Chapter137,Part1: 1 - No Good Vacation

Chapter 137 No Good Vacation

Part 1

My eyes lit up before the breathtaking sight that unfolded in front of me.

Tino had rarely left the Imperial Capital up until now. As she was still in training, most of the requests she received so far were still within the Imperial Capital.

Therefore, this was the first time she had ever been in a not Treasure Hunter-oriented inn like this one (Because, normally, Hunters spend their money more on their equipment than their lodging), and it was also the first time she had ever entered such a large Onsen.

Since I left the Imperial Capital, the toll was quite heavy and I have been through a lot, but now, looking at the scenery, I am glad I came to this vacation.

The spacious changing room with warm-color lights made me feel nervous, that’s why I fearfully asked Sytry Onee-chan, who was next to me, about something that had been bothering me for a while.

“Ehm…… Sytry Onee-sama…… Well…… About the cost……” (Tino)

“Aaaah, Ti-chan doesn’t have to worry about it. Don’t mind it, because we make a lot more money than Ti-chan…… On the other hand, if you mind it because it is a high-end place, it would mean that you aren’t holding us in regards, understood?” (Sytry)

“Th-thank you very much.” (Tino)

Sytry said it casually, but it contained absolute confidence that wouldn’t allow any refutation.

Indeed, she was right. Tino is also a mid-level Hunter, but it won’t be surprising that the amount of money earned by, 《Strange Grief》, one of the most famous Party in the Imperial Capital, be a hundred times greater. It would be rude if I worry about it.

Onee-sama had run off to find Onsen Dragons, so only Sytry and Tino were in the changing room.

Tino shriveled up a little because Sytry Onee-sama is, in some ways, more frightening than Onee-sama, but Sytry who was next to her didn’t particularly mind and spoke kindly to Tino as she untied her obi.

“Ti-chan, You must be tired as you have been through a lot, so make sure to rest and heal your fatigue. Because you never know when something might happen.” (Sytry)

“Y-yes.” (Tino)

I untied my obi while paying attention and *chirachira* glancing at Sytry.

I had taken my clothes off several times in front of Onee-sama, but this was the first time I exposed my skin in front of Sytry Onee-sama. Sytry took off her yukata without hesitation in front of Tino, who was feeling somewhat embarrassed while undressing with quivering hands.

Seeing her appearance, Tino’s eyes widened and gasped.

Sytry Onee-sama is ―― Beautiful.

She has seen Liz naked before. Because Onee-sama had a rough and boisterous personality, so she is someone who would even take off her underwear when bathing in a mountain stream.

Onee-sama’s body was also wonderful. Her overall fit body had almost zero excess fat and her tanned body had the beauty of wild animals.

But Sytry Onee-sama’s body was different. It was hard to tell because she was always wrapped in her thick robe, but her figure was much better than what Tino expected.

Her skin was barely tanned and was as white as snow without any mark on her,? her limbs were firm but feminine with curves in the place where it was needed, especially in the chest area, she was bigger than Tino, the only area where Tino was bigger than her Onee-sama.

It was only natural that their bodies would be different since Thieves and Alchemists have different training and different abilities required, but it was a shock to Tino as she only ever had a small sense of superiority over her Onee-sama in the size of her breasts.

“? What is the matter, Ti-chan.” (Sytry)

“N-No…………. ………… Onee-sama…… You were the type who looked slender in clothing.” (Tino)

“……………… *Kusu*” (Sytry)

Sytry laughed as she tried to keep her voice down.

As if she could see through her, Tino was so embarrassed by the way she was looking at her that she felt like she wanted to dive into a hole.

While hiding her skin as much as she could with her towel, she locked her locker. It was then, Tino noticed Sytry’s behavior who was next to her and blinked.

“…… Ehm…… That… What are you……” (Tino)

Sytry was wearing a potion storing armband on her upper arm. The sealed glass bottles secured on the armband were different from the ones Tino used when exploring, they were full of liquids of various colors.

When she was done with her right arm, she moved on to her left arm. Tino stared in wonder at her elaborate preparation that you wouldn’t expect from someone who was about to take a bath, but Sytry smiled gently.

