Chapter 749: The Gu Family’s Seed

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Although Old Madam Gu did not make it clear, she kept looking at Qu Bei. The hint in her words was obvious. She wanted to say that Qu Bei’s stomach was disappointing.

Qu Bei’s face instantly turned pale. “Mom…”

However, before she could speak, Old Madam Gu hurriedly interrupted, “I don’t mean anything else. I’m just worried about your health. It just so happens that 1 should go to the hospital for a physical examination. You guys can do it with me.”

Hearing this, Qu Bei’s face turned even paler. She reached out and pulled Gu Yuan’s sleeve, hoping that Gu Yuan could speak up for her.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞wn.𝒸o𝔪 website to read fastest update

Gu Yuan was thinking about Gu Man’s words just now. Although Gu Rou was very obedient, she was not his bloodline after all. If possible, he still wanted a child that really belonged to his bloodline.

He looked down at Qu Bei’s sleeve and pulled it open calmly. “Mom makes sense. It’s not like it’s hurting you by asking you to check your body.”

Gu Rou and Qu Bei’s expressions changed in an instant. Gu Yuan had agreed with Old Madam Gu’s words. This was not a good thing for them, especially Gu Rou.

Their eyes were filled with unwillingness, but because Gu Yuan had already taken the initiative to speak, if they said anything else, they would make Gu Yuan and Old Madam Gu unhappy.

The two of them could only suppress their anger for the time being.

“Boss, she has a weapon in her hand. Should we still fight?” One of them looked at the person at the front and said.

The person called Boss had a straight face and slapped the back of the head of the person who had spoken just now. “She’s just a weak little girl. You’re scared because of her hammer?”

The person who was hit covered the back of his head. “Boss, which weak little girl carries a hammer with her?”

After a moment of silence, the leader looked at Gu Man viciously. “Why do you care so much? We just have to do our job.”

A group of people walked forward and surrounded Gu Man in the middle, their eyes filled with ill intentions.

The eldest son stood in front of Gu Man and sized her up. “What a pity. She provoked someone she shouldn’t have at such a young age.”

“I wonder who’s this person who shouldn’t be provoked?” Gu Man looked up at the leader, who was half a head taller than her.

The leader narrowed his eyes and stared at the petite girl in front of him.

For some reason, although he felt that Gu Man was half a head lower than him, the aura on her body inexplicably made him feel like he was being looked down on.

This feeling made him very unhappy. He had been the boss for so many years, but he had never experienced such an aura from others. He felt like his status was being challenged.

His entire face scrunched up as he tried his best to look fierce and evil. “Young lady, don’t think that we’re playing with you here. You know very well who you’ve provoked recently. Brothers, let her see how powerful we are..”

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