Chapter133,Part1: 1 - Smiling Vacation

Chapter 133 Smiling Vacation

Part 1

Treasure Shrines that have been certified as High-Level often have a dangerous atmosphere.

The 【Castle of a Myriad Demons】 was no exception, it had a particular atmosphere which could be understood even if you know nothing about the place. It seems the information about Hunters giving up on even trying to capture it with a single glance around the place is true.

【Castle of a Myriad Demons】 is located on a hill above a cliff. Thick clouds swirled around the countless protruding turrets and thunderbolts shone constantly. The walls surrounding the castle were gigantic and it was impossible to see the inside. Despite the dark atmosphere, there was no sign of Monsters outside, that fact indicated the level of threat of the Treasure Shrine.

Mana Material, the source of Treasure Shrine, is also very attractive to Monsters. That’s why the area around a Treasure Shrine is often the territory of powerful Monsters. If there is a place where a Level 8 Treasure Shrine is located, it wouldn’t be strange for it to be the territory of a Dragon or another powerful mythical beast, but it wasn’t the case for the 【Castle of a Myriad Demons】.

It would be natural to think that they were annihilated. By the Phantoms that lived in the 【Castle of a Myriad Demons】.

And the fact that it remains so quiet suggests that there is a highly intelligent Phantom controlling the Treasure Shrine.

Phantoms?possessing intelligence are truly terrifying beings. They rarely appear, but some believe that if Phantoms could maintain their power outside of the Treasure Shrine, the world would have been devoured by the Phantoms of the past.

In other words, it isn’t a place for a fraudster with a high certification level like me to enter.

Maybe the horses were also eager to escape, the Treasure Shrine was getting away at a tremendous pace. The wind and rain were strong, but Black-san and his friends, who were operating the carriage, were desperate.

Tino, unaccustomed to seeing High-Level Treasure Shrines, sticks her head out of the carriage window and is completely exhausted. Even now, it looks like she was going to throw up.

I guess she must be overwhelmed. In the old days, I used to go to various Treasure Shrine, so I am used to feeling like I’m gonna puke, so I can still somehow handle it, but I can understand her feelings. That is a normal reaction for a Hunter.

“By the way, Cry-chan, did you achieve the goal you have for your vacation.” (Sytry)

“Uuuun…… About half maybe.” (Cry)

“!? S-Still only hal ―― So-sorry…… Ugh……” (Tino)

Tino almost screamed, but then, feeling nauseous, she hurriedly fell silent. Once we get some distance, we might as well stop the carriage and get some rest.

The purpose of this vacation can roughly be divided into three goals.

First is to pick up Luke and the others. This is no longer possible. Weeell, it was a goal to look forward to, but there is no helping it if we missed each other.

Second is to go to an Onsen and get some rest. This is what we are going to do now.

And finally, the third is ――? To make sure that we aren’t back in time for the 『White Sword Gathering』 happening in the Imperial Capital.

Needless to say, this is the most important thing. In other words, you can say that there was no particular purpose on this vacation.

No matter what, I don’t want to go to the White Sword Gathering! It took me less than a week to get here. Assuming it takes as long to get back, it means I will have a week worth of time to kill somewhere.

Even if I had been able to meet up with Luke and the others, I would still go to the Onsen, get some good rest, reward Liz, Tino and the others, and even after all that if I still had some time left, I wouldn’t go back home.

I would rather be dancing around a campfire with Arnold and his companions than getting caught up in a gathering of monsters. If it weren’t for my Party or Clan, I would be fleeing abroad by myself.

“Weeell, it is Cry-chan’s vacation, so Cry-chan should do whatever you want ―― As expected, I think the 【Castle of a Myriad Demons】 is still too hard for Tino……” (Sytry)

“…… In the first place, I wasn’t planning on going in.” (Cry)

If Luke and the other were still here. I was going to wait outside until they came out. As expected, I would die if I went into a Level 8 Treasure Shrine. I have at least this much common sense.

I looked at Tino, who had tears in her eyes and a blue face, and said.

“There is nothing dangerous anymore. Weeell, initially, I wasn’t planning on doing anything dangerous since the beginning…… Ahahahahah.” (Cry)

“It-it isn’t funny. Masterrr……” (Tino)

At my joke, Tino argues back in a quiet voice.

It isn’t funny to me either. However, now that I think back, isn’t Arnold the responsible for everything?

There were a few near misses on this trip, but if there was anything that was leading to something directly dangerous, it would be when we crossed the mountain. However, in the first place, without Arnold, we wouldn’t have to be forced to go over the mountain.

“Everything is Arnold-san’s fault”? (Cry)

“Do you want me to deal with him?” (Sytry)

“………… Don’t do it.” (Cry)

What do you mean by dealing with him……

All that is left is to take a relaxing vacation at the Onsen. It might be a good idea to take a week or so over there.

The only thing I am afraid of is Arnold’s pursuit, but I am sure he won’t follow us after we left no clues behind. Coincidences shouldn’t happen more than two or three times and the rain will erase our wheel tracks.

If we bumped into each other at the Onsen, I can only give up and assume that this is my fate to meet my doom there. Because I can’t really bring with me a lot of Relic in a Onsen.

“Our next destination is the Onsen. Ah, let’s be careful to not go to Gladys’ territory.” (Cry)

As it is pretty close to our current position. I have to make sure to not forget it inadvertently.

“? Neee, Cry-chan. Is there something in Gladys’ territory?” (Liz)

Liz gave me a curious look.

Indeed, this is the limit I can push through by only saying that it is just an intuition…… I trust Liz and Sytry. And I trust Tino just as much as I trust them.

“Actually…… I got a nomination request, you know.” (Cry)

“Eeeh? From Gladys the Hunter-hater? Cry-chan is awesome! What kind of request is it?” (Liz)

That ―― I have no idea.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Too bad we couldn’t see Luke and the other members of Strange Grief!

I haven’t read volume 4 and 5 of the light novel but I think this is probably the start of volume 5, so go check out the new cover in the main page!

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