Chapter 244 *Title Hidden*

When the situation on Planet Vegeta suddenly took a turn, Lin Chen also stopped in his tracks.

He was the creator of the Saiyan Divine Dragon, and when Divine Dragon was summoned, he could sense it as well.

Knowing that Tights should have summoned Divine Dragon according to his message, Lin Chen felt much relieved.

As long as Divine Dragon was there, Planet Vegeta would be fine.

Next, all they had to do was destroy the Big Gete Star, take down Dr. Gero, and everything would be peaceful.

But at this moment, Lin Chen frowned suddenly because in front of them, a figure was slowly approaching.

From the looks of it, it seemed to be someone other than Metal Cooler who had been blocking their way all along.

Because Lin Chen stopped, Goku and the others who had been chasing after him finally caught up.

Be careful, it seems like theres a new Android ahead! Lin Chen warned, and immediately everyone stood beside him, on guard.

A few seconds later, the figure revealed its true identity, and everyone was surprised because the person looked none other than like Vegeta, who was by Lin Chens side.

But how could there be two Vegeta in this world?

After thinking for a moment, everyone understood what was going on.


Just like the Android Raditz and Android Goku they encountered before, Vegeta in front of them was probably also an Android from Trunks world.

In other words

Lin Chen suddenly realized that the Android Vegeta in front of him was Trunks real father.

He remembered Trunks saying that in that world, Vegeta was assassinated by an Android, but who would have thought that Dr. Gero had turned him into an Android.

Trunks, how does it feel to see your father again? After my modifications, your father is no longer what he used to be! He is now one of the most powerful Androids by my side, designated as Number 32!

I never thought that you and your father could be reunited in another world, fate is truly amazing, so enjoy this father-son reunion!

As Dr. Geros words fell, Lin Chen immediately turned his head to look at Trunks and saw that the young man was indeed unable to control his emotions.

Driven by anger, Trunks rushed forward without a word.

Damn you, Dr. Gero!

Trunks, come back!

When Vegeta saw him rushing out, he immediately followed anxiously, but it was too late.

Enraged Trunks had completely lost his sanity, roaring in anger as he unleashed terrifying energy!

Father, let me free you! Galick Gun!


In the next instant, the beam of light containing all of Trunks power exploded right in front of everyone, creating billowing smoke.

But before Trunks could even rejoice, a loud thud sound rang out from the area previously engulfed in explosion, and a figure broke through the flames, instantly appearing before him.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

First, two punches heavily struck Trunks, and finally, Android 32 delivered a kick that sent Trunks flying.


Vegeta shouted loudly, reaching out to catch Trunks.

But he couldnt dissipate the tremendous force, and in the end, both him and Trunks were sent flying, creating a massive crater several tens of meters wide in the passage.


Goku called out, intending to go forward and deal with Android 32, but he was stopped by Lin Chen.

You all just watch, hes not someone you can handle.

Through the systems detector, Lin Chen had already seen that the Android Vegetas true Power Level was over 100 million!

Although Goku and Vegeta had grown a lot these days and even mastered the Super Saiyan Second Grade transformation, their Power Level had still not surpassed 100 million. How could they be his match?

But for Lin Chen, such an opponent was much easier to deal with.

Using Instant Transmission, Lin Chen appeared in front of Android 32, his fist smashing down with a sonic boom.

Lin Chens current Power Level was over 500 million, so dealing with an Android with just over 100 million was a piece of cake.

However, to Lin Chens surprise, before his fist could hit, the opponents hand intercepted him!


Lin Chen was taken aback. He had been blocked?

What was going on?

The answer was quickly revealed.

Android 32 in front of him suddenly emitted a familiar light, and in the next moment, the hair of Android Vegeta turned golden!

He could transform into a Super Saiyan?

Even Lin Chen was bewildered this time.

Although he had long known that the Vegeta from another world also possessed the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan, he never expected that the opponent could still transform after being turned into an Android.

And this transformation was not just for show. The opponents Power Level had instantly skyrocketed from just over 100 million to over 500 million, almost a five-fold increase!

Although it couldnt be compared to a true Super Saiyan, it was still quite astonishing.

However, the astonishing thing didnt end there.

After blocking Lin Chens attack, Android 32 didnt immediately counterattack. Instead, he quickly retreated, creating distance between himself and Lin Chen.

Come here! You worthless people, give me your power! Android 32 suddenly shouted.

In the next moment, countless Metal Cooler emerged from the passage.

These Metal Cooler seemed to be controlled by some kind of program. Their eyes were lifeless, and as they approached Android 32, their bodies rapidly disintegrated until only a chip and an energy battery remained.

Each Metal Cooler was reduced to a chip and a battery. When at least dozens of Metal Cooler became nothing more than chips and batteries, Lin Chen frowned.

He suddenly felt that this scene was familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but for the moment, he couldnt confirm it.

Regardless, the current situation was not good.

Everyone, help me! Stop him!


The crowd responded loudly.

Immediately, everyone joined forces, and the dazzling energy waves of the martial arts roared and rushed forward.

But at this moment, Android 32s mouth curled up, and he laughed as he absorbed all the energy batteries and compute chips floating around him.

As soon as these chips and energy batteries entered his body, 32 let out a painful howl. Every inch of his muscles and bones seemed to be shattered by a heavy object, only to be reassembled again.

As this process kept repeating, his body began to swell, and the color of his skin gradually changed.

This, this is

Looking at the continuously skyrocketing energy and the changed appearance of 32, Lin Chens face darkened.

He finally understood where he had seen this scene before.

The current appearance of Android 32 was exactly the same as the transformation of Android 13 in a certain Dragon Ball movie!

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