Chapter141,Part2: 2 - Ordinary Mistake

Chapter 141 Ordinary Mistake?

Part 2

I failed, didn’t I……

What Gray-san said came out of the blue.

I didn’t expect Black-san and White-san to be so forceful. Because didn’t I already told them that I would give them the key, how could I have thought that they would do that?

Well, you can only say that I am an idiot for not noticing their escape when I found unfamiliar collars in my locker, but me being an idiot wasn’t shocking news, so I will leave it at that for now. Let’s blame this on the Onsen Dragon fiasco that caused me to panic.

But well, it wasn’t a fatal mistake. I had originally planned to release them, so it was just a little bit earlier than what I had planned.

Sytry also said that it was no problem, so there is no need to go after them. If they had stolen my Relics, I would have asked Liz to go after them, but fortunately, I brought all the Relics with me on the Onsen. I can only hope that them stealing the key will be the last crime they will ever commit.

But why did only Gray-san decide to not escape?

Gray opened his eyes in astonishment at the question I unintentionally spat out.

Maybe it was due to the strain from keeping watch during the trip up until now, his eyes were sunken, his cheeks were thin and his once fearless appearance was gone. His body should have remained the same size, but there was an illusion that he had shrunk a size or two.

His body *yoroyoro* staggered and collapsed, and he fell on his butt. It was just a genuine question, but for some reason his face was pale and his teeth were *kachikachi* chattering.

I wonder if I had asked a bad question. I have never done it, but when you think about it, stealing and escaping are both bad things, it may have been difficult to be asked why you didn’t do it.

Gray-san looked up at me with his eyes wide opened and said with his lips frantically shivering.

“I… I-I am… I am ――” (Gray)

“No, sorry, sorry, you don’t need to answer. I was just a little curious ――” (Cry)

It didn’t matter to me whether you escaped or not. It may not concern Gray-san and his friends but to me, this is just a vacation.

When I called out to him to reassure him, I dropped the key in front of Gray-san’s eyes and yawned greatly.

Well, let’s say it was a good thing as one of the troublesome things was gone.

“Actually, we are going to do a dragon party right now. Since you are still here, you should come, Gray-san.” (Cry)

“Right…… It seemed he had stayed behind ―― Mmh, I don’t think it will be a problem with the amount we have.” (Sytry)

However, dragon party is such a weird phrasing. When I couldn’t help but smile, Sytry took my arm with her usual gentle smile.

§ § §

Maybe the goddess of fortune was smiling upon them, Black and White’s plan was going as smoothly as possible.

They unlocked their collar, left the inn without being spotted by the innkeepers, and even managed to escape out of the town with supplies they had concealed.

Now that we have reached this point, we are free to leave the country or return to the Imperial Capital and hide. But we can’t let our guard down yet.

We couldn’t take the carriage. It was too flashy but also because one of our priorities was to reduce the number of reasons for them to pursue us.

They silenced their footsteps and ran for more than ten minutes while staying away from the road. When the town was out of sight Black and White stopped.

Despite being able to escape in the most ideal way, both of their complexions didn’t look good.

I gulped down some water from my water canteen, exhaled hard, and looked in the direction of the town.

What lingered in my mind was 《Infinite Variety’s》 last words.

“Why…… Why did that guy let us go?” (Black)

“Kuh…… How would I know? I don’t know what’s inside the brain of a Level 8 Hunter!” (White)

『There might be thieves too……』 (Cry)

That voice was definitely directed at Black and White.

Inside Black’s mind, he couldn’t tell whether he kindly said it in order to stop us from stealing or to show that he would let us go. But in any case, now that we were able to run so far, can we see that as him allowing us to escape?

White asked with a pale expression.

“Where do we flee? Out of the country? Or back to the Imperial Capital?” (White)

Black and the others come from the Imperial Capital. Their hideout in the Imperial Capital was still full of items and money. And there wasn’t any shortage of places to hide.

But, however, 《Infinite Variety》 is a Hunter based in the Imperial Capital Zebrudia. I don’t know what will happen if we go back like this.

Even if 《Infinite Variety》 allowed Black and White to run away, 《Absolute Shadow》 and 《Worst of the Worst》 wouldn’t let them off the hook.

Black said confidently.

“Out of the country. Now that we are on their radar, Zebrudia became too dangerous.” (Black)

“Aaah, that’s right…… I was thinking the same thing too.” (White)

White replied to him while being frantically careful about his surroundings. Apparently, White also had enough and was sick and tired of all this.

If we go out of the country and run far away, even 《Absolute Shadow》 won’t pursue us. I am sure that woman wasn’t so obsessed with Black and White to do something like that.

White pulled out a map of Zebrudia from his bag and unfolded it. It was a simple one, but it showed which direction was the shortest way out of this country.

Both Black and White have always had quite a good level of abilities as Hunters.

No ―― From now on, each time I remembered that death march, I would be able to overcome any kind of crisis that might come my way in the future. That’s how I felt.

White’s eyes were *giragira* glittering with vitality. He could see hope and wanted to take his chance at any cost. That’s the kind of eyes he had.

Black felt the same way. White asked briefly.

“…… How do we get away?”

The town of Surus was surrounded by mountains on three sides. If they wanted to escape, they should take the same road Black and the other took on their way to the city, but that also meant that it was easy to guess their escape route.

Which route will give us the best probability to run away ――.

Just as they were worried about it, an event in the carriage suddenly came to Black’s mind.

I checked the map seriously. Just a stone’s throw away, there was a large area near Surus.

The one who ruled the territory near the borders of Zebrudia Empire, who fight off Monsters, Phantoms, and invaders… The sword of the Empire.

It was a land possessing a powerful Knight Order, a land where bribery was near impossible to do, and a land where those carved with sins should avoid staying.

And finally, it was also a place where 《Infinite Variety》 never wanted to go.

With a dry voice, Black made a decision.

“Count Gladys’ territory…… We will run there. We are going over the mountains.” (Black)

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Haha Cry just needs to say one random sentence and people will think way too much about it.

Black and White are really desperate to run from Cry, they should have stayed if they did, they would have been able to feast on a dragon!

Tchao à plus!

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