Starting from the Planetary Governor

Chapter 45 - Chapter 45: Chapter 45, The Governor Will Make a Move

Chapter 45: Chapter 45, The Governor Will Make a Move

Perbov felt a chill in his heart.

He understood all too well what would happen if these monsters actually broke through the fire blockade and reached their faces.

The Pus Spewers, previously thought to be very dangerous among the enemy, were actually nothing at all. The most terrifying were those ordinary Pus monsters.

It was mainly their numbers; there were simply too many of them.

Once engaged in close combat, the soldiers, even though they were equipped with bayonets, naturally couldn’t fire their weapons at close quarters. And when more and more, almost endless, monsters rushed in, how could his men possibly outfight the enemy with just their bayonets?

Even if a soldier could kill three or five Pus monsters in close combat, it would be useless. The enemy would use their overwhelming numbers to completely drown them.

In fact, signs of this were already showing.

Twice as many zombie dogs as before had already taken the lead and rushed into the soldiers’ formation after the fire support weakened.

This was the first step in shaking the entire defensive line.

The zombie dogs that rushed in had to be dealt with up close by the soldiers, and if they took even a little more time to handle these zombie dogs, it would further weaken the firepower, and more zombie dogs might rush in subsequently. The situation would quickly enter into a vicious cycle and collapse rapidly.

Perbov could see this trend.

But he felt somewhat powerless.

He had already shouted himself hoarse, demanding his soldiers hold on and maintain fire.

But it was difficult.

His warriors were not cowards, but pain, strong winds, and white fog were objective difficulties that could not simply be overcome.

Especially the white fog, which severely compromised the soldiers’ visibility. Even those who could stay at their combat posts could only fire blindly into the surrounding fog. Only at a much closer range could they see some vague silhouettes.

The decline in shooting accuracy greatly reduced the effectiveness of the firepower grid.

What he could truly do effectively at the moment was to ensure the more critical fire support units maintained their assault.

The mortars, unified under the command of the battalion headquarters, could not stop, and Perbov also demanded the mortar operators drop their shells closer to their positions.

Previously, the shells were mostly targeted at the edge of the woods, as the first wave of killing and interception. Not placing them too close was due to fear of friendly fire, as well as because the enemy’s formation would become sparse due to casualties on the charge, which would reduce the lethality of the shells.

But now he couldn’t care about that.

Additionally, the machine gunners positioned at various points were also trying their best to hold their positions. Their situation was slightly better, with the temporary fortifications made of wood and sandbags at the fire points providing some protection from the wind. The machine gunners endured the pain, lying on the ground with their fingers wrapped around the trigger, not caring if the barrel would overheat and fail, wildly pouring bullets into the mist.

At the same time, the fire from the four Striders never ceased.

It was because the mortars, machine guns, and autocannons, these three major fire points, had not been silenced, that the entire defensive line still had a certain level of fire support.

If this were not the case, the defensive line would have already collapsed.

However, Perbov knew that with just his command, this was all he could do.

The fragile balance could only slow down the process of the defensive line collapsing and could not return to the previous level of keeping all the monsters completely outside the range of fire.

In frustration, he looked up through the fog and saw the vague figures of three Storm Eagles—one large and two smaller ones—flitting through the sky.

He knew that there lay the root of the problem.

But for those three creatures in the sky… Perbov truly had no solution.

He had already ordered all the sharpshooters in the company to shoot at the sky, but to little effect; he himself had also drawn his sidearm, firing shots up into the sky, but that seemed more like a venting of frustration, utterly useless.

He had tried his hardest, but what followed seemed to signify that his efforts were about to be destroyed.

The current stability of the defensive position was due to the mortar positions and the machine gun fire points still being active, a factor clearly seen by the Storm Apostles flying above.

They didn’t trouble the Strider V; their Storm Sorcery lacked the means to penetrate the armor and injure the drivers inside.

And to damage the armored vehicles themselves…

Forget it.

By comparison, the machine gunners and mortar men were easier to deal with.

The sky unleashed wind bullets.

A wheel-sized wind bullet, tearing through the white fog from mid-air, descended rapidly and exploded upon a machine gun position with a thunderous blast.

It was as if the sudden explosive pressure of the bullet sent people flying; the high-pressure dispersed wind blades cut bodies to ribbons, truly like shrapnel.

The machine gunner and the two soldiers beside him, when they hit the ground, were already lifeless.

The removal of a machine gun fire point had a significant impact. The area it covered was immediately breached by several zombie dogs, followed by Pus Spewers.

The pressure suddenly increased.

Seeing two more wind bullets descending from the sky, Perbov was panic-stricken.

Instinctively, he moved towards the landing point of the wind bullets, trying to block them with his body.

But just then, a rather familiar voice rang in his mind: “Don’t worry, lead your team with your heart.”


Perbov recognized the voice, but when he looked around, he saw nothing.

It was only then that he came to the belated realization that the voice had sounded directly in his mind.

A light bulb went off in his head, and he recalled that battle beside the valley, those people with peculiar deaths.

The Governor possessed some mystical power known as Spiritual Energy, not powerless at all.

If it was the Governor, there would be no problem at all!

Perbov had such deep trust in the Governor in his heart.

And indeed, Gu Hang did not let him down.

The two wind bullets that he was desperate to block with his body dissipated into nothingness before they even touched the ground.

Immediately after, the three Storm Giant Eagles flying in the sky also vanished.

Three figures fell from the sky.

In an instant, the situation had greatly changed.

All of this was, of course, due to the intervention of Gu Hang.

At this moment, he had already disembarked from the Strider V.

The transmission of Spiritual Energy through the armor of the Strider V to cast spells outside would attenuate to a certain extent. To ensure success, he left the Strider V and went outside.

‘Spiritual Energy Cutting’ is indeed a handy spell.

Gu Hang did not use this spell directly on those three Cultists. The soul strength of those three was quite high, distinctly visible in his spiritual vision. Even if he had exerted his full strength, it was not certain that he could sever their heads or kill their souls.

The target Gu Hang chose to strike was the Spiritual Energy link they used to control the Storm Eagles.

Destroying the flight sorcery and causing the three to fall, then annihilating them physically, was a more convenient method.

And beside him, 11 soldiers of the Land Assault Team darted out, each targeting one of the falling figures.

These assault team members, while sprinting at high speed and firing their guns, were uncannily accurate, their metal spikes precisely targeting the free-falling figures in mid-air.

This was a standard far beyond their comrades.

The reason why these 11 special forces soldiers were able to perform at such a high level was that they had transcended the T4 level of warriors and reached the T3 tier.

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