Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 344: The archrival in the dream

Chapter 344: The archrival in the dream

In these years on God of Destructions Planet, it has been a completely new way of life for Broly.

Whiss training for him was not solely focused on energy but rather on refining his heart.

As a Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly possesses a powerful physique, but his mind is incredibly fragile.

Although he had previously trained hard to control his violent emotions, it was evident that this kind of training was not enough.

Especially if he wants to become a God of Destruction in the future, he must have a stronger mental fortitude.

But that doesnt mean Brolys Power Level hasnt improved over the years.

On the contrary, if we solely consider Power Level, Brolys Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline, is actually more formidable than even Lin Chen.

Therefore, even when facing Beerus, Broly undoubtedly has the power to put up a fight.

However, because he knows that the person in front of him may be his predecessor God of Destruction, Broly initially just endured Beerus attacks.

It wasnt until Whis stepped out of the temple and witnessed the scene before him.

Broly, Beerus-sama wants to test your strength, so dont underestimate him.

Underestimate? Beerus was momentarily stunned, not quite grasping it.

How on Earth could someone dare to hold back against a God of Destruction?

But before he could fully comprehend, Brolys aura suddenly shifted. The one who had been taking hits without retaliating exploded with a burst of berserk power.

Within Brolys aura, there was even a hint of the Power of Destruction.

Whis! You actually taught him the Power of Destruction?

He is a God of Destruction candidate, so theres no problem.

Whis, are you trying to get me killed?

Beerus was fuming.

But it was understandable; anyone would lose their temper if they woke up to find someone trying to usurp their position.

Not to mention, Beerus has always had a bad temper.

However, despite being angry, once Broly unleashed the Power of Destruction, Beerus found himself somewhat caught off guard.

To the point where Beerus had to use both hands to fight back.

When Beerus got serious, it spelled trouble for the God of Destructions Planet.

Despite it being Beerus territory, once he unleashed his full power, destroying it would be a matter of minutes.

Broly, on the other hand, is renowned as the Legendary Super Saiyan known for his ferocious fighting style.

Once these two went all out, more than half of the God of Destructions Planet would be obliterated in an instant.

And Brolys fighting style, where hed rather take ten punches to return a single slap, further fueled Beerus anger.

As the God of Destruction, when was the last time someone had dared to defy him like this?

With his anger rising, Beerus couldnt help but want to use his own God of Destructions power.

A purplish-black energy sphere quickly formed at his fingertips.

But just then, Whis suddenly inserted himself between the two.

Thats enough for now, Beerus-sama.

An invisible force separated Beerus and Broly.

Seeing Whis intervene, Beerus reluctantly backed down.

Broly quickly regained his composure as well.

Years of training hadnt been in vain; he could now easily control his anger.

However, when Broly reverted from his Legendary Super Saiyan form to a Saiyan with black hair, Beerus eyes widened in shock.

Whis! Is this guy a Saiyan?

Yeah, didnt I tell you?

Beerus looked Broly up and down, who was no longer the berserk warrior from moments ago. He furrowed his brow and said, A Saiyan? I distinctly remember ordering Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta. Did he not follow my order?

If its Frieza, he did attack Planet Vegeta at that time, but we Saiyans nearly killed him. And more than a decade ago, he was completely defeated and killed by our Saiyan King.

What?! Saiyan King?

Beerus found it hard to believe. The King Vegeta he had considered insignificant had managed to kill Frieza?

You see, in the past, Beerus had delegated many tasks to Frieza.

Beerus was well aware of Friezas strength, and in the entire universe, there were only a few who could defeat him.

And he had died over a decade ago?

And at the hands of a trash like King Vegeta?

Whis, tell me, is this guy messing with me?

Youre mistaken, Beerus-sama. Everything he said is true.

Whis tapped his scepter and a holographic image appeared on it, showing the moment Lin Chen had killed Frieza in the space.

Seeing the person who killed Frieza also emitting a greenish aura, Beerus abruptly turned his head to look at Broly.

Is that person a Saiyan too?

He is the Saiyan King, His Majesty Links.

What?! Beerus was baffled. What did you say? Hes the Saiyan King? Wasnt Vegeta III the Saiyan King?

His Majesty Links is the king who succeeded Vegeta III. Vegeta III later became his minister.

Beerus felt a headache coming on. How had the entire Universe 7 changed while he was sleeping? Everything felt unfamiliar and unrecognizable.

Gulugulu! Ah~!

Beerus downed a glass of wine that Whis had supposedly brought from a planet called Earth, then muttered, Is this guy named Links Lin Chen really that powerful? He has mastered four kinds of Power of Laws on his own?

Beerus temporarily put up with Broly, the suddenly emerging junior, and instead focused his attention on the Saiyan King named Lin Chen.

The more he inquired, the more frightened he became. Even though Whis had been on the God of Destructions Planet over this past decade, he was well-informed about Earths affairs, including Lin Chen mastering four kinds of Power of Laws.

Its not just the Power of Laws. The energy fluctuations that woke you up also originated from Lin Chen.

Ive only been asleep for less than forty years, and this guy suddenly appears out of nowhere?

Beerus couldnt help but shout. But then he suddenly remembered something. Wait, could he be the person I dreamt about?


Whis was curious.

Yeah, this time when I was sleeping, I had a dream about an archrival of mine. He seemed to be called something like SaiyanSuper Saiyan God? Super Saiyan King?

Beerus scratched his head and then slammed the table, shouting, Oracle Fish!

Not long after Beerus spoke, a small glass of water floated over, containing a peculiar blue creature.

Broly knew this creature as the Oracle Fish, Beerus pet, capable of making uncannily accurate prophecies with a 100% success rate.

Whats up, Beerus-sama?

I wanted to ask you, what was the name of the archrival I dreamt about?

The Oracle Fishs small eyes blinked as it pondered. Super Saiyan God.'

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