Chapter135,Part2: 2 - Smiling Vacation ③?

Chapter 135 Smiling Vacation ③?

Part 2

“O-Onee-sama!?” (Tino)

“…… Really, do you really think so? Cry-san. If you lie to me, I will know it right away, okay?” (Sytry)

A soft feeling of something pushed against my chest. It was as if I could feel the beating of Sytry’s heart through her soft fabric. If I were as perceptive as a Treasure Hunter, I would have been able to feel it clearly, but right now I can’t tell if the heartbeat I felt was my own or that of my childhood friend’s in front of me.

The sweet scent of her hair made me feel a little hot and dizzy. Her transparent pink eyes stared up at me as if she was about to suck me in.

I am used to Liz’s skinship, but I am not used to Sytry’s skinship, so it couldn’t be helped if I am shaken.

If it was a joke, then it was a bad one. It is quite possible that I will be seduced by her scent and reach out to her.

My hands swam in the air, unsure of where to put them. It wasn’t like I could push her away.

Tino, who came to her senses, made a quivering noise, caught Sytry’s arm from behind and tried to pull her away. As expected of someone who is accustomed to interpersonal fighting, she moves without hesitation.

“Sytry Onee-sama!? Y-You can’t do that! I will tell Onee-sama!? Master too! Even though you told me that it looks good on me!” (Tino)

“U-un, un, you are right ――” (Cry)

I am really sorry. I will buy you a cake next time, so forgive me……

Sytry let out a somewhat charming sigh and nodded in satisfaction.

“Un, it was properly *dokidoki* throbbing, so I will forgive you for ogling at Ti-chan.” (Sytry)

“No, no, of course, it will *dokidoki* throb…… Rather, I wasn’t ogling at her……” (Cry)

Any man would have. The only one who wouldn’t would be…… Someone like Luke. But I think he is an exception because he has really devoted his soul to the sword and has no physical desires.

I take a deep breath to calm my agitation, while Sytry with a natural movement easily wraps her arms around my right arm.

“Shall we go to the Onsen? We don’t know when the battle will start once again ―― And it will be noisy when Onee-chan comes back after she went to look for Onsen Dragons.” (Sytry)

With a sullen look, Tino puffed out her cheeks and jumped on my left arm with all her might.

“Master.. Don’t be… So… *deredere* lovestruck… At Sytry Onee-sama’s joke ―― Pull yourself together like you always have!” (Tino)

…… Have I ever pulled myself as she said?

Tino and Sytry are both beautiful women that you can be proud of just by walking around with them. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that my current situation was that I have a flower in both hands, but I wonder why… It feels terribly uncomfortable.

I am sure Ark is always in the same position as I am right now, but how can he always keep a smile on his face. Maybe that’s also because of the difference in our magnitude. After all, I shouldn’t have come here until I found Luke and the others.

I was squeezed by an overjoyed Sytry and a grumpy Tino and headed for the Onsen as if I was like a criminal being taken away by guards.

§ § §

“O?, are you seriously ―― Gonna do it?” (White)

The once aggressive and feared Red Hunter broke out in a cold sweat and asked in a trembling voice.

Black thought that he probably had the same expression on his face.

The location was a room in a high-class Ryokan that no ordinary Hunter could afford. It was a place far too unsuitable for rough men to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

After Black took a deep breath, he said to his companion ―― White.

“It is already too late for Gray. His heart is already broken. But, you saw him right!? At this rate, we are going to lose our lives. We have no choice, but to do it!” (Black)

“B-but… 《Infinite Variety》 already said that he was going to release us.” (White)

“D-don’t be stupid! Like we can believe him! He said he will release us, but where do you think he will release us!? At a place where even the most daredevil of all Hunters would avoid, the 【Castle of a Myriad Demons】! That bastard!”

The castle we saw from a distance in the 【Castle of a Myriad Demons】 was a hellish place that was far beyond what we heard.

Just by looking at it, I thought my heart would stop. If at that time, he had ordered us to rush in, I would have been ready to commit suicide and would have jumped out of the carriage to run away.

Black, White, and Gray possess some abilities as Hunters, but that Treasure Shrine was definitely not something their level could handle.

The journey we were forced to take part in after being captured by 《Absolute Shadow》 was a painful one. We were forced to keep watch and handle the carriage all the time and even when we got to a city, we weren’t allowed to rest properly as we had to manage the carriage all time, we were also forced to fight a bunch of times in the forest. We were also chased by a Level 7 Hunter. I had thought many times that I would rather die than go through all this, but the level of that Treasure Shrine was too different.

