Chapter 363: *Hidden Title*

In the Dragon Ball world, the evolution of techniques follows a path from the naked eye to aura, and from aura to Ultra Instinct.

Initially, it starts with observing opponents with the naked eye.

This is almost a universal combat method across the universe.

However, for martial artists who have comprehend aura, a more profound combat method is to use Ki Sense.

Because there are blind spots in observing with the naked eye, it is not as comprehensive as Ki Sense.

But when it comes to the divine realm, Ki Sense becomes ineffective, and at this point, one can no longer use the combat methods of ordinary mortals.

So, in the divine realm, the combat method usually reverts to the initial method of observing with the naked eyes.

However, apart from this, there is another even more profound combat method, which is Ultra Instinct.

Although it may seem similar to using Ki Sense, it is fundamentally different.

To attain Ultra Instinct, one must free themselves from the limitations of consciousness on the body and allow the body to perceive the initial movements.

Currently, among all the Gods of Destruction, very few can truly use Ultra Instinct. Even Beerus has only recently started learning and cannot use it skillfully.

Of course, among the angels who know how to teach this ability, there are also very few. However, as far as Lin Chen knows, Whis does know how to teach it, which is why he wanted to consult Whis in the first place.

In the past, Lin Chen had shown extraordinary talent in many things.

Whether it was breaking through the limits of Saiyan or developing his own Super Saiyan God form, the whole process was quite smooth for Lin Chen.

He rarely encountered difficulties.

However, this time, Lin Chen ran into trouble.

In the first week of receiving guidance from Whis, Lin Chen encountered trouble.

Whis's first step in guiding Lin Chen was to make him learn to perceive the outside world with his body.

However, after a week had passed, Lin Chen was like a block of wood, making no progress at all.

"Mr. Lin Chen, please calm your mind and try to understand it naturally..."


Lin Chen opened his eyes, looking helpless. "I really can't sense anything at all. What's going on?"

Whis, holding his scepter, was also somewhat dumbfounded.

When it came to teaching Ultra Instinct, the same methods he used to teach Goku and Vegeta had some effect. But why couldn't he see any progress in Lin Chen?

It was truly strange.

In terms of talent, Lin Chen was far superior to them, so why was this happening?

"Mr. Whis, I may have an idea!"

At this moment, Old Kai, who was observing from the side, suddenly interjected.

As the owner of the Sacred World of the Kai, it was impossible for Lin Chen and Whis to come here to train Ultra Instinct without informing them. Therefore, the two Supreme Kai already knew their purpose.

Whis, upon hearing Old Kai speak up, asked, "Old Kai-sama, what's your thoughts?"

Considering the time he was sealed, Old Kai had lived for at least a million years and was well-versed and experienced, and Whis had to take his opinion seriously.

Old Kai cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Whis, in my opinion, the most crucial step in attaining Ultra Instinct is actually having a peaceful mind."

"Considering Mr. Lin Chen's situation, achieving a peaceful mind might be quite unlikely, don't you think?"


Before Whis could respond, Lin Chen asked first.

Whis suddenly realized, "Ah, I see now. It was my oversight."

Whis shook his head at Lin Chen and said, "Unfortunately, Mr. Lin Chen, it seems you are incompatible with Ultra Instinct because you are a Legendary Super Saiyan."

"Incompatible?" Lin Chen furrowed his brows. "Whis, what do you mean? What's wrong with being a Legendary Super Saiyan?"

"Mr. Lin Chen, when I was teaching Broly, I noticed that you Legendary Super Saiyans inherently have a lingering darkness in your hearts. While you can suppress it with external forces and training, your naturally violent inner nature can never reach the mindset required to master Ultra Instinct, no matter how you train. So, unfortunately... you should give up." Whis said regretfully.

After saying that, Whis nodded at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin Chen, I can't stay away from Beerus-sama for too long, so I'll be leaving now. Although I can't help you, I will make sure to teach Lin Luo and Taro properly."

Whis disappeared, leaving Lin Chen bewildered on the scene.

Speaking of which, is this the first time in his life that he's faced such a setback?

Lin Chen had never expected that the Legendary Super Saiyan's bloodline, which he had always been proud of and which had helped him overcome many challenges in the past, would have such a serious flaw.

But he understood that Whis was definitely not lying.

Firstly, Whis had no reason to lie.

Secondly, having experienced the Perfect Ultra Instinct, Lin Chen knew that Whis's words were absolutely correct. He might indeed not be suited to learn Ultra Instinct.

The evidence was that when he entered the Perfect Ultra Instinct state, Lin Chen's heart was not as serene as Goku's in the original work. At that time, Goku had mentioned that in the Ultra Instinct state, his heart was as calm as the clear stream of Mount Paozu. However, at that moment, Lin Chen's heart was still as fiery as Planet Vegeta's volcano, filled with passion.

It was completely different from Goku's situation.

Vegeta, too, had ultimately given up trying to learn Ultra Instinct, because he knew very well that his heart could never be as calm as Goku's.

Lin Chen's martial arts talent skill, which had helped him learn countless techniques in the past, couldn't help him this time. Ultra Instinct is a state, not a simple technique, and it has surpassed the scope of this skill.

Perhaps, apart from waiting for the system to release a task related to Ultra Instinct, Lin Chen truly had no chance of comprehending it.

"Well….Mr. Lin Chen, you may not be able to learn Ultra Instinct, but perhaps you can learn a technique that can rival it?" Old Kai's voice suddenly rang out from the side.

At first, the voice entered Lin Chen's left ear and exited from the right. But when it had completely left Lin Chen's right ear, he suddenly pulled the voice back into his ear.

"Old Kai-sama, what did you mean by what you just said?"

"Hehehe." Old Kai smiled mysteriously. "Mr. Lin Chen, the path to becoming stronger is not limited to just Ultra Instinct. At least I know that someone once fought evenly with an expert who had mastered Ultra Instinct, even though he himself couldn't use it."

"Is that true, Ancestor?" East Supreme Kai was somewhat incredulous. Was there really someone in the world who could contend against an expert who had comprehended Ultra Instinct?

"Of course! I've been alive for a million years! Do you think I'm just talking nonsense?"

"No, no..."

Old Kai gave a disdainful look to East Supreme Kai and turned to Lin Chen. "So, Mr. Lin Chen, are you interested in learning that person's technique?"

"Of course!"

Lin Chen replied without hesitation.

They say there's wisdom in old age, and Lin Chen now felt that releasing Old Kai, this eccentric old man, as in the original work, was one of the best decisions he had ever made.

Chapter 363 Incompatible with Ultra Instinct?

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