Chapter130,Part2: 2 - Pride

Chapter 130 Pride?

Part 2

Liz had a demon-like expression which wouldn’t lose to Arnold.

“Is the story… Over? So… Annoying. You fucker… Your inferior existence isn’t even worth garbage… Dare to disturbed Liz-chan ――”

Apparently, she was upset about being interrupted. She has completely lost it.

In a thug-like tone, Liz jumped at Arnold. Even though she was a Thief, she jumped on a swordsman with a higher Certification Level than herself, her will to fight is way too strong.

Arnold successfully maneuvered his greatsword to put it against her godlike fast kick.

She kicked without hesitation against the blade that was covered in electricity. No doubt the electric shock must have passed through her, but her speed didn’t decrease in the slightest.

“Fucker! When we were at the best part! Go get kicked by a horse… And dieee!?Make up for it with your death!”


Arnold was on the defensive as Liz jumped at him while spewing abuse.

Liz’s attack which specialized in speed is at another dimension to most swordsmen. Even so, the fact that Arnold was able to endure her attack without being completely defenseless was proof that he is an outstanding swordsman.

Tino looked at the scene, stunned. This was a battle between heavenly heroes.

Liz’s movement which was launching a series of continuous attacks suddenly accelerates for a moment. Arnold raised his great sword to defend himself,? but Liz ducked down, went behind him and placed a blow on the back of his knee.

When Arnold’s posture was destabilized, she made a large swing at the back of his head with her leg. At that moment ―― Arnold’s body shone brightly.

It was 『Lightning』. Sparks flew and lightning burned Liz. As if she had been repelled, Liz flew in the air, did a couple of turns and perfectly landed on the ground.

Arnold slowly stood up, glared at Liz while breathing wildly.

Was that Arnold’s 『Trump Card』? Did he flow the lightning from his sword into his body?

I wondered if the fact that he was unaffected by the lightning was due to his resistance against it or if it was due to some kind of technique.

“Moving so much… Such an annoying… Girl ――”

“Lightning, huh, I strengthened my resistance just the other day, you know.”

Said Liz with predatory eyes. However, it was completely unexpected to me.

Well even if I said this, between Arnold and Liz, I think that Liz is stronger than Arnold.

Of course, I know that he isn’t weak since he is Level 7, but it was completely unexpected that she couldn’t win even with a surprise attack.

Then it occurred to me that maybe if I praise him, he would be in a good mood, so I said something flattering.

“Going toe-to-toe with Liz, Arnold-san, so strong.”


“By any chance, is that sword made of Lightning Dragon material? Was it its bones? That’s a shame…… I should have made one too. I never would have thought of that. Seriously, it is pretty surprising, un.”

Despite being agitated, I succeeded to lift him up, but I heard a voice behind me. It was Sytry-chan who was preparing the carriage.

Apparently, her timing was perfect. Then she says in a calm voice.

“Well, we did throw the bone in the soup as broth, right. Because you said it was in the way.”

“Ah…… Aaaah…… Was it? ………… W-Was it delicious?”

“You said chicken was better……”

“Ah… Ahahahaha…… I don’t remember at all…… You see, I am kind of forgetful. But you can’t make a sword out of chicken bones, so in a way, you can say that each have their own roles ――”

“It is not that you can’t make it, but…… You know, I made one the other day.”

I don’t know what I was talking about, but Sytry gives me an out of context answer.

It’s bad. Arnold has a blue vein on his face and looks like he was about to jump at me. If Liz wasn’t here, he would have definitely attacked me. It has completely backfired.

And then, Sytry put her hand behind her back and whispered in my ear.

“Do you want to run away? Everything is ready.”


As expected of Sytry, she knows me very well. We will run away, of course we will run away. In the first place, if I had run away the moment I saw the lightning on the mountainside, I wouldn’t have been in a situation like this.

The problem is that nine out of ten, Arnold’s legs are faster than our carriage. If we don’t do something about him, our escape won’t work.

“Aaah, Arnold-san. Actually, I am kind of busy, you know……”

“Hmpf…… You mean you are busy… Having an affair with women, haa?”

You are misunderstanding. But, right…… If you think about it calmly, it might have been a good thing as I was able to come out of that situation when Arnold came. No way, that’s true.

I want to get away from Arnold, but to do that I have to do something about Arnold. There is no way out.

The standoff between Liz and Arnold continued. The durability of a High-Level swordsman is ridiculous. I trust Liz’s abilities, but I couldn’t tell who had the advantage.

At that moment, Tino, who was standing beside me, shouted as if she had made up her mind.

“Master…… I will fight too!”


This is the most unlikely option. No matter how talented Tino is, I doubt she would be able to put up a good fight against Arnold, who is an even match against Liz.

However Tino stuck her chest out and looked at me with straight and pure eyes.

“I can’t keep being protected. Now, I understand ―― The reason why Master gave me the training to be struck by lightning, it was all for this moment, right!”



In the first place, I wasn’t the one who imposed that training onto you……

Arnold is looking at me like I am some kind of monster. No, you are wrong. Because it wasn’t me.

“Even I… If it is a two-on-one with Onee-sama ―― If it is just an opening ―― I am sure, I can do it.”

Seriously, why do Hunters want to die so badly?

This time it isn’t training, you know. Tino’s body would be cut in half if she took a serious hit from that huge sword. In fact, there was a time I have seen Luke cut a man in half. It is something that is possible.

Well, as expected, his sword will be restrained by Liz, so it might be okay, but the next problem is the lightning that is coating him. No matter how much resistance she has against it, I don’t think she would be safe after being hit by that. Unlike swords, lightning is hard to avoid. It is reckless when Anthem isn’t in the Party right now.

However, there was no one who seemed to agree with me. Neither Sytry nor Liz showed any sign of stopping Tino. They are the kind of girls who push their children over the cliff.

Then, I suddenly remembered something nice. I reach into my pocket and pull out something slimy. Tino’s complexion changed. Arnold’s complexion also changed.

I am glad I brought it with me just in case. It was rolled up, so I stretched it widely.

The 『Over Greed (Evolving Devil Mask)』 that had been forcibly stuffed into my pocket said in a fed up voice.

『I have been treated terribly ―― Is it my turn……?』

“Mas… Ter? This is ――”

『Over Greed (Evolving Devil Mask)』 is a Relic that draws out the latent potential of those who wear it.

In fact, the last time Tino wore it, she was so powerful that she was able to hold her own against the two-girl team of Liz and Sytry. To be honest, I was wondering whether I should bring it, but I did it in the end because it was definitely a powerful Relic.

Putting aside regular Tino, there is no doubt that the Tino of that time must be able to fight against Arnold.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Hahaha Cry took the creepy mask with him XD

Tino is going to be traumatized even more because of this!

I wonder if the chicken knife Sytry made is strong or not? Maybe it was some legendary chicken or she said that just to provoke Arnold.

Tchao à plus!


In japanese, there is a saying that said if someone disturbed someone else’s love then he would get kicked by a horse.

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