Chapter123,Part1: 1 - Heart Pounding Vacation ④

Chapter 123 Heart Pounding Vacation ④?

Part 1

Liz stood in front of me as if to protect me and picked up a stone lying on the ground.

Her line of sight was looking at the depths of the forest at the other side of the river. I also squinted my eyes and looked over there, but I could only see the darkness and nothing else.

But, while I didn’t know what was going on, I was sure that something was happening.

Even I, whose Hunter’s instincts are dull, can clearly feel the presence of something disturbing. From my experience so far, there are only a limited number of troubles that can occur in this kind of situation.

It was either a Monster or a Phantom. And moreover, judging from Liz’s expression ―― It was probably one not compatible with Liz, one where physical attacks aren’t very effective.

Even High-Level Hunters who had extraordinary powers have their strengths and weaknesses. This is why you are in a Party, they are here to cover those parts for you.

“………… Argh! This feeling, I haven’t felt this way in a long time!”

Said Liz in a grumpy mood. It wasn’t my fault but I feel a little sorry about it.

The fact that Liz, who always has the tendency to be reckless and rush head first, hasn’t immediately jumped at him, suggests that the other side is a very tough opponent.

We weren’t here because someone put on a request. If it was me, I wouldn’t deal with a Monster that I wasn’t good at, moreover with a handicap called me.

And, unusually this time ―― We weren’t in a situation where we were surrounded.

While keeping my eyes fixed on the depths of the forest, I said in her ears.

“Liz, we are running away. There’s no point in fighting it.”

I have 『Barrier Rings (Safe Rings)』 but Liz doesn’t.

Barrier Rings basically only protect the user. In fact, if you push it to its limit, you can extend the range of the barrier, but will you still need to get in close contact to protect other people.

“We can escape, right?”

“Eeeeeh…… Wasn’t violence not violence if it was against Monster, no?”

…… It isn’t my fault that a monster appeared. I am sure Liz understood that, but it didn’t mean that she agreed with it. Looks like she is very upset that the mood earlier had been disturbed by it.

Instead of facing the monster, I tried to persuade Liz who was sulking.

“Well, you know………… It depends on the time and place. I have said it many times, but this time I am planning to refrain from fighting as much as possible.”

“………… It’s too late for an explanation noooooooooow!!”

Liz took a big swing and threw the stone.

The stone flew. The launch left a loud sound and the strong impact shook my entire body. The stone threw from the slender arms of a High-Level Hunter drew a straight line and hit a tree on the other side of the river.

The tree, which wasn’t particularly thin, snapped and fell. If it was against a regular Monster, this mean of attack is perfectly plausible.

Are you planning to fight……?

Liz looked back at me who had squinted at her roar.

“…… Mmmh, if that’s what you want, Cry-chan, let’s run? I’m a little worried about Ti, but Syt is also here, I think we will somehow be able to handle it.”

Somehow… Be able to handle it, is it?

“Come on, let’s go? What I did just now wouldn’t even slow that thing down.”

Liz walked next to me in a nonchalant manner. I take her right hand.

Her steps stopped. She should have been in the water until a moment ago, but her skin is smooth to the touch and extremely hot. When I squeezed her hand with all my might, Liz squeezed back with little force.

The tree rustling sound doesn’t stop. Even though there was no wind I couldn’t hear the monster cry, I could only feel its strong pressure.



“…… I will use my right hand when we are running, so grab my left hand instead?”

“…… Okayyy”

I changed the hand I was holding. I can feel her body heat. It’s alright, I have Liz with me. I also have Barrier Rings.

As usual, without showing it on my face, I started to pray to god, and Liz finally showed a small smile, pulled my hand and ran off.


“Haaa… Haaa…… Aaah… I feel like I have been holding your hand like this before too.”

“Hmm…… What’s wrong? Saying this out of the bluuue!”

After the sound of trees falling, an impact shook the ground. As I was in the middle of running away from reality, Liz was laughing and her eyes were shining while holding my hand.

Nothing was left in our way after we ran through. There were only just a bunch of trees that had been cruelly cut down and overlapping on top of each other, making a simple barricade.

The one who cut down the trees wasn’t the monster but Liz. I don’t know how useful it will be but it is better than nothing.

Every time she made a large swing with her right arm, a small object was thrown and the trees on either side fell down.

