Chapter 376: Chapter 376

Ventari's Point of View


We watched as the sky lit up from explosion after explosion. No more songs were being sung. The entire sky was on fire. Many hugged their loved ones while others watched in resignation. Resigned to fall here. Dwardew would be nothing more than a memory. Lady Turiel stepped beside me as we watched Arthur try to hold the Demon's attacks at bay.

By no means did I react on purpose. Many of us collapsed in fear as Arthur slammed into the ground. His feet spread wide as his arms shook barely above his head, as his neck started to burn from the magic attack. The ground cracked beneath his feet while many began to cry. A night of victory was what I wanted to give my people because I knew it might not last.

To my surprise, I heard Arthur speak. "Don't tell them." He said softly, and I looked up at him. "Don't tell anyone."

I was confused by that until wings sprouted from his back, and his body began to morph into something entirely new. Blue cracks started to form on his skin as his armor glowed before it seeped into his body before it turned black. Horns sprouted from his head along with a red and black orb that floated between the two. His fingers turned blue, with sparks of his blue energy transforming them. Even his face completely disappeared as only his eyes remained.

Power thundered from his body as the waves of attacks stopped as they completely disappeared. Almost like they were thrown back up into the sky and through the mist suddenly. The Wraith became visible once more as it floated down and off to the side as it examined Arthur. Part of me is ashamed to admit that I was afraid of him.

His eyes met mine once more, and I could not tell what he might be thinking, and I cowered. Arthur eyed me a little longer before reaching out with his hands, and his sword flew to him from the palace. Cutting through the air, it seemed to thunder across the sky like lightning before it appeared in his hands like a flash of light.

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