Chapter 351: Chapter 351

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"Get a headache?" I offered but received no reply. "Was instantly annoyed? Oh, the deepening pit of regret grew ever larger-"

"Shut up, Arthur." Elincia finally said after my third guess.

"Rude." I commented, which earned me yet another glare, and I held my hands up in a placating manner.

Ventari sighed. "He got our ship to safety, repelled the Demon forces, and reinforced our defenses."

Turiel then added, "Our runes were also strengthened as well."

Many turned to me, and I shrugged. "All in a day's work." Dwar and Vitar frowned at that. "Or, in this case, five minutes of work." Then I looked back to Ventari. "Seriously though, I'd like a day or two to rest. The only thing that can get through those reinforced runes is that Wraith like Demon. If that happens, I'll hear it. Other than that, I think it would be best for everyone to relax. Being under siege isn't easy."

"And you're so aware of the difficulties of being under siege?" Vitar questioned.

"This ain't my first time if you know what I mean."

Leaning back, I replied. "Exactly as I said. Once I feel rested, I'll head out to take care of the Demon's main force. They'll be easy enough to kill in the midst of my battle with that Wraith."

Tart stood angrily. "Can we please be serious? We cannot just rush out there in two days with no plan!"

"I didn't say we would. I said I would. Alone."

"Arthur!" Elincia chastised as she looked at me.


Vitar spoke in a low tone. "The enemies' forces are tens of thousands, if not over a hundred. We haven't been able to get an accurate count on them because of this mist, but you cannot seriously expect to take on that many by yourself."

"You'd be surprised what I can and cannot do." I told him and turned to Ventari. "Make sure you keep your people out of the battle. If they get involved, I won't be responsible for their lives out there." Standing got many to mimic me, mostly out of surprise. "I'll keep my end of the deal, Ventari. I expect you to do the same."

She nodded. "Of course." The Queen quickly looked to Elincia. "I would like for you to stay behind if at all possible. Arthur, feel free to start resting. You'll need your strength for the coming trial."

Dwar grumbled out in disbelief. "Please tell me we're not actually considering this to be our best course of action?"

With a short wave, I answered. "It's my best course of action, and as I told your Queen, it won't be my problem if you die." Then I looked at my student. "Ty." He moved to follow me, and we left the room.

"That didn't seem like a very diplomatic meeting." My student pointed out.

"It wasn't. The more stressed I am, the less time I'm going to worry about making everyone feel comfortable." I told him. "The Dwarves would be a liability. Nothing more. Someone needed to tell them that before they got any wild ideas about making some grand last stand or some shit."

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