Chapter138,Part2: 2 - No Good Vacation ②

Chapter 138 No Good Vacation ②

Part 2

I was shocked by Sytry Onee-sama’s harsh words, but there was no time to stop.

The frivolous dragon that spat out hot water with its breath, was proudly puffing out its chest as if it was showing off its dignity as a king. If I succeed to defeat a dragon like this one, I would be too embarrassed to call myself a Dragon Slayer.

Master, my only hope I could rely on, was frozen with a calm, Buddha-like expression on his face.

Tino gathered her resolve.

This is ―― A trial. Perhaps… Probably, as Sytry Onee-sama said, this is a trial. This must be Master’s benevolence.

It is too much, Master……

Tino swallowed back her tears and stepped towards the clear and frivolous dragon.

§ § §

The light blue dragon greatly slides on the ground, shows its belly, and tumbles down.

On the other side, Tino crouched down, hid her body with both of her hands, and sobbed.

“Uuuuh…… Hiku…… So mean, Masuda…… Doing diz……” (Tino)

Tino, so strong. Was she always this strong?

Clearly, she was more powerful than when she fought against the Rabbit Research Club. It was like a joke when the punches and kicks from a petite Tino blew away the round and plump dragon.

Due to scratches from its claws, a tattered towel was thrown away nearby. As expected, she couldn’t hold it in place and threw it away. Tino’s fiery movement she showed earlier was like a dream compared to how she is right now.

I had planned to speak up if there was an emergency, but in the end, the battle ended without needing to.

You don’t need to worry, you know…… I was careful to not look at you. I am a pro when it comes to not looking at things.

Sytry, who went to pick up a towel in the dressing room, returned.

Tino said it was my fault, but I am going to let Sytry take care of this. It isn’t my fault, you know.

………… Weeell, I guess I am not without blame.

I went to comfort Tino.

“Hey, that was quite a spectacular battle to watch. Well done, well done.” (Cry)

“!? *Gusuuu*…… I hate… Master……” (Tino)

Tino tightly hugged herself, but it was pointless.

Sytry put a large bath towel over Tino who was trying to hide herself. And then she gave hurtful words to her Kouhai, who had calmed down a little bit.

“Do you understand the importance of preparing in advance now?” (Sytry)

“……” (Tino)

Tino frantically nodded with tears in her eyes. Sytry was patting her head, but I wonder if that was enough to forgive her for what she did.

I looked around the pretty much destroyed communal bath, saw a rolling and shivering Onsen Dragon, and sighed.

“…… But usually, you don’t have to be wary of Dragons when you go in an Onsen, right.” (Cry)

“!?” (Tino)

Tino looked at me as if she wouldn’t believe me no matter what. Even if you look at me like that…… You know, even if I love Onsens, I wouldn’t enter an Onsen if I knew dragons were inside.

Looks like I will only have open-air baths in my room for a while.

§ § §

“………… Let’s go.” (Arnold)

“Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!” (Arnold’s Party Members)

Arnold’s Party Members roared at his brief words.

The look on their face had a little bit of fear on it, but a strong will to fight.

After resting for two days, we had recovered our strength. We also went to a village nearby and prepared as much equipment and items as we could.

Then the only thing left to do is to take our courage in our hands and challenge it.

This may be our last hunt. But even so, that won’t stop us from moving forward.

And that is the nature of a being called Treasure Hunter.

On the side, Members of 《Crimson Flame (Fire Gale)》, who looked even paler than 《Fallen Mist》, and Ruda Rumbeck were lined up.

Considering their abilities, it would be wiser for them to act separately, but they were still following, not because their purpose is inside this Treasure Shrine, but because despite being low-level, they are also Treasure Hunters.

In my mind, I already don’t feel any feeling of resentment towards 《Infinite Variety》. The 【Castle of a Myriad Demons】 isn’t a Treasure Shrine so sweet that you can challenge it with only those feelings.

Obstinacy was what was inside Arnold’s mind. It could also be described as belief or pride.

The castle looming in front of me looked no different than it did a few days ago.

Nothing has changed, not the swirling thunderclouds, neither the quietness filling the place.

In other words, this is ―― The normal state of a Level 8 Treasure Shrine, something that didn’t exist around Nebranubes.

I don’t plan to bury my bones here. I can tell by instinct. It is probably impossible to break through it.

However, once I take a step inside and experience the difficulty of the Treasure Shrine, which 《Infinite Variety》 went hunting with only a small group, then I can accept the reality.

This is ―― Where we settled our fight.

Suddenly, Hay’s eyebrow twists and said in doubt. He looked around, but all he could see was an unobstructed plain with no Monster, not even a carriage in sight.

“…… There’s no carriage. Are they really in there……” (Hay)

“…… They should, be. They haven’t bluffed in any of their actions they took so far. But, those kinds of things don’t matter anymore.” (Arnold)

“Ah, of course, I understand. What our Leader is thinking about, that is.” (Hay)

Hay forced a smile and laughed.

As if waiting for Arnold, the huge gate opened. The frosty air enveloped Arnold and his companions.

And so began 《Heavy Lightning Strike》 challenge against the Treasure Shrine.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Extra chapter thanks to Aditya and Mohammad for their ko-fi!

Well looks like Tino defeated the dragon by punching and kicking it to death (while being naked). GJ Tino!

And lessons of the day always have preparation, even when you go take a bath!

Now it is time for Arnold & co’s Infinite Trial!

Tchao à plus!


Rabbit Research Club: I don’t remember how I translated ラビ研 (Rabi-ken), but now it will be Rabbit Research Club!

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