"

"I think the Demons hold a grudge. Those that were present in some manner in the past likely hate me quite a bit. Injuring their Queen is something I doubt they ever expected. Thana is..." I trailed off for a moment before looking down.

"She's?" Greigh prodded after a moment.

A sigh escaped my lips. "She is the strongest foe I have ever faced. In terms of power alone, she is terrifying, but she has subdued multiple Demon Lords to work under her. Not having infighting is surprising. That in itself speaks of her strength." Rubbing old wounds, a frown formed on my lips. "The truth is, neither of us was prepared for the other back then. She is likely stronger than I know."

"That's concerning."

I quirked a brow at that. "You think?" Was my sarcastic response.

He nodded. "Usually." Greigh replied absentmindedly. "Do you plan on ruling Lestrania?" The question had a nervous undertone.


"Then what do you plan on doing?"

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