Chapter126,Part1: 1 - Heart Pounding Vacation ⑤

Chapter 126 Heart Pounding Vacation ⑤?

Part 1

The movement of the carriage, which had been intense all night, calmed down and the shaking became flatter.

When the sun came up, the screams, yells and roars coming from outside the carriage gradually diminished until they were barely audible.

It was just the worst night of my life. The Monsters Attracting Potion that Sytry threw, drove the Monster inside the Garest Mountains on a rampage and those rampaging Monsters and our pursuer mingled and feasted each other, while our carriage was desperately climbing down the mountain. If it wasn’t for the hard work Liz, Tino, Sytry and her hired escorts did in clearing out the way, our lives would have been quietly crushed in the Garest Mountains without anyone knowing it.

But, we are alive…… I’m alive.

I am still calm because I have been through these life and death situations many times during my Hunter days, but Tino, who was inexperienced in those kinds of things, was trembling in the corner of the carriage with a pale face. Her head was covered in a strange mucus and her clothes were soaked with green blood.

She had been caught by Liz and forced to participate in the battle. She seemed to be fine during the battle because of her desperation, but it seemed that after she had gone through the deadly situation, her adrenaline had dissipated. I am worried that it might become a trauma for her.

“Monsters, scary, shadow, scary, help me, Masteeer”

“Aaaah, it was so fun, Cry-chan! Let’s do it againnn!”

On the other hand, Liz, her Shisho, who was also fighting, didn’t seem to be bothered at all.

Like Tino, her body which was clean because of the bath, was now once again dirty and bathed in blood, but she was laughing without a care in the world.

I didn’t have the energy to argue with her, so I answered with a weak voice.

“………… Un, un, you are right.”

“It is better to go and wash your body and clothes at the waterfront…… Aside from us, Black-san and the others are at their limits.”

Sytry made a comment that seems to show consideration to the people she was just about to abandon a mere moment ago.

I didn’t know whether I should scold her or praise her, but it was sure that they needed a break.

In addition, I will have to discuss with Sytry on how to deal with Black-san and his friends.

“Right, the 【Castle of a Myriad Demons】 is still far away……”

And then I realized. Isn’t it bad to leave the Garest Mountain as it is?

Sytry’s potion potency was immense. It is at a level where I doubt if it can still be called a Monsters Attracting Potion.

It was obvious that the Monsters had lost their mind as they weren’t intimidated by Liz, no matter how many Monsters she killed. If those rampaging Monsters descended the mountain and attacked a village, a terrible disaster would occur.

Of course, I know that the Garest Mountains Range is far from human civilization. I also know that it is unlikely that other people will be harmed if we leave it like this, but isn’t it too irresponsible to leave the mountain in this state.

At least, I would like to keep an eye on them until the effects of the potion wear off and the Monsters regain their sanity. I feel like it would be useless even if I was the one watching them though ――.

“…… If it were up to me, I would want to get to a town in one fell swoop…… Sytry, how long will your potion still be effective?”

“It varies from each individual, but…… It is about a day or so.”

A day or so should be fine. Fortunately, we have already survived the attack of the 『Giant Lost Demon』.

I looked at the map and saw a small lake at the foot of the Mountain range. The lake was connected to the river Liz bathed in last night.

If it was over there, it would be perfect for camping and you can get water. It is also close to our current location.

It is still early in the day, but we couldn’t get any rest last night. The horses must be at their limits.

It was the perfect plan that took into consideration both the situation in the Party and the surrounding area. Today I am ― Brilliant.

“Let’s see…… It’s a little early, but let’s take a break near this lake. It’s a place where we can get a rough idea of the state of the mountain.”

“I see…… So we take a break and wait for a while. I think it is a good idea.”

Sytry quickly read my intentions.

Yes, yes, that’s right. We will wait until the effect of the potion wears off. I wish you would always be that perceptive.

“As expected of Sytry, you understand. I might worry too much, but let’s wait for a bit.”

“I don’t think you worry too much…… Considering what the other side is capable of, I think it is reasonable! They should be pretty tired……”

The other side… Who is she talking about?

Liz, who had been silently listening to our conversation, snapped her finger while her eyes were shining.

“I know, Cry-chan! For the first time in a while, let’s have a campfire? How about we make one where the fire can be seen from the top of the mountain ―― Ti and me will hunt for some meat and we could roast it…… How about it? Don’t you think that’s a good idea? Don’t you?”

Yare yare, Liz is brimming with vitality.

But, a campfire, eh…… Not a bad idea. I used to do that a lot a long time ago when we were still adventuring together as a Party.

If you are always on your toes, you will be too tired when the situation calls for it. A First-Class Hunter knows when to rest when he needs to rest.

For the time being, I think Liz and Tino should clean up the dirt they have on them.

“It’s decided then…… Just make sure that you are ready to run away at any time and let’s enjoy to our fullest.”


TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

I can picture Tino sitting on the floor, hugging her legs and swinging left and right while muttering Monsters are scary, like Usopp with his “sky island scary, sky island scary…” XD

I also don’t think Sytry just wants to wait to confirm that the effect of the potion dissipated, I think she has another purpose. One involving some unfortunate Hunters XD

Tchao à plus!


Shisho: in case you forget it means Master or teacher and it refers to Liz.Yare yare: it means good grief. Just picture a Jojo Cry XD

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