It has been a while since I saw her use 『That』. And I have seen it many times ―― But even from a close distance, it was like she was using some sort of magic.

Actually, Liz’s 『Rise to Heaven (Highest Roots)』 isn’t a weapon. Her weapon is her right arm.

“Doing things like this, is unexpectedly, pretty thrilling and funnn! Usually, all you need to do is run to run away!”

Indeed, if Liz had been alone, she would have been able to escape by simply running away.

I am dragging her feet. Behind us, there wasn’t any sound of it pursuing us, but its presence was still there.

I wonder if there is anything that I can do too…… At that moment, my eyes caught sight of the 『Dancing Glow (Mirage Form)』 that I was wearing in my right hand which Liz used to pull me.

It was a Relic Treasure that I had just acquired, it allows me to freely create illusion within a meter. It wasn’t useful during a battle, but it might be able to stop it in its tracks. No, there is no doubt that it will be better than doing nothing. At least it should be able to draw its attention.

What should I create ―― I desperately think while running.

Monsters are also living beings, it won’t probably attack something stronger than itself.

From a simple look, both Liz and I look fragile. Due to that, we are often targeted. This assailant might not have attacked if he had been facing Anthem.

There was a limit to the size of the illusion I can create. I made a quick decision and created the most terrifying thing I saw during the last few days ―― I created an illusion of Arnold.

An illusion of an angry Arnold emerged from the darkness of the night.

Liz, who had been running while checking behind her, opened her eyes at the illusion that appeared out of thin air.

“!? Ha…… Hahahahaha…… What’s that!? Cry-chan, it’s so funny! It’s perfect!”

“Haaa… haaa……? I was in a rush, so I could only remember his face.”

It was Arnold’s head that was projected into the darkness. Moreover, perhaps because his scary face was the most memorable, only the front was made with precision, while the back of his head had no hair on it.

Apparently, I still didn’t have enough training…… Even though I could recreate Eva or Liz in no time.

Arnold’s floating head in the middle of a dark night was straight from a horror show, but there wasn’t any reaction from the other side. There wasn’t any scream or sign of it stopping.

While running, I turned his head and I made him face us. Liz was laughing hysterically while running.

“…… Is he shy? I think it’s pretty well done.”

At least, his face is well made. But the body part is, well……

“Hahahahahahahahaha. Yes, indeed. That’s perfect! Next time, when we meet, we should definitely show it! I’m sure he will be happy!”

“…… No way.”

I can already see how he will react to it. Why should I go out of my way to make him angry.


Thanks to me running desperately, we reached the camp without it catching up to us.

My heart was *bakubaku* pounding like crazy. It has been a while since I ran so desperately.

Sytry-chan greeted us with a gentle smile. The luggages that had been on the ground earlier had disappeared, and only the bonfire was shining brightly.

Perhaps the horses had sensed the presence of a Monster, the horses tied to the carriage began to neigh noisily.

I apologize for bringing trouble to you even though all I did was to just fetch some water.

“Haaa… Haaa… Sorry, Sytryy. We have to run.”

“It has been a while, but I was prepared. We are ready to go at any time. Ah, thank you for the water. I will take care of the bottle of water.”

She took the bottle of water from my hand and got into the carriage.

I had wondered why the luggage wasn’t there, but did she feel the sign of trouble? coming from this distance…… As usual.

I grabbed Sytry’s hand, who had gotten on the carriage first and pulled me into the carriage.

The first thing I saw was Tino, who was sitting upright and confused. Apparently, the noise had woken her up.

Without entering the carriage, Liz climbed on top of it and shouted.

“Syt, it’s your favorite 『Pote Drakos (Lost Giant Demon)』! Did you call it here just to make your guess true?”

“I didn’t. I didn’t call it! If someone did call it, it would be Cry-san!”

It wasn’t me either……

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Haha Cry, did you want to make the monster laugh by making a bald Arnold XD

Too bad Liz isn’t strong enough to make an air slash by just swinging her hand that would have been awesome!

And as expect, they think that it was Cry who called for the monster, but who would have thought that it was the exact same monster Sytry said in so many previous chapter, but sadly I don’t even know what to expect, is it a giant monster like a troll or a non flying dragon or even a drake because it had drakos which looks like draco in his name? In my mind I vote for a drake like in FFX

Will they succeed to escape or will they at the end have to face it!

Tchao à plus!

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