Chapter120,Part1: 1 - A Certain Vacation ④

Chapter 120 A Certain Vacation ④?

Part 1

“Well, it might have been unlucky for Arnold-dono, but ―― We can say that it was the greatest luck for this town. Who would have thought that a certified Level 7 Hunter would come here by chance……”


Without revealing his true feelings, Arnold nodded with a composed face at the fat mayor who was speaking with a cheerful expression.

Inside the guest room of the city hall of the town of Gula, Arnold and his Party were welcomed as the Hunters who had saved the town.

The expressions on the mayor’s face and his subordinates around him were all uniformly cheerful.

The mayor gave Arnold unreserved praises as they sat on a luxurious-looking sofa.

“And to think that only eight men could overwhelm those horrible hordes of Orcs ―― As expected of a Level 7! I heard that you recently came from another country, but you are indeed the bringer of hope for this city!”

“Mayor, what showed up wasn’t only just a bunch of Orcs.”

“Ah, right ――”

The bloodied clothes they had at the time when they got into the town and after surviving the fierce battle, had already been changed into clean ones, and their wounds had already been healed with the potions.

However, there was a seething anger hidden deep inside Arnold, an anger that has not been released yet. The Mayor was unaware of it, but Arnold’s companions were aware of the flame hidden behind Arnold’s eyes that was more than likely to explode at any moment as he was less than talkative.

He didn’t lash out at the Mayor, who was speaking without knowing what was going on, because he fully knew that there was nothing to gain to lash out at the people of authority in this town.

First-Class Hunters excel in all kinds of abilities. That includes being patient.

But even so, when he thought back to the incident at the gates ―― When he recalled the actions of 《Absolute Shadow》 that she made to taunt him, Arnold’s intestines seemed to be boiling.

If he wasn’t careful, he would be tempted to throw everything out of the windows and go pursuing them. What was holding him back was indeed due to the fact that his companions were injured and lacked preparation but also because their opponents were one of the most troublesome prey.

First-Class Hunters never forget about the difference in strength between their opponents.

The Mayor opened his eyes and said while quivering as if he was in front of a raging hero.

“I have been told that ―― A 『Fire Spirit』 has appeared.”

Right. Arnold narrowed his eyes.

Descending from the heavens, a living flame that shines like a second sun.

After all, what appeared before Arnold and his companions when they were fighting a mortal combat against the horde of Orcs and others rampaging Monsters, was none other than a being of the same rank as the Spirit they fought in Elan just two day ago.

If this was just a coincidence, then that was probably Arnold’s worst luck in his whole life.

The fact that Arnold and his companions survived without heavy casualties was no doubt the whims of Lady Luck.

The shining bright Spirit of fire burned the horde of Orcs, the horde of Monsters and Arnold and his companions like it was a joke and then flew away.

The power of a serious attack from a High-Rank Spirit exceeds the power of a magical attack of a First-Class Mage. Arnold and some of the Monsters horde was left unburned because the Spirit was just jesting when it attacked.

Still, the whole area, including the highway, was burned to the ground. Now, if anyone walks the road going to the town of Gula, they will marvel at a disaster ―― They will witness a large number of Monsters’ corpses that were burnt until cinders.

Perhaps because he remembered the battle, Hay, who was standing next to him, complained with a grimace.

“…… G’dammit. We don’t know much about this region, but…… Does 『Spirit (Elemental)』 live in the region around here? Even for us, this is the first time that we have ever clashed with a Spirit twice in such a short period of time.”

“N-no, no no, that shouldn’t be the case ―― Even here, in Zebrudia, Spirits are only found in the wilderness where man’s hand hasn’t touched upon. Or, only if they are called by a First-Class Mage, but I don’t remember one of them coming to a town like this ――”

“I know. I know, if such spirits come out all the time, we will be out of business. Right, Arnold-san?”

At Hay’s words, Arnold nodded gravely. But Arnold’s attention was long away from the Mayor.

The Spirits and the powerful Orc King are all gone. It was a deadly battle, but the one who came out on top, the one who survived was 《Lightning Dragon’s Mist (Fallen Mist)》. There is no point in thinking about it as it is over.

But, apart from that ―― He can’t allow the action of 《Infinite Variety》 to underestimate them like this.

Considering what has happened so far, it was obvious that 《Infinite Variety》 is mocking Arnold and his companion by pitching them against the Monsters.

Although it was unclear what he intended to do or how he detected the incident first, it was clearly a violation of the Treasure Hunter’s code. No, even if it wasn’t ―― If Arnold remained silent like this, the name of 《Heavy Lightning Strike》 will fall.

Teeth creak because too much force was used on it. The Mayor said with a hateful big smile.

“At any rate, it is certain that the horde of Orcs that was threatening the city of Gula is now gone. The damage to the Knight Order and Hunters we have called in has been minimal. Although it is trivial, we will thoroughly welcome you in the town. Of course, the reward is also ――”

“…… No…… We will head out soon.”


At Arnold’s words, the eyes of the Mayor, the other citizens in the room, and the Members behind him, were wide opened.

Let alone small towns or villages, it is not that othen that a town as large as Gula gives a whole reception for someone. It also led to great honor for a Hunter.

It was sure that Arnold would have accepted the offer in normal times, but with the taunt from 《Absolute Shadow》, he wouldn’t be able to relax even with all that hospitality.

Given 《Absolute Shadow》 attitude, 《Infinite Variety》 shouldn’t expect to be pursued by Arnold and his companions. Even if they were aware of it, they are not on guard.

And people called this being careless. Arnold must make him regret his affront against him and the 《Lightning Dragon’s Mist (Fallen Mist)》.

But however, even if they didn’t remove any trace behind them, the tracking will become more and more difficult as time goes on.

With one more push at the bewildered Mayor, Arnold says.

“I’m sorry…… But I have things I must do. I can’t stay for too long.”

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Hahaha! That’s what happens when you want to go after Cry! You will take on the full brunt of his bad luck!

After the Fire Nation ?Spirit Attacked and the Lightning Spirit, what next! Water, Earth and Air? XD

Tchao à plus!


Absolute Shadow: In case you don’t remember it’s Zetsu Ei in Japanese (Like Mikoto in Danmachi!)

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