Chapter158,Part2: 2 - Vacation

Chapter 158 Vacation

Part 2

I put my hand on Tino’s head.

“Tino, go and turn them back. I heard that the color of your hair will reflect on the color of your body surface.” (Cry)

“Eh!? I-I will go?” (Tino)

Ruda’s hair color is commonplace. Moreover, I can’t identify her, and more importantly, I am unlucky. If I randomly chose one, I am sure I wouldn’t get it right. There’s nothing I can do.

It will be a hellish scenery if I accidentally bring back more and more of the Barrels and it will also be harder for the knights to transport them. No way, I am doing this.

“You don’t have anything to do anyway, right. ………… This is also training, you know.” (Cry)

“Uh…… Um………… Yes. I understand, Master~……” (Tino)

This is also training. Now that I think about it, what a convenient word. Let’s actively use it from now on.

As I pushed her back, Tino dropped his shoulders and took her place next to the Commander.

I felt a little bad for her because she was so dejected, so I did a follow-up for her.

“Tino, as we will have an Onsen, come back when you are done. I think it will probably be ready by the time you get back.” (Cry)

“! Y-yes! I will do my best!” (Tino)

When I smiled at her, my “Junior (Kouhai)” blinked and replied loudly and cheerfully.


After all, Tino returned after the sun had set.

Tino, who clearly had a tired expression on her face, opened her eyes widely when she saw the Onsen illuminated by magic lights.

I sat down on the wide veranda and raised my hand at Tino. Tino came running up to me like a puppy being called by its master and sat down next to me.

“Good job, Tino. We were just about to finish.” (Cry)

“Y-yes. Master~! It is amazing……!” (Tino)

A splendid hot bath facility had been built on the land that just earlier had only foundation on it.

A simple building with a roof made of wood, stone, and earth over the tatami mats that Luke had rushed out to buy so that even Anthem could lie down with room to spare.

There were no walls or doors because it would be difficult for Anthem to get in if he had to be careful about them, and also because it was only a temporary building.

There were no toilets or kitchens, but since Lucia doesn’t seem to be able to use the magic to create a Ryokan yet, this was not a bad alternative.

However, the best part of all this is the Onsen.

The huge bathing area was several tens of meters on all sides, and the depth differed depending on the place you are so that even Anthem could take a full-body soak. Although there was only one bathing area, it was way larger than the one at the Ryokan I was staying at.

The temperature of the water was also perfect. Sytry was in charge of the drainage mechanism, and Lucia did a great job at adjusting the temperature with her magic.

The overflowing hot water was drained outside through trenches dug on all sides. Apparently, it was connected to an already existing drainage system that the other Onsen facilities use. I don’t know if they have permission to do this though.

“M-Master~, what is that? That waterfall at the edge?”? (Tino)

“It’s a waterfall.” (Cry)

At the edge, without a delay, Luke was getting hit by the waterfall. It made no sense.

The source of the water that falls on the opaque stream was a thick floating rain cloud. It is the water spirit that Lucia has made a contract with. Luke also seemed to be really pleased with her diligence. Even though I can’t see his face because of the water hitting him.

Lucia, who looked a little tired from continuously using magic, said.

“I think about it every time, but don’t you think I’m the only Magi who ever used a spirit to create a waterfall in order to do some waterfall training when Magi can, basically, only contract one spirit per person, Leader?” (Lucia)

“That… That’s not my fault, is it?” (Cry)

“It is because Leader said something weird to Luke! What does it even mean, when you think about training, it’s gotta be a waterfall!” (Lucia)

It is being helpful, then why not…… It isn’t the water’s fault. I like it. I also want to make a contract with it.

However, making a contract with a spirit was Magic’s secret art. It seemed that if you just borrow their power, the difficulty was low, but if you wanted to use them as she does, the difficulty rises. I don’t really know the details though.

“M-Master~, what is that? That big whirlpool at the edge?”? (Tino)

“It’s a big whirlpool.” (Cry)

It is only Lucia, who has a huge amount of magic power, that can do this, as you need to *garigari* consume a lot of magic power to maintain it. As expected of my “Sister (Imouto)”.

“Cry-chan, I got drinks and food~!” (Liz)

In a good mood, Liz rolled three barrels of liquor that were large enough for a human to enter and walked in. Apparently, she was completely in the mood to drink today.

Behind her, Anthem with two tables full of food on each hand came in.

“There are still more so…… Anthem-Nii, I am counting on you.” (Liz)

“……………… Umu.” (Anthem)

Uuuumu…… I thought we had a very spacious land, but…… Maybe it was too small?

If we set up several tables, it will be full. Our members do eat and drink a lot.

However, I don’t really like the idea of reducing the size of the Onsen.

I am getting so *wakuwaku* excited, it was as if a festival was about to start. Sytry came in with fireworks.

“Cry-san, I also bought fireworks.” (Sytry)

“Oh, you know your stuff. Sytry.” (Cry)

It is perfect. This is exactly the kind of vacation I was picturing.

I have my friends, an Onsen, food, drinks, and even fireworks.

It would have been even more wonderful if Eliza had been there, but she is the most my-pace in our Party, so it couldn’t be helped.

All the actors were ready, the food and drinks were also ready.

The walls prevented us from seeing the scenery, but there was a large moon floating in the sky.

Now, it is time to begin our vacation. As I stood up with a serious expression on my face, holding a floating ring, Tino said, as if she had just noticed.

“Master…… Well… There is only the men’s bath here……” (Tino)

“Aaaah………… We usually have mixed baths. You don’t need to be careful about the outside. The view is blocked, so please bear with it.” (Cry)

At first, it was separated, but then Liz would climb over the wall and come in, and there was also some time where Lucia and Sytry broke the wall.

If it was separated, Anthem, who is slightly big, would be cramped, and to begin with, we are something like a family, so I thought, whatever, this is fine…… Instead, we will have to properly follow etiquette.

Tino froze at my answer.

“Eh?” (Tino)

“Yosh, Tino! Let’s train! By training your mind, you will be able to slash people’s spirits!” (Luke)

Luke came out of the waterfall. Tino was astonished at his imposing appearance.

Luke was completely naked. Thanks to the steam, his private parts were hidden, but he was crossing his arms, seriously, he doesn’t have any sense of delicacy. His hair was flattened due to the hot water, so he didn’t look cool at all.

“Myaaaa!?” (Tino)

Tino made a strange noise and hid behind me while her face was turning bright red. Apparently, it would be a while before she could be part of 《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》.


TL notes:

Thanks for reading!!

So Lucia really made a waterfall and whirlpool XD

Next chapter is the final chapter! We will finally close on this epic and funny adventure of Cry’s vacation.

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