《Infinite Variety》 is crazy.

Even though they were traveling together, they had no idea what he was capable of or what techniques he had, but that was the one point, Black, White, and Gray agreed on.

This trip is certainly a vacation. But… However, it is a vacation for a Level 8. It is not something we can go along with.

There was even a possibility of getting caught up in something more crazy than the 【Castle of a Myriad Demons】. No, from what Black had seen ―― This possibility is quite high.

At the very beginning, before the journey even began, Gray, the wildest one, had already his fangs pulled out.

Before he got on the carriage, he rudely interrupted 《Infinite Variety》 and was beaten up by Black and White, and in the forest, he was kicked off the carriage and then saved by 《Absolute Shadow》. Now that I think about it, everything was probably just 《Infinite Variety’s》 plot.

It would have been different if he was ready for it, but by the time he realized it, it was too late. He has already been tamed. All of his courage and spirit of revolt have been shattered. Even if he makes it out of here alive, I don’t think he will be able to engage in any vicious activities.

However, it was different for Black and White. Despite everything they had gone through, they had sharpened their claws and polished their fangs.

I don’t intend to rebel against 《Infinite Variety》. It was obvious if I made a surprise attack on a Level 8, I was bound to be overpowered by him using only his little finger. All the preparation I made had been to escape and run away from here alive.

What we have on our neck is a collar.

They are difficult to destroy and no matter how far you go, you can’t disable their ability to send electric shocks. It was truly an invisible shackle.

The first person to have the key was 《Worst of the Worst》 and it is now possessed by 《Infinite Variety》.

“We have no choice, but to do it. Gray refused. If we take our time, it is possible that he will warn them.” (Black)

White swallowed his saliva as Black appealed to him with bloodshot eyes.

There was already no way back. Even if the plan was postponed, the fact that we had planned it would remain. There was no way to predict how 《Infinite Variety》 would react to that fact.

“He said he would only be here for a week or two. The sooner we get things done, the better. We will absolutely succeed. It should definitely succeed.” (Black)

“…… Ah, okay.” (White)

We know too little about 《Infinite Variety》. We only know that he looks like a guy with delicate features. That he hardly ever works. That what he says is only deplorable. That he is full of openings. That you can’t sense any feeling of intimidation coming from him. And ―― Despite all that, he makes life-threatening choices that no one would take.

Moreover, even with all those information, it was difficult to judge whether his actions were real or just an act.

But there is only one thing for sure.

“《Infinite Variety》 let his guard down. Stealing is our area of expertise. As far as the one who guarded the key, Sytry would have been better than that guy.”

Sytry, that horrifying woman, was aware of her overwhelming superiority, but she never showed off the key of our collar in front of Black and the others.

We couldn’t even figure out where she was keeping it. And that was exactly the right thing to do in order to bind slaves.

However, it was different for 《Infinite Variety》. That man is overwhelming, but he has the 『Arrogance』 of those who are overwhelmingly powerful.

Maybe it was to nip any bud of rebellion or perhaps he really did intend to let us go, he pulled out the key right in front of Black and the others. And thanks to that, now, I have an idea of where it is.

The key is ―― On 《Infinite Variety》. Then we can definitely steal it.

That man isn’t wary of Black and White. Just like people who don’t usually pay attention to insects crawling on the ground.

《Infinite Variety》 is indeed the strongest. Even if we didn’t have a collar on, if we clashed with him head-on, we would, without a doubt, be overpowered without being able to put on a fight.

But at the same time, that man was human. He wasn’t a flawless and perfect god. Then there are multiple ways to do it.

Fortunately, this is an Onsen. There are changing rooms. White says while holding his breath.

“I saw the lock on the lockers. It is a little bit complicated, but if I have one minute, I can open it. As expected of a Ryokan for the rich,? they don’t think there will be people stealing clothes.”

“………… Yosh, let’s do this.”

Black and White are ruffians. However, no matter how much of a ruffian they are, they aren’t cowardly enough to just sit back and wait to be crushed.

Black and White quietly stood up with a twisted smile to conceal their fear.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

How could Cry not be happy when there are two beautiful girls on his side!

But jealous Tino was cute!

Now, what will happen to Black White and Gray escape attempt!?

Tchao à plus!

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