Chapter147,Part1: 1 - End of the Vacation ②

Chapter 147 End of the Vacation ②

Part 1

While trying not to make a mess of my yukata, I quickly walked down the wide corridor.

I have been in this Ryokan for over a week now, so I already know the structure of this Ryokan. I also knew most of the staff here.

It was very difficult to run in a yukata as its length was up to my feet, but I decided to think of this as training.

I can’t imagine what kind of benefit you can have by *gorogoro* laying down on the tatami mats, eating snacks, and drinking tea together (Of course, other than it 『Being a blessing』), but I will leave that question aside for now.

Tino is just a Level 4 Hunter. There was no way she could understand Master’s true thoughts, so all she could do was to faithfully follow his instructions.

I have always done so and will continue to do so. Tino didn’t quite understand Master’s words, but she believes in Master.

I walked through the empty wooden hallway and went to the front desk. While in the corner of my head, I kept counting the time.

I was told that I have to be back within ten minutes, so I must be back within ten minutes. I am sure Master wouldn’t scold me for going over time, but that is a matter of pride for Tino.

Just as I reached the lobby, a staff member in yukata was coming out from behind the reception counter.

It was a female staff member wearing a specially designed gray yukata. She had short hair and wore heavy makeup. Tino’s eyes widened for a moment at the unfamiliar face and appearance of the woman.

Maybe the staff member was also surprised by Tino showing up, her well-trimmed eyebrows twitched slightly.

There were no other guests in the lobby. There was no sign of the guards who was always standing guard at the entrance, and none of the familiar staff who was looking up to Tino with respect after she became a Dragon Slayer.

The surrounding itself was peaceful, but for some reason, Tino felt something suspicious about the current situation.

The female staff member facing me approached me with a smile on her face.

“Well…… Guest-sama. How may I help you?” (Female staff member)

“…… I want you to prepare snacks and tea. Sweet snacks.” (Tino)

“Understood. I will bring it to your room right away.” (Female staff member)

“Thank you.” (Tino)

It is a high-class Ryokan so the quality of service is certain. It will probably be delivered soon.

I breathed a sigh of relief and turned around.

―― And then, without stopping, I checked behind me in a fluid motion.

Maybe she didn’t expect my movement, the smiling face of the female staff member stiffened. In her right hand, she was holding a small knife that hadn’t been there before.

“Tsk!” (Female staff member)

The knife was swung straight down, but Tino was not slow enough to take the blade that was slashing down in front of her.

I took a step back and easily avoided the ten centimeters knife. The blade was painted black and the handle was short, so there was almost no reach for the knife.

Her weapon was clearly not intended to be used in close-range combat. It wasn’t intended to be used against Phantoms or Monsters, but against Hunters like Tino, it was a knife that has a small blade, was highly portable, and not used for throwing, Hunters called those knives 『Assassin Knife』.

It was a weapon for assassination, for taking humans by surprise, not for defeating Monsters or Phantoms.

The woman’s face contorts in astonishment.

I wasn’t agitated. As I always did in training, I unconsciously strengthened my mind and released my energy, and unleashed a punch at the same time as I stepped in.

The staff’s eyebrows twisted for a moment as she received her punch in her chest. Tino bit her lips at her own immaturity.

Too shallow. I failed.

The 『Enemy』, who took a step back to cushion the impact, took a new stance while holding her chest.

She took almost no damage. The yukata, which made it difficult for me to move, made it difficult for me to step in. If I was dressed as usual, I would have been able to inflict some damage. However, if it wasn’t Tino but? Onee-sama, then she would have been able to neutralize her opponent in the span of a breath, even if she was in the same position and wear the same outfit as me.

The figure of the enemy in front of me had not changed since the beginning. There was no sign of killing intent or will to fight on her friendly face, but her demeanor was far more polished than that of a normal person.

“…… Ara, ara, how did you find out?” (Female assassin)

“I have been told to come back within, ten minutes. I don’t have time for idle chatter.” (Tino)

Needless to say, I know why. It was the result of my training. Tino has always been taught to be careful of her surroundings no matter when and where, so she can fight at any moment even if her surroundings suddenly became full of enemies.

And it was also thanks to the personal experience of Onee-sama, Liz Smart, who had taught me.

As expected, I was surprised when a Dragon appeared in the Onsen, but with the guards that couldn’t be seen and the unfamiliar staff member, even the immature Tino could prepare herself if there was so much incongruity piled up.

Fortunately, the woman in front of me doesn’t seem to be that strong. At the very least, if she and Tino fought one-on-one, the odds would be in Tino’s favor, even if she couldn’t bring out her usual strength.

Her ability to hide her killing intent is great, but while assassins can take down a superior opponent with a single blow, they are not suited for head-on combats. You may have a bit of a problem if you are a Hunter who isn’t used to fight against humans, but Tino has become accustomed to interpersonal combat thanks to being beaten up by her Onee-sama.

The woman said in a troubled tone to Tino who glared at her while taking a stance and catching her breath.

“I am troubled…… I never thought there would be such a small escort ―― If you hadn’t noticed………… I wouldn’t have to uselessly make you feel pain……” (Female assassin)

“……” (Tino)

“Neee, If you don’t mind me asking. Are you from………… 《Strange Grief》? Which one are you, Liz or Sytry?” (Female assassin)

“I don’t intend to name myself” (Tino)

I was more than a little shocked by her misguided words, but I didn’t show it. You can’t give extra information to your opponent for no reason.

The woman gave a small sight to Tino, who stared at her with sharp eyes.

“………… Well, whatever. If it is at this level, then it is within expectation…… O?, guys! ”

I frowned at the reinforcements that showed up from behind the counter.

There were ten of them. They were all of different ages and genders, but very few were strong. If you remove the Hunters from the people walking on the streets in the Imperial Capital and take ten of them at random, then you will end up with a lineup just like the one in front of me.

They are a big organization. Tino calmed down her battle spirit and started to think.

Each of them wasn’t as capable as Tino, but their appearance was very natural and polished. This wouldn’t have been possible without training.

Maybe the reason why their abilities weren’t that high was to deceive people’s judgment. The amount of Mana Material they reveal was low, but that amount of Mana Material was shown to trick you. Otherwise, they wouldn’t show their low level so clearly. But I don’t think that the people in front of me have the same level of camouflage as 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》.

They were…… No amateur. They were able to gather so many people who can blend in with their surroundings without alerting others. However, from the way she mistook Tino for one of 《Strange Grief (Senpen Banka)》, it showed that their information gathering was incomplete.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Haha Tino might become a future member of Strange Grief but don’t even think that she has the same power as the other members.

Well in any case it looks like this time Tino has to do a time attack and fight 10 guys under 10 minute, so harsh Cry!

And I love how Tino specified that she wanted sweet snacks!

Tchao à plus!

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