Chapter118,Part2: 2 - Exciting Vacation ⑥?

Chapter 118 Exciting Vacation ⑥?

Part 2

I pretended to think over it carefully and said.

“No, I have already achieved my goal here. Let’s go.”

“Roger that. Well, we can see as many end-of-a-flag-raised festivals as we want with Cry-chan. As all you needed to do is to resolve the problem.”

What troubled me disappeared and I walked through the lively streets. I saw the cafe shop I went to yesterday, but unlike yesterday there was a line in front of it.

Yesterday’s quiet and serene streets were nice, but now that the town came back to life, it feels many times more attractive. Even if there was a long line of people waiting in front of the cafe shop I wanted to go ―― Waiting in line is a surprisingly fun thing to do.

There was a sweet scent drifting here and there ―― This is a nice town. I will definitely come back to this place again. Of course, when the flags aren’t raised.

The flags that were fluttering, yesterday, on top of the gate was gone.

As I was going through the formalities to leave the town at the towngate, I suddenly heard a lot of cheers next to us, it was from the large entrance where many people could enter.

The soldier who was doing the procedure for us to leave the town, squinted his eyes and explained to me.

“It is the triumphal return of the Hero. They are the main actor who subjugated the horde of Orcs. It seemed there happened to be a High-Level Hunter in the direction of the horde’s outburst, and when they met with it, they subdued the majority of it. Moreover, with only eight people!”

“This is………… Pretty amazing.”

“Right! Right! I heard that their opponent wasn’t only a bunch of frenzied Orcs but also for some unknown reason, various other Monsters that had gathered there. It really was quite an impressive feat. Indubitably they are 『Heroes』.

So there were some strong Hunters. There is no doubt that they are quite capable as they exterminated a horde of Orcs but more than that ―― They sure were unlucky.

What kind of karma do they have for hordes of Monsters to head for the same direction as where they were? Aren’t they just like me?

At the same time as I was being impressed by what they did, I feel a strong sense of pity ―― I empathize. The Monsters’ outburst wasn’t my fault, so sadly I can’t express a stronger emotion than sympathy for them.

Sytry-chan tugged my arm and came so close that our lips were almost touching and whispered.

“Was it, all according to the plan?”

“Eh? No, weeell…… Uuun…… I wonder?”

What is the plan that you are talking about…… This vacation is, needlessly to say, an unplanned trip.

When I was inwardly tilting my head at the profound words Sytry said, at that very moment, for a brief moment, the crowd that surrounded the Heroes splitted out.

I unconsciously opened my eyes widely and did a double take.

It must have been a fierce battle. The heroes were in tatters. Their armors were full of scratches and their bodies were covered in blood stains, making it undistinguishable to know if it were theirs or the Monsters’ blood. I heard that they were eight, but maybe because some were injured, there were only five people there. The five of them looked so exhausted that they were about to collapse, even now some of them were borrowing someone else’s shoulder to stand. However, their expression showed an emotion typical to those who have done their very best.

To the general citizen, their figures were the very same image as heroes. However, what surprised me more was that ―― I was acquainted with those Hunters.

Certainly, from a standpoint, I have many High-Level acquaintance, so it wasn’t surprising that I knew them but ―― The one who even now looked like he was about to collapse and stood at the front of the group was Arnold, the leader of 《Lightning Dragon’s Mist (Fallen Mist)》.

His appearance was already intimidating at first, but now that he is bloodied and battered, there is no doubt that he looks like a Hero with a lot of achievement on his belt.

Yes, it was Arnold. It was the Arnold that I had gotten myself into trouble with in the Imperial Capital.

…… I don’t know why he was here, but what a coincidence.

As if she understood something, Liz snapped her fingers.

“Aaaah, that’s what it was. When I thought that it was unusual that we didn’t need to fight, that explains everything――”

“………… Let’s quickly go . It is going to be a hassle if they spot us. I want to renew our old friendship, but it looks like they are in a troubling situation.”


While having cold sweat, I wait for the procedure to be completed. At that moment, in the midst of being surrounded by the crowds, I have the feeling that I saw Arnold’s hazy eyes turning toward me.

Arnold’s exhausted expression momentarily changed to one of dismay, and his mouth started to quiver. I turned away in a hurry.

Did he see me? He didn’t see me, right? …… After all, did he see me? I am too scared to look behind me and confirm which it was.

Fortunately, the procedure just finished and we went through the gate. They seemed to be pretty tired, so I doubt that they would take their time and be concerned with us.

When I was feeling relieved, Liz-chan, who was walking next to me, decided to lightly turn around.

While throwing a goodbye kiss, she turned toward the gate and yelled in a bright voice.

“Okkkk! Good job on your fighttt! Looks like you are just so-so alive, looks like you did your best! Weeell, it was only just a bunch of Orcs, but didn’t you do pretty well for some country bumpkin? I’m sorry, but we are too busy to keep you company. See yaaaa!”

“!? He-Hey, Liz. Don’t stir them up…… Sytry, let’s quickly get out of here.”

A few seconds later, a beast roar-like voice came out from behind the gate. I hurriedly ran to our carriage that was waiting for us outside the town.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Here’s an extra Chapter courtesy to Eric!

Tsukikage-sensei left a note at the end telling that he started to write Tino and the Onee-samas dispute but removed it because it was redundant. A part of me is glad that I don’t have to translate more, but another part of me just wants to read more about their interaction even if it is redundant!

Haha, so they survived the attack! Liz and Sytry finally understood Cry’s real purpose for this time training prohibition, it was so Arnold will fight in their stead XD

Will Arnold keep on pursuing Cry despite being exhausted? And will Cry have his long awaited vacation?

Tchao à plus!


Hero: Here it is Eiyuu. Every time that I write Hero here, it is Eiyuu.Mandatory Light meme because she said “Keikakudori desuka?” XD

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