Starting from the Planetary Governor

Chapter 76 - Chapter 76: Chapter 76, Can’t Escape

Chapter 76: Chapter 76, Can’t Escape

Although Gu Hang used the power of Spiritual Energy to convey the warning and command to every ally soldier in the vicinity, he was not about to leave fate in uncontrollable hands.

The soldiers might very well ignore the warnings and commands, whether due to their loyalty to Mondok and the Alliance or a stress reaction, and open fire directly on Gu Hang and his team.

Therefore, Gu Hang needed to be prepared to receive a blow.

If the surrounding soldiers did make a move, the armor on the warriors and Battle Nuns in motion would serve as Gu Hang’s best cover, impervious to ordinary firepower.

Should any heavy artillery shells come flying, not to mention whether they could easily hit in a high-speed movement state, even if they did, Gu Hang had the ability to identify them in advance and use the power of Spiritual Energy to cause a slight deviation while they were mid-air, making them miss their target.

At the same time, they would turn into a sharp dagger, piercing through the entire army and heading straight for Revival City’s military command center, to capture General Mondok alive.

He believed that under a high-speed charge, nothing could stop the nineteen top warriors, along with his assistance as a Spiritual Energy user.

At least the Revival City military didn’t have the capability.

However, despite Gu Hang’s preparation for the worst, this bad situation did not occur at all.

The surrounding soldiers still did not fire.

Perhaps the words Gu Hang had sent with Spiritual Energy had indeed had an effect. The soldiers hesitated due to Mr. Gu’s position and the pressure of becoming traitors to the Empire, daring not to make a move.

Or perhaps, the sight of the star warriors annihilating an entire tank and infantry combined squad in just a few seconds was simply too terrifying. Admittedly, this was because Mondok’s personal guard, completely misunderstanding the combat style of the star warriors, chose an extremely wrong deployment, leading to their group’s annihilation. But the ordinary soldiers onlooking were probably just caught in shock and disbelief, and it would take a while before they could make sense of it.

Besides, even after making sense of it, would it be any less frightening? The wreckage of over a hundred bodies along with two tanks was the result of just seven people in two seconds; it was literally to die for.

And those Battle Nuns hadn’t even made a move.

Of course, these two factors might have worked together. The soldiers were indeed scared, and Mr. Gu’s words gave them a reason to convince themselves.

In any case, the soldiers did not act.

And in the midst of their sprint, Gu Hang and his group continued inward.

Their speed was even faster than the time it took for Mondok to receive the message.

Those who could contact Mondok directly had just been killed; and some clever ones, wanting to go back to report, had to run faster than the star warriors and Battle Nuns.

This led to the situation where, by the time Mondok learned that his personal guard sent to intercept had been wiped out, Gu Hang, leading his team, had almost reached his face.

And Mondok’s face had long turned deathly pale.

The force he could count on for assured loyalty was his personal guard. This part of his troops, in a previous decision, had been divided into three parts. Apart from those sent to stop Mr. Gu and those still by his side, the rest had been ordered to rally more troops.

Of course, he had considered what would happen if a conflict really broke out and Mr. Gu chose to take action—or rather, whether he should prepare to take action himself?

He had thought he was prepared, but when he discovered that Gu Hang could pass through checkpoints without being stopped, he began to doubt this and dispatched a squad to try and directly command the larger force below.

But it seemed too late.

What to do?

He felt that he had only pondered for a moment in his mind, still undecided whether to leave or stay or fight, when the sound of gunfire rang in his ears.

The most loyal guards to him bravely returned fire against the nineteen people charging straight at them.

However, such resistance was utterly meaningless.

Mondok’s so-called ‘command post’ was essentially a larger, relatively nicer-looking house selected within the outer city, which had been requisitioned. A portion of the surrounding buildings had been demolished, and the debris was used to hastily construct defenses. The guard soldiers were stationed around it, along with four ‘Challenger’ tanks and a combat command vehicle.

In the face of an attack, the post could hold out; if necessary, given the cleared surrounding buildings, he could also escape conveniently in the command vehicle.

His guard troops had a suitable place to station themselves and had preemptively adopted a defensive posture. They weren’t bunched up and had cover and foxholes for protection, so they couldn’t be easily wiped out with a volley from a grenade rifle. Although there were many casualties from precise shots and small-scale explosions, at least they could still fight.

At the same time, when these guards engaged in battle, a significant number of nearby allied soldiers were also spurred into action. After all, General Mondok was right there, and a considerable portion of these allied soldiers also started attacking instead of standing idly by.

But even though the space warriors couldn’t clear the defenders in one wave, they were not stopped either. Without needing cover, they charged forward. Bullets fired at their cerametal armor were mostly ineffective; thrown grenades didn’t reach them; there were few rocket launchers to speak of, and those with low accuracy that did hit were deflected by Gu Hang using Spiritual Energy.

In fact, even without deflection, it might not have been a big problem. At worst, they would stagger a bit, feel a little uncomfortable from the shock, get some soot and smoke on their armor- but nothing too serious.

Of course, the Battle Nun might be more affected. The Saintly Lilies’ white-green armor was beautiful but definitely not as sturdy as that of the space warriors.

So, Gu Hang paid a bit more attention to the firepower aimed at the Battle Nun.

Sister Chang Ge Ruite also noticed this and nodded slightly to Gu Hang before throwing herself even more vigorously into the fight.

She charged to the forefront, accelerated and broke through the line, swiftly nearing a tank that was trying to turn its cannon to fire. She brandished a long-handled battle halberd in her hands, and with a single swing, the golden blade sliced the tank’s cannon clean off.

After that, she leaped high, penetrating the tank from the top with her halberd.

The soldiers inside only saw a golden light shining down upon them before they witnessed their commander and driver skewered together like candied haw.

The men were terrified.

And this was just a glimpse of what was happening on the battlefield.

The firepower of ordinary soldiers could not at all stop the advance of the superhuman warriors. And the grenade rifles in the hands of the space warriors and the Battle Nun could easily eliminate any enemy that stood in their way.

They didn’t quickly kill all the soldiers, but there was no need for that. In just a moment, they had already broken through the soldiers’ defensive line.

Gu Hang could even see Mondok.

The Revival City general was right in front of his eyes, just having hurriedly boarded a command vehicle, seemingly intending to flee.

But thinking of fleeing only now, how could he possibly escape?

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