“Even Onee-chan… I am sure that you have seen her always wearing her 『Highest Roots (Rise to Heaven)』, right? As a Hunter, wherever you go, you need to have the mindset of always being on the battlefield.” (Sytry)

“Um…… What will happen in the Onsen?” (Tino)

“Something may happen or may not happen. That’s what being prepared is all about.” (Sytry)

“I-I see……” (Tino)

Tino forcibly accepted her answer that she kind of understands, but at the same time doesn’t really understand.

I have never seen a Hunter being so prepared, but there was no way what Sytry Onee-sama said would be wrong when she was so much smarter than myself. I am sure that is what makes a Party an outstanding Party.

Besides, unlike Tino, Sytry is an Alchemist ―― Her class wouldn’t allow her to fight properly without prior preparation. Perhaps it was inevitable that she is prepared.

Sytry finished all of her preparation and said with an enchanting smile.

“Thank you for waiting. Well, shall we go? I wanted…… To have a slow talk with Ti-chan.” (Tino)


Following Sytry, I went through the door fearfully. The pleasant heat and steam enveloped Tino.

Like the Ryokan, the large communal bath was the most magnificent thing Tino had ever seen.

The floor was made of smooth stones which were comfortable to walk barefoot. The walls were decorated inconspicuously but had elaborate carvings, and the bathing area was large enough to hold several people in it and was filled with clear hot water.

The large communal bath was empty except for Tino and Sytry who had just entered and only the sound of hot water flowing echoed through the high-ceilinged space, creating a mysterious feeling of openness.

Because of what Sytry Onee-san said, I squinted my eyes to check the outdoor bath as well, but it seemed that there was no one inside or outside.

For Hunters, hygiene during the journey is a troublesome issue. In most cases, the only thing you can do while traveling is to wipe yourself with a wet towel or bathe in a spring if there was one.

Hunters don’t get that dirty because of Mana Materials’ power, but still, it doesn’t mean that the stress didn’t accumulate.

For Tino, who had been a little restless after crossing the mountains, the sight in front of her was like heaven.

What an…… Extravagance. This is Master’s kindliness, I have to be careful to not get used to this……

I headed for the washing section while remonstrating myself. As you would expect from a high-class inn, there were many kinds of soaps with nice scent lining up in the washing section. It was probably the kind of soap usually used by noble’s daughters or big merchant’s daughters.

I sat down on the chair, lifted each soap one by one, and check the scent while being a little *wakuwaku* excited. What Tino always used was something that removes her body odor as much as possible. As a Thief, it was the natural behavior, but I think, sometimes it is also nice to use soaps that smelled good.

As I sat down on my chair and was about to use one of the soaps I had carefully selected, a voice called out from behind me.

A slender arm stretched out and passed in front of Tino’s eyes. What was on those delicate fingers was a light purple potion inside a glass bottle.

“Ti-chan? Actually, rather than regular soaps, the scent of this soap is ―― Cry-san’s favorite.”? (Sytry)

“…… Eh?” (Tino)

I turn around at her unexpected words. Sytry squinted her eyes and looked down at Tino.

It was clear that Sytry Onee-sama was fond of Master. Maybe it wasn’t something like love, but there was definitely a strong bond between them.

Would that Sytry Onee-sama lend a hand to Tino, a mere pupil, for no reason at all?

“How about it? I always take my time to mix this. It is fine ―― If you don’t want it though……” (Sytry)

It was the devil’s temptation. I don’t know why she concocted this, but although Sytry Onee-sama is a person with a powerful bad habit, she is smart enough to not tell lies that would create resentment against her. The powerful effect of her potions is certified by the Clan Members.

No, to begin with, if she was always mixing it, doesn’t it mean she is using it all the time.

My cheeks dyed in red and shrunk. Between wanting it or not ―― I want it. I want to try using it.

If I am to be praised, I would rather be praised by Master than by anyone else. There was no way Master would be conscious of Tino, but there was something in front of her that might attract his attention.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Cute Tino is cute.

Will she use Sytry’s soap or not? Will it be a devil’s bargain?!

What about Cry! At least it was a good thing Sytry came to the bath prepared!

And also who is hype for Justice League Snyder’s cut!

Tchao à plus!


Obi: It is a sash or belt worn on the yukata.*Kusu*: In case you didn’t understand, it is the sound of Sytry’s stifle laughter

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