Chapter159,Part2: 2 - Vacation ②

Chapter 159 Vacation ②

Part 2

What did you mean by instead… I didn’t know what she meant, but I borrowed the mop from Sytry and *goshigoshi* scrubbed Anthem’s back.

I am pretty useless at exploring, but I’m proud to say that my wall-cleaning skills are on par with any ordinary people. It was very difficult to wash his buffed and tall back, but I put my mind to it and started scrubbing. It was hard work, but if I got tired, I could always take a bath in the Onsen.

I don’t usually work, so these things can be a bit of fun.

As I was moving my mop, Tino, who had been following me like a baby duck, *ozuozu* timidly said to me.

“Master~…… Well, let me do it too. Anthem Onii-sama, can I?” (Tino)

“…… Umu.” (Anthem)

I have known him for a long time now, but he is still a quiet man as usual. However, his voice sounded somewhat happy because he was loved by so many friends.

As I passed the baton to Tino, Luke and Liz noticed me and ran up to me side-by-side with their eyes wide open, and started fighting over the mop.

“Aaah, that’s not fair! Are you training? It is training, right!? Let me do it too!” (Luke)

“Haaa? As it’s Ti turns next, it means that it’s my turn now~! Why don’t you just go drink your drink, Luke-chan!? Here, I’m giving this to you~! As this too, is training~!” (Liz)

When Liz tried to push her drinking mug to Luke, he yelled at her annoyingly.

“Aaah!? There’s no way that there’s a drinking alcohol training! Do you think I’m stupid!” (Luke)

“Haaa!? Are you telling me that you would listen to what Cry-chan says but won’t listen to what I say?!” (Liz)

“That’s because, Liz! What you say has ―― No conviction in it!” (Luke)

There aren’t any in what I say too, you know…… I think in terms of the amount of conviction, my words have probably less than Liz’s.

It was the usual scene. The more they fought, the better they got along.

The two of them glared and swore at each other behind Anthem, who remained still.

At that Sytry *nikoniko* smilingly said. However, she seemed to be a little more excited than usual.

“Cry-san, let’s leave them alone. Rather than them…… Let me wash you back. I have never washed yours.” (Sytry)

“!! Sytry Onee-sama, you are too close――” (Tino)

And then, just as she was about to press her chest against my back, her body flew off.

While spinning headfirst into the Onsen, she ended up in the water with a violent splash.

Tino, who was about to shout a warning to her Onee-sama who was suddenly blown up, was stunned. Lucia, with a mug in her hand, said with fixed eyes.

“Sytry, out. Good grief, as soon as I let my guard down this happened.” (Sytry)

“Lucia Onee-sama…… Just now………… You launched an offensive magic.” (Lucia)

“Thanks to you all, my Magic skills have never stopped improving! Do you know how troubled I get when people ask me what I do to train my Magic!?” (Lucia)

By the way, Lucia is stronger than me, but she is a little weak in terms of alcohol, so if she consumes the same amount of alcohol as Liz and the others, she will get drunk and won’t know what she is doing at all. Apparently, she gets particularly bad drunk when she drinks “Mana Potions (Magic power recovery potion)”.

And yet, however, my “Sister (Imouto)” can use magic normally, even when she is drunk. Amazing. So strong.

Tino was frightened by Lucia who was keeping an eye on me while *mushamusha* stuffing her cheek with a big piece of meat covering a thick bone.

“Master~! Master~! Just now, if I was the one who took that hit…… I would be dead.” (Tino)

“Hahahaha, don’t worry, she is still holding back.” (Cry)

And if you don’t do anything carelessly, you won’t get shot. I am very careful, so up until now, I have never been shot.

Sytry, who plunged into the Onsen, shook herself and touched the edge of the bath, and raised her body. Her towel had been blown away somewhere, and her faintly tinted skin was greatly exposed.

“Kuh…… Moh! Even though I worked so hard! I can’t believe I didn’t get one reward ―― In the first place, why do I need Lucia-chan’s permission to wash Cry-san’s back!” (Sytry)

Lucia crossed her arms and stood in front of Sytry, who complained. The voltage had risen considerably.

“If you want to stick to him so badly, would you like to turn into a towel? I don’t know if you could return to normal though.” (Lucia)

“Huh!?” (Sytry)

“Eeeeei! 『Sytry becomes a towel』!” (Lucia)

“Kyaaaa!!” (Sytry)

“Becomes a towel~! Becomes a towel~! Oh, come on, why is there no such magic~!” (Lucia)

Sytry turned white and swam in the Onsen to escape. Lucia turned the bones she had been eating into charcoal, took off her yukata, and jumped into the hot spring. The clouds that had been producing the waterfall were now raining lightning.

Tino was surprised as she watched her Onee-sama being in a frenzy.

“It…… It was the first time I have ever heard, Sytry Onee-sama scream. And Lucia Onee-sama yelling either……” (Tino)

It is because Lucia and Sytry-chan are very close.

“Anthem, you don’t need more?” (Cry)

“…… Umu.” (Anthem)

Anthem, unfazed by everything, washed his body, ignored Luke and Liz who were still fighting over the mop, and slowly sank into the Onsen. The hot water overflowing from the huge bath passed by my feet.

I firmly grabbed my floating ring, followed him, and jumped into the Onsen.


