Starting from the Planetary Governor

Chapter 64 - Chapter 64: Chapter 64, Fight for the Newborn

Chapter 64: Chapter 64, Fight for the Newborn

Facing the questioning of his battle brothers, Commander Matins let out a long sigh.

The face of this leader, always meant to be steadfast, nevertheless showed signs of weariness and bewilderment.

“We have no choice,” he said.

His words brought down everyone’s spirits.

Bald Schneider spoke up, “We’ve come this far, seen the situation here, and now we should realize, we’ve come to the wrong place. We shouldn’t waste precious time here; we should return to the Star Sea and search for new hope.”

Another warrior joined the conversation, “How do we search? Keep wandering? Until the Burn Feather’s fuel is completely depleted? We can’t even find a single planet willing to supply us normally! Are we to become like those pirate traitors, and start plundering?”

Schneider was taken aback, also recalling the hardships of the past few months. But he quickly retorted, “So what’s the use of staying here? That mortal is willing to help us supply, but he doesn’t even have a bullet for a bomb gun!”

The Phoenixes rarely quarreled like this, understanding that they were each other’s last brothers, last family. Yet, the bleak future still made it impossible to always maintain a positive mindset.

It wasn’t a time for battle, although the current situation was arguably more crucial than a fierce fight, but at such times, they needed the right direction even more.

Commander Matins didn’t stop the brothers from arguing.

He knew that part of the reason for this situation was his insufficient authority, but even he himself felt lost at the moment, unsure whether to accept Governor Gu Hang’s invitation. How could he then talk about ending the argument?

In the end, the one who stood up was the oldest in terms of service in the combat team and also the most special.

Priest Rizzo.

The priest’s power armor was painted differently from the other six battle brothers, not entirely red but primarily black, with only a bright red Phoenix pattern on the shoulders.

The priest, with his helmet removed, had a slightly aged face, half his beard and hair already graying.

Star warriors live incredibly long lives, so much so that none had heard of a Death Angel dying of old age.

But that doesn’t mean star warriors don’t age.

Time is the sharpest blade, always able to cut deep marks on the face, on the body.

The priest spoke, “Stop this pointless argument.”

After he spoke, the battle brothers indeed fell silent. The identity of a priest, and the oldest of the combat team, gave his words even more weight than those of the commander himself.

But after stopping the argument, Rizzo didn’t say much more. He just looked at Commander Matins and said, “Commander, you need to take responsibility for the entire combat team. You should make this decision.”

Commander Matins hesitated.

He understood that Priest Rizzo’s intervention was in support of him. Just now, under such controversial circumstances, his inability to make a decision, even to stop the argument from continuing, had worn away at his credibility as a commander.

But understanding all this did not mean he really knew what to do next.

His gaze returned to Priest Rizzo as he inquired, “You said you received a revelation that Governor Gu Hang embodies the hope for rebuilding our battle group. But how exactly can he help us rebuild the battle group?”

Rizzo shook his head and replied, “You should not ask me that question, for the revelation did not provide me with an answer. But the one who has received the revelation is in this town, so why not ask him yourself?”

Matins let out a deep sigh and said, “Alright, I’ll go now.”

As they watched the commander leave the building, the bald Schneider spoke up, “Our commander is too indecisive.”

“Perhaps it’s because the responsibility he bears is so great that he must be continuously cautious.”

“Even so, that shouldn’t be the case,” Schneider still seemed somewhat dissatisfied. “I’m not saying we have to leave here, but at the very least we need a firm goal, and then decisive action. We cannot waver here. Those months drifting in the Star Sea were also terrible, I hate this kind of uncertainty. A warrior should not be like this.”

Facing the question posed by the returning Commander Matins, Gu Hang was somewhat at a loss for words.

How can I help you rebuild the battle group?

You’re asking me? Where the hell would I know from?

If I say I can’t do anything about it, won’t you suddenly get angry and pull out a bomb gun and shoot me?

Inside, I’m panicking like crazy, but my face remains calm and composed.

He said, “Commander Matins, you’ve caught me off guard with this question. I don’t know where to begin…”

Hearing Gu Hang say this, Matins also felt somewhat disappointed.

It’s no wonder, right? Even if he didn’t know how to rebuild the battle group, what answer could he expect from a mortal?

But at this moment, Gu Xing continued, “But, Commander Matins, please forgive my bluntness, but your current confusion is somewhat unwarranted. Rebuilding a battle group is a grand, arduous plan. When you think about how to achieve it all at once and want a definitive answer, of course you’ll feel at a loss, clueless, and the hope slim. These issues will turn into thousands of troubles, standing in your way. Why not break this immense plan down into several achievable small targets and work towards them step by step on solid ground?”

Matins would not sigh in front of Gu Hang, but only said, “I understand these principles, but…”

Gu Hang shook his head, gesturing with his hands to prevent Matins from continuing, trying to take control of the conversation: “Since you’ve come to ask me, why not listen to my thoughts. Commander Matins, in your view, what exactly is needed to rebuild the battle group?”

Matins’ thoughts were redirected as he considered Gu Hang’s ideas for a moment and then responded, “I need sufficient manpower and material resources to build the foundational forces of the battle group. Including logistics and a large number of Mortal Auxiliary Army.”

“Very good,” Gu Hang said with a smile. “That seems like a more specific issue, so let me attempt to answer it. The manpower and material resources you need can be provided by Rage Owl Star in the future. Our Planetary Defense Army can act as an Auxiliary Army for the battle group, and the entire planet can contribute a great deal of manpower and material resources for logistical support. Everything from maintenance of powered armor to replenishing war supplies can be done.”

Matins was puzzled: “Even if I believe you, as far as I know, although you are the planetary governor, you still do not have control over this planet, and the manpower and material resources you can mobilize are limited; the production capacity of the entire planet is also very doubtful, and you can’t even produce a single bomb…”

“Hahaha!” Gu Hang, faced with skepticism, did not feel embarrassed, but instead laughed out loud, “Yes, Commander Matins, you are correct. But I have a plan. In the future, I will make Rage Owl Star into a forging world, able to supply everything the battle group needs. I won’t ask if you believe in my plan, belief is irrelevant. I only ask you…”

“Are you and your battle group willing to fight for the rebirth of the battle group?”

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