Chapter 331 *Title Hidden*

Old Kais suggestion, of course, Lin Chen did not take seriously. He just smiled casually, brushing it off.

Old Kai also understood that it wouldnt be so easy to make Lin Chen agree, so he didnt press the matter any further.

Not long after that, Lin Chen and the Supreme Kais group appeared on Planet Vegeta.

Planet Vegetas dragon balls had already been prepared, waiting for his return to be used.

Seeing Planet Vegetas dragon balls, Old Kai couldnt help but be amazed.

Are these your Dragon Balls? Its quite strange. Arent Dragon Balls something that only the Namekians can make? Lin Chen, how did you manage to do it?

Its the power of the Super Dragon Balls, Lin Chen explained briefly about the origin of Planet Vegetas Dragon Balls.

Old Kai suddenly realized, while the East Supreme Kai and Kibito still looked puzzled.

Super Dragon Balls?

Other universes?

They were completely unaware of all this!

Old Kai sighed deeply and shook his head in disbelief. Ah, what a disgrace. Youre the most ignorant among all the Supreme Kai from the various universes that Ive ever met.

Turning his head, Old Kai asked, Mr. Lin Chen, are you planning to use the Dragon Balls to resurrect the people of Earth?

Thats right, Lin Chen nodded.

However, Old Kai felt the need to emphasize, Mr. Lin Chen, theres something I must remind you of. Its best to avoid using Dragon Balls, especially for resurrecting the dead. Its a power that defies the natural order. By the way, do you know about what happened on Planet Namek?

You mean the backlash of Planet Nameks Dragon Balls?

Thats right. The great calamity on Planet Namek in the past was a consequence of excessive use of the Dragon Balls.

Lin Chen had heard about this history from the deceased Great Elder, but he didnt take it to heart. After all, how could his Dragon Balls develop problems so quickly when they had been used only a few times?

Thank you for the reminder. I will be careful.

Saying that, he began the summoning.

Old Kai saw that Lin Chen didnt seem to take his warning seriously and could only shake his head, deciding not to say more.

The summoning process proceeded as usual.

The divine five-clawed golden dragon made both Supreme Kai sigh at their own insignificance.

Lin Chen personally made the wish to the divine dragon, Shenron, please resurrect the people on Earth who died because of Majin Buu and Android 21. Also, it would be best if their negative emotions caused by this event could be erased during the resurrection!

Although this wish seemed like two wishes, Shenron did not refuse.

Perhaps this was the privilege of being the creator?

This wish is quite simple. Thy wish can be granted.

The five-clawed golden dragons eyes shimmered, and on the distant Earth, the people killed by Majin Buu were resurrected one by one. Everyone except the soulless clones and the fully mechanical Android 16 was brought back to life.


Wait, I didnt die?

Android 18 got up from the ground, looking puzzled. Her last memory was being transformed into a dessert by Android 21. But now, looking at herself, she was perfectly fine.


At that moment, a familiar voice reached her from a distance. She turned around and saw her husband, Krillin, along with Android 17 and others, smiling and waving as they flew towards her.

After they landed, none of them knew what had happened, and they could only speculate that Shenron had revived them.

By the way, wheres Android 21? 18 suddenly asked.

The others shook their heads.

Just then, Yamcha shouted while holding a phone, Everyone, come and see this!

On Yamchas phone, a live video was playing.

In the footage, their old friend Mr. Satan stood in front of the camera, with Fat Buu standing behind him. A beautiful female reporter held a microphone and asked, Mr. Satan, can you please repeat what happened on Earth earlier? Many people, including myself, remember our last moments being turned into candy while flying in the sky?

Friends of Earth! Please rest assured! The crisis on Earth has been resolved!

In front of the camera, Satan recounted the entire incident to everyone, but when it came to the part about the final resolution, Satan claimed that he and his disciple, Mr. Buu, had together defeated the Evil Android 21, saving everyone on Earth.

Oh my goodness! So thats what happened! Did you hear that, dear viewers? Earth has once again been saved!

Satan! Satan! Satan!

Cheers erupted out in all corners of Earth.

Krillin shrugged. So, thats how it is

Tien Shinhan nodded. Yeah, thats how it is

Although they said so, in reality, everyone knew that only half of what Satan said could be believed.

The truth of the matter is that it was most likely Lin Chen and others from Planet Vegeta who ultimately dealt with Android 21.

Only they could possibly have revived the people on Earth because they also have Dragon Balls.

As for why Satan dared to take credit, the reason is quite simple; most likely, it was at the behest of Lin Chen and others.

It must be said that Krillin and the others were not far off from their guess.

As the people on Earth celebrated their narrow escape, the atmosphere on Planet Vegeta began to turn peculiar.

Normally, after fulfilling a wish, the divine dragon would naturally disappear.

However, this time, after granting the wish, the five-clawed golden dragon remained silent and did not immediately depart.

1 minute.

3 minutes.

5 minutes.

After several minutes of this standoff with the divine dragon, the people around Lin Chen couldnt stand it any longer and began to inquire.

Lin Chen, whats going on? Why isnt the divine dragon leaving?

Your Majesty, whats going on with the divine dragon?

Even Lin Chen himself couldnt understand what was going on with it. The current situation was something he had never encountered before.

Divine Dragon, is there something else you need? Lin Chen finally asked. fr𝐞𝐞𝚠e𝗯𝗻ovel.c𝐨m

At this moment, the divine dragon finally spoke, but its words left everyone shocked.

Lin Chen, I look forward to your next wish!

With that, the divine dragon transformed into a golden light and flew off in all directions.

This time, Lin Chen was so astonished by the divine dragons words that he almost forgot to gather the Dragon Balls.

When he saw the Dragon Balls scattering, he hurriedly acted.

Fortunately, the current Lin Chen had mastered the Power of Space and Time, so gathering the Dragon Balls was not difficult.

Once he had gathered the Dragon Balls, the others immediately crowded around.

The divine dragons words had left them deeply puzzled.

Your Majesty, what just happened with the divine dragon?

At this moment, Old Kai suddenly pushed through the crowd and approached, Lin Chen, let me see your Dragon Balls.

Lin Chen handed over the Dragon Balls, which had turned into stones.

Old Kai only took a glance and his expression changed drastically: Lin Chen! It seems like your Dragon Balls have been contaminated by evil energy!

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