I used the floating ring to *pukapuka* float around. Tino tied a string to the floating ring and tied the end of the string to a pillar in the tatami room. I don’t know if it made any sense though.

It felt really good to look up at the moon in the sky and sway while listening to the bustle of my friends.

Tino muttered while submerging in hot water up to her mouth next to me, who was relaxing.

“I…… It is the first time I have been with people this lively.” (Tino)

Luke and Liz were having a swimming race in the Onsen. Sytry and Lucia seemed to be having a drinking contest while soaking in the Onsen.

Anthem closed his eyes and soaked himself in the deepest part of the water. I don’t know what he was thinking about, but he seemed content.

Even though it was a vacation, a lot of things happened.

I had a rough time, but now that I remembered it after everything was over…… I think that it was a good memory.

I have caused a lot of trouble for Tino, but I hope she at least has enjoyed this vacation a little bit.

Hunter is a dangerous job. However, there are many things that can be a lot of fun. My talent was so non-existent that I gave up on following them, but with a girl who is full of talent like Tino, I am sure she will have a lot more fun from now on.

“Tino, were you…… Able to enjoy your vacation?” (Cry)

“Eh!?” (Tino)

Tino stared in wonder at my sudden question and remained silent for a moment.

A variety of colors flashed through her innocent eyes. Maybe she was remembering all the events that happened on this vacation.

When I was waiting without saying anything, Tino’s cheeks eventually turned a little red, she dipped her nose into the hot water and did a small nod with her head.

Apparently, she also had some good memories.

Thank goodness, that’s good. If all’s well that ends well then it was great. Now I will buy some souvenirs for Eva and the others and brag to them.

I heard that they had a very difficult time in the Imperial City, but it was their fault for not coming along on the vacation when I invited them. How about an Onsen Dragon Manju?as a souvenir.

After the Onsen bath, we would go back outside and drink again. And then, we will launch fireworks and go back into the Onsen. By that time, Liz and the others will have calmed down to some extent.

While I was thinking about such fun things, Tino suddenly hit me with her body.

My body swayed greatly, and Tino’s smooth legs entwined with my legs.

I momentarily lose my words. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Liz, but Tino was the kind of person who was rather modest and knew about the TPO.

However, there was no shame in Tino’s expression. If anything, she looked as if she couldn’t believe the situation she was in.

“………… What?” (Cry)

“Huh…… Eh? Y-You are wrong! Master~, somehow, my body started to flow on her own――” (Tino)

And there, I noticed a large stream forming in the Onsen.

A large whirlpool had formed in the center of the spacious bath, and the hot water was being sucked into it. Maybe there was a hole, it had great momentum.

When Luke noticed the abnormality, his eyes lit up and he tried to swim against the flow of hot water and stood up, but he was swallowed up in no time. As Luke was swept away, he grabbed Liz by the arm and disappeared with her eyes wide open.

Lucia and Sytry were almost swept away by the whirlpool, but Lucia’s magic somehow managed to keep them here.

“Ah……” (Tino)

The legs that were entwined with mine separated. Tino made a small noise and was sucked into the whirlpool and disappeared.

The volume of hot water quickly decreased in a blink of an eye and then I could see the bottom of the bath.

At the center of the whirlpool was a large hole about a meter long. It was definitely not there before the hot water was poured in.

The only ones left were me, who had survived thanks to my floating ring, Lucia, Sytry, and Anthem, who was too big to be swept away.

With a hard thud, the edge of the hole was covered by several black clawed fingertips that looked vaguely familiar.

Lucia shivered and talked to me as I was stunned.

“N-Not again, Leader.” (Lucia)

“Cry-san, I thought we were all going to have fireworks together!?” (Sytry)

Even Sytry looked at me with accusatory eyes, but was this really my fault?

“Moh! Moooh! Moooh!” (Lucia)

Lucia destroyed the edge of the hole with her magic, peeled off the claws, and jumped into the hole herself.

Anthem, who couldn’t get into the hole very well as it was, stood up and went to look for his full body armor Relic with loud footsteps.

Sytry blinked her eyes as if she was annoyed.

“Would you like to fill this up? If Lucia-chan is with them, they will come back anyway……” (Sytry)

Author’s notes:

I tried to see how far I could ramble.

The short story is now over. From the next chapter on, a new arc will begin as if nothing has happened.

The second part of the second chapter of the manga seems to have been uploaded. You can see Cry with his nose hanging out, so please check it out!


Update Notice: @ktsuki_novel(Twitter).

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

And voilà, this arc ends in style with the subterranean people attacking Strange Grief! Sadly you don’t see what happens to Luke, Liz, Tino and Lucia in the web novel but it seems that there’s a continuation in the volume 5 of the light novel. Sadly only the 1st volume of Strange Grief is translated…

This was really a fun arc! It is one of my favorites next to the 6th arc. The next arc (5th arc) is good though, with a lot of misunderstanding and Cry acting crazy in front of many big (but seriously really big) shots.

Well see you in the new arc!

Btw, I’ll have a break, so no chapter until next Tuesday . See you later!

Tchao à plus!


Onsen Dragon Manju: Manju is a bun so he means an Onsen Dragon Bun. Onsen Manju is a specialty in Onsen town in Japan. But I doubt that there is Onsen Dragon meat inside, I think Onsen Dragon Manju is just a name for the bun.TPO: Time Place and Occasion.

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