Chapter144,Part1: 1 - Reconciliation ②

Chapter 144 Reconciliation ②

Part 1

Once again, Ruda, who was dressed in a yukata after taking a hot bath, handed me an envelope with the coat of arms of the Explorer Association. Gilbert-shonen and his fellow Party Members of 《Crimson Flame (Fire Gale)》 became relieved after this.

Without opening it, I took the envelope and handed it to Sytry, who was standing next to me. The purpose of Luda and the others was to deliver the request form that Gark-san had entrusted to them, so with this, their mission was now complete.

Ruda’s eyes widened and *jirojiro* glanced at me.

“Wh-why don’t you check it?” (Ruda)

“Because there is no need to check it.” (Cry)

Because first and foremost, I am not going to accept any nomination requests.

Just because I have received the request form doesn’t mean that? I have accepted the request. In truth, I would have preferred a scenario where I didn’t receive it at all, but the reason why I didn’t do that was because it would have affected Ruda’s reputation if I did.

Well, even if I didn’t take it, they won’t get a failure assessment, but I would prefer if I don’t leave a mark on the evaluation of Hunters full of potential.

After receiving the envelope, Sytry took out a paper-knife from her pocket and *nikoniko* smilingly cut the seal on the request form.

Regarding my job as a Hunter, Sytry has a similar position to the position Eva has in my job as a Clan Master.

I looked away from Sytry, who was checking the request form, and Tino, who was anxiously *chirachira* peeking at it and told Ruda.

“I see you went through a lot of trouble. I feel bad for you but I have no intention of taking this request” (Cry)

“!? Eh? ?? But why?” (Ruda)

That’s, of course, because it is a pain in the ass.

It wasn’t as if I could clear it by myself, and even if I could, it would only make it easier for other nobles to ask me to solve their trouble, and there isn’t a single advantage for me who wants to retire as soon as possible.

However, I am well aware that she won’t accept it if I tell her what I think.

This is troubling…… Can’t you understand my thoughts? I am not a *kirakira* blooming Hunter like you all.

“Wha-what is that? That expression ――” (Ruda)

When I appealed to her with my expression, Ruda’s cheeks tighten, and Sytry put the request form on the table.

When she looked at me, she nodded with an expression that said, “You don’t need to tell me, I know what you are thinking”.


“I see…… I understand. You are saying, we don’t need to chase after them, right?” (Sytry)

“…… Eh?” (Ruda)

Ruda raised a quizzical voice. I was about to do the same too, but I managed to hold it back. Badass people are people who only say a few words.

Sytry explained with a *nikoniko* smile as she put her paper-knife away.

“This is a request for a joint subjugation of the 『Barrel Bandits Group』. They are a large, powerful, cunning, and troublesome group of bandits. I have heard they come from the east, have nearly a hundred members, and are a highly coordinated group who can even make fun of the local army. Their members are strong, but their executive members are particularly talented ―― They have only recently arrived in Zebrudia, but since they have been raiding other countries, they are on the Explorer Association bounty list. The upper side of the list.” (Sytry)

That’s bad, right?

Hunters are basically a Party of six people. No matter how strong you are, it is hard to make up the difference when you are up against nearly a hundred people.

Moreover, if they were able to fight off the local army, then they must have considerable abilities. If their name is on the top of the Explorer Association bounty list, they must be much stronger than the average Hunter.

We don’t need to chase after them. Yes, we don’t need to go after them. It is the responsibility of the country to subjugate bandits. Why are you trying to force your nasty job on me?

If it is a joint request, then I guess I will be working with Gladys’ Knight Order, but just the thought of working with Gladys’ Knight Order who are known to hate Hunters makes me hate it.

I will complain to Gark-san later. The empire is paying them to do their job, so you should just refuse this horrible request.

As I make a mental note, Gilbert-shonen asked with a quizzical expression.

“So… Why is it that we don’t have to go after them?” (Gilbert)

“It is a simple story. The reason why they are still alive after ravaging various countries and why Gladys’ Knight Order is unable to subdue them isn’t because they are simply strong. It is because they are very smart and don’t fight against opponents who they can’t win against.” (Sytry)

I didn’t recognize their name at all, but Sytry seemed to have all their information in her head, from their name to their background.

《Strange Grief’s》 main activity is to conquer Shrines, but they have also experienced being bounty hunters a lot of time. We (My childhood friends) had no choice but to kick their asses because they were coming at us, so because of that, Sytry’s bounty hunter database is quite large.

Sytry said without wavering. Maybe because of her confident tone, her words had a strange persuasiveness to them.

“They have been ravaging in many places ―― And when the country dispatched an opponent who they can’t win against, they ran away, this is how they operate. They are not barbaric enough to still stick around when they hear that a Level 8 Hunter is being dispatched to fight against them.” (Sytry)

“I-I see……” (Gilbert)

“They are sensitive to the presence of strongmen. I believe that they were already preparing to retreat when they received information that we were asked to intervene ―― I think they are already gone from Gladys territory.” (Sytry)

Sytry’s story was coherent and was easily registered in my head. Gilbert-shonen’s Party Leader groaned in agreement.

I was cheering inwardly. My unnecessarily high-level had come in handy. Initially, I had no intention of accepting the request, but if the enemy had escaped, they can’t blame me. Count Gladys would probably not ask me to chase after them even outside of his territory.

This solved every single problem. I will have to thank Sytry later.

I crossed my arm confidently and said something appropriate.

“In short, that’s how it is. It is fine if we chase after them, but well, there isn’t the need to. I have my own ways to deal with it.” (Cry)

“Eh… Ehhhhh……” (Gilbert)

“Aaah, you don’t have to worry too much about it. It was inevitable that those something bandits group would run away as soon as Count Gladys made his request. Well, those kinds of things happen when you are a Hunter long enough. I am sure Count Gladys will be convinced of this result. Sytry too, thank you for explaining.” (Cry)

“Please…… It was my honor, Cry-san.” (Sytry)

What Sytry said was probably mixed with some speculation, but she was rarely wrong. Even if she was wrong, it didn’t matter, as we don’t have any obligation to accept the nomination request.

Now I can stall for time until the 『White Swords Gathering』 is over without worry.

I can go to an Onsen, eat Onsen Dragon eggs or Onsen Dragon buns, I can also go window-shopping in souvenir shops.

I know, let’s take Tino and tour all the sweet shops in this town. She would be a good substitute for an escort, and as expected even I don’t know every single sweet shop in this town.

As I was *niyaniya* grinning while thinking about that, Tino said in a slightly panicked voice.

“Master. Is the trial really over?” (Tino)

“Un, un, it’s over, it’s over. I am serious, s’riously serious.”

“Master…………” (Tino)

Tino’s voice was somewhat wistful. There are no more trials. All that remains is absolute bliss.

I cover my mouth with my hand, but I can’t resist smiling.

Gilbert-shonen and the others looked at me as if they were looking at something creepy as I struggled to keep my voice down.

§ § §

TL notes:

Thanks for reading! Here’s an extra chapter thanks to Henri and Mohammad!

Is it really over though…? Teasing a group of bandits like that and not fighting them? Even Tino won’t believe that!

Now the question is… How will Cry fight against them!?

Tchao à plus!

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