Starting from the Planetary Governor

Chapter 72 - Chapter 72: Chapter 72, are you pretending?

Chapter 72: Chapter 72, are you pretending?

From the Governor’s Camp, getting to Revival City by infantry speed would take almost an entire day.

By evening, the team arrived outside Revival City.

And Revival City had long since been informed of Gu Hang’s approach.

Gu Hang hadn’t planned on remaining incognito, moving with quite a display, making it somewhat difficult to go unnoticed. There were too many ways for those in Revival City to have advance notice.

If one only considers the inner city, Revival City isn’t large; but taking into account the outer city and the haphazardly constructed dwellings of the poor, the area it covers isn’t small at all.

And when Gu Hang’s team arrived at Revival City, they merely stopped at the outer city.

An army stood in their way.

It was Revival City’s garrison.

A multitude of soldiers occupied the slum area in front of the main gate. They were stationed inside houses, glaring outside with predatory eyes; tanks were hidden among civilian residences, with most of their bulk blocked by the low buildings, their dark barrels protruding.

They were blocking the Governor’s team from proceeding further.

An officer, accompanied by a few attendants, approached the Governor’s team to request an audience with the Governor.

Gu Hang met with him.

The Revival City officer saluted Gu Hang, “Good day, Your Excellency the Governor, I am from Revival…”

“There’s no need to report your name, I’m not interested in knowing. Tell me, why is my city blocking my entry? Why are you soldiers, who should be loyal to me, standing on the opposite side?”

The officer, whose self-introduction had been cut off, swallowed his saliva.

He felt incredibly tense.

He looked to his left, seeing a red-armored giant, knowing that was a starship warrior; he looked to his right, a lady in white and green armor, that was a Battle Nun. His gaze then turned back to the middle, to his Governor, the highest ruler of this planet.

He thought, with what merit or bravery does he dare to speak in front of these legendary figures?

But he still spoke up, “I am acting on orders from the Alliance Council, from the Marshal of Revival City’s defenses, Major General Mondok, to… to request that you halt your advance. There is no issue with Your Excellency the Governor entering the city, but you are allowed no more than a hundred guards, and… and that must not include a starship warrior or Battle Nun.”

Gu Hang reacted as if he heard a preposterous joke, “Mondok? Major General? He’s making requests of me?”

The officer seemed to realize himself how ridiculous his statement had been, and could only slightly lower his head in silence.

“So,” Gu Hang said, “I now inform you in my capacity as the Governor of Rage Owl Star, regardless of whatever posts, whatever authority that Mondok you spoke of previously had, he no longer holds. He is no longer an Alliance Councilman, nor a military commander. Now, take this message back to your comrades-in-arms.”

Gu Hang had already given the officer a chance.

But he hadn’t seized it.

It was evident that he was under tremendous psychological pressure, but he still resisted, saying, “I apologize, Your Excellency the Governor, but please comply with General Mondok’s…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence.

He felt an incredible power clutching at his throat.

Quickly, he fainted due to lack of blood flow to the brain.

Releasing the power of his telekinetic control, he let the body fall to the ground. Gu Hang waved his hand and soldiers came forward to drag the man away.

This officer was very courageous.

But his courage was misplaced.

At that moment, Commander Matins spoke up, “Governor, the situation is now very clear. That man who claims to be General Mondok, his actions amount to rebellion. What stands before us now are all rebels.”

“So, Commander Matins, what do you suggest we do? Kill all the ‘rebels’? Can the seven Phoenix Warriors accomplish that?”

Matins actually began to calculate carefully before replying, “Relying solely on the seven of us to completely defeat an army of ten thousand, equipped with heavy firepower and armor, would be difficult. I need the cooperation of the Sisters of Saint Lily of Mercy along with the artillery fire from the Quintet. At night, we could enter the target area, mark it for an orbital strike, and then let the starships commence the bombardment. We could move in to sweep the area afterward. With this plan, we should be able to complete the mission with a relatively small loss.”

Battle Nun Georgette, however, raised an objection, “I’m sorry, Commander Matins, I would relish another opportunity to fight alongside the Phoenix again. But our mission on this descent to the planet’s surface is not to quell a rebellion, but to deal with Heretic Cultists. I will not partake in a campaign against human rebels. Mr. Governor, I also ask for your understanding.”

Gu Hang was not disappointed; instead, he displayed a calming smile, “I understand, I certainly do. Commander Matins, your plan is sound—when I deem these enemies before us all need to be eliminated, I will adopt your plan. But for now, we don’t need to complicate matters to such an extent.”

“What do you plan to do, then?”

“Rest for now. You might be unaffected by a whole day of marching, but my soldiers need rest to recover their combat strength. As for the specifics of the plan, I will inform you later. I also ask you, and Superior Georgette, to coordinate with me tomorrow.”

Matins gazed at Gu Hang for a moment before ultimately nodding in agreement.

Georgette also expressed her stance, “We will not slaughter human soldiers, but we will provide you, Mr. Governor, with the necessary protection.”

“To have achieved this step is already very much appreciated.”

Within Revival City, Norris and Bradford waited anxiously for news from the outer city.

Upon learning that Gu Hang had set out, and that he actually had space warriors with him, even Battle Nuns, these two Alliance Councilmen who were merchants were quite panicked.

Regret filled their hearts, and even when General Mondok decided to lead his troops to defend the outer city, they raised their objections.

But their objections were weak and powerless, as always.

They could only watch as Mondok positioned himself in front of the Governor and then pray that conflict would not erupt.

And indeed, it did not.

Mr. Gu, the Governor, had stopped right outside the outer city.

This was indeed joyful news!

Bradford spoke, “It seems we overestimated how tough Gu Hang would be. Perhaps, his toughness was all just an act.”

Norris said with a chuckle, “At least we can sleep peacefully tonight. We indeed need a hardliner like Mondok; he’s done very well.”

“Yes,” Bradford said, “the threat of war has greatly diminished. Now, the remaining issue is how to get that capricious Governor to stop playing around building camps outside and quickly return to where he belongs.”

“Yes, once he’s back, everything will return to normal.”

“Just like the previous three Governors.”

“Yes, we have countless ways to deal with him. There’s no need for him to dream of saving the world—the Rage Owl Star doesn’t need his salvation. All he has to do is to dutifully serve as Governor, enjoy a couple of comfortable years, and then retire peacefully when it’s time.”

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