Chapter163,Part1: 1 - White Sword Gathering ③

Chapter 163 White Sword Gathering ③

Part 1

It had been more than five years since I came to the Imperial City, but this was the first time I had seen the Castle up close.

Among the surrounding countries, Zebrudia Empire boasts the greatest national power. As if to show the nation’s power, the Castle inside Zebrudia’s Imperial Capital was huge and beautiful, and seeing it up close was so majestic that it took my breath away, even if I had seen it many times from afar.

The huge moat that surrounds the castle looked like a lake, and after you crossed the huge bridge, you could see the whole castle itself.

The gray walls that surround the Castle were low, but they were only for show, and rumor has it that they were constantly warded by the power of Relics and magic.

In the first place, for some Hunters that are based in Zebrudia, a wall of only a few meters high was the same as if there were none, so other methods are required to protect the castle.

Soldiers in black polished armor stood on both sides of the bridge.

Zebrudia Empire valued quality and strength. The powerful soldiers didn’t raise an eyebrow even when they saw a carriage with the country’s emblem boldly passing through the middle of the bridge. I let out a small sigh, stopped looking out the window, and turned around to face forward.

Apparently, there was no chance for me to throw away the souvenir somewhere.

Eva talked to me with a serious expression. Her pretty eyebrows twisted behind her glasses.

“This is a venerable gathering, alright!? Please think a little more about it.” (Eva)

“Eva, you were the one who advised me to bring a gift……” (Cry)

“…… Cry-san, how would you feel if someone suddenly handed you Onsen Eggs at a party?” (Eva)

“…………” (Cry)

It was a souvenir that you didn’t have to worry about having any ulterior meaning. So, I would be rather happy if I received one, but I guess I shouldn’t tell her that.

Maybe giving them chocolates from my favorite store would have been better.

However, now that it has come so far, I have no choice but to give it. There’s nowhere to throw it away anyway.

“By the way, who were you planning to give it to?” (Eva)

“To his Majesty, the Emperor.” (Cry)

If I am going to lick someone’s shoes, of course, I’m going to aim for the one at the top. Don’t think that I am stupid.

At my words, blood quickly disappeared from Eva’s face even though it was already quite pale.

“…… Absolutely, please absolutely don’t do this. Cry-san, can you be serious? Never has anyone ever done that, you know!?” (Eva)

“I heard that he is a rather forgiving man.” (Cry)

“Even he, has a limit.” (Eva)

Eva pointed this out in a whisper so that it doesn’t reach the coachman seat.

All right, all right. I now know that what I would have done would have been out of line. I am really glad that I brought Eva with me.

I know! If Gladys-kyo is here, then I would give it to him.

We did have some connection thanks to that incident at Surus and I doubt that his men would buy him Onsen Eggs.

I take a big deep breath. I was way too nervous, but on the other hand, I felt like I could make it work.

“In the first place, won’t the Onsen Eggs expire?” (Eva)

“Aaah, I have Lucia cast preservation magic on it…… Don’t worry I’ve got this.” (Cry)

“………… Haaaa…… Seriously, please be careful.” (Eva)

Let’s be careful not to do anything unnecessary. If I behave in a sensible manner, I shouldn’t stand out. After all, this was a gathering to which Hunters were invited. There will be way more conspicuous people than not.

The carriage passed through the gate. The number of knights was increasing. If they were enemies, even if there were a hundred of me, I would still be helpless.

While being nervous, I got off the carriage according to the coachman’s instructions. And just like this, he led the way and we went inside the Castle.

Strangely enough, we weren’t subjected to any body-check.

Rumors have it that the checks at the Zebrudia Castle are quite strict. Especially, when they have an audience with the Emperor, I am pretty sure that they said that even Hunters aren’t allowed to bring weapons into the Castle.

When Eva, who was walking proudly next to me, heard my whisper, she frowned and told me straightforwardly.

“It is the tradition. At the first White Sword Gathering, the Time Emperor trusted the Hunters and allowed them to have their weapons on them, and even now this is the only gathering where they are still allowed to attend with weapons on them. Didn’t I tell you at the beginning that armed people would be there.” (Eva)

I see…… That 『Time Emperor』 guy or something must have been a pretty ballsy person. However, a tradition, eh…… That’s troubling, that’s the kind of stuff that I have the most difficulty to understand.

The corridors of the Castle were spacious and were covered with crimson carpets. Even the air felt different from the city.

I was about to look everywhere, but I held back and followed Eva’s lead.

As we proceeded, we began to see glimpses of other nobles and Hunters who were chosen to participate in it.

The nobles look distinguished, and the Hunters look strong. And indeed, they are actually distinguished and strong. I want to go home already.

The Knights lined up in a straight line were wearing white armor, unlike the ones outside. They must be the elite.

And then, I heard a familiar voice in the distance.

“Ooooooooooooooooooh! There I am, in the greatest Castle of the country! The place is not that bad!” (Familiar Voice)

“H-hey! Shut your mouth! Do you even understand what you are here for!?” (Knight)

“Aaaah, it’s to cut those who are rude, right? And so, who are the rude guys? Is it that guy? Or that one? Or everyone?” (Familiar Voice)

“Don’t! Point your finger! Shit, you are the one who is rude! How is it possible that a stranger has been brought to guard the venerable 『White Sword Gathering』!” (Knight)

“It can’t be helped. That’s what the Director of Security ordered. Apparently, it was the “Sword Saint (Seiken)” who screwed up. Even if it is only temporary, to think we will give Zebrudia’s venerable white armor to the 『Slasher』――” (Knight 2)

“An armor is unnecessary. Because I’ll cut them before they cut me! My arms are itching.” (Familiar Voice)

“…… Do you really understand? Listen, alright? It is true that your role is to cut down on those who are rude. However, we didn’t have anyone who was rude in the last few decades, understood? Hey! Don’t take off your armor!!” (Knight 1)

Eva’s eyes widened in dismay and she gave me a look.

I pretended not to see that.

…… Well, if he came in through legitimate means, then isn’t it fine…… By the way, the “Sword Saint (Seiken)” is Luke’s “Mentor (Shisho)”.

At the moment, he is one of the few Swordsmen who surpass Luke, but it looks like even he isn’t able to control the free-spirited Luke at all. Luke loves to slash, but he also loves to be slashed, so my anxiety is bottomless.

However, it is certain that Luke is powerful, so with him as a guard, I am in good hands. If anything were to happen to me, he would step in. Nice assist.

………… Or maybe it will end up in us having to flee Zebrudia after the gathering is over. Well, we will cross that bridge when we need to.

The venue was a large hall. There were tables laid out and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, I wonder what this hall is usually used for.

However, compared to the size of the decorated hall, the number of people inside was not that many.

As I peered through the doorway to see what was going on, Eva naturally leaned in close and answered my question in a whisper.

“…… It is a tradition.” (Eva)

I see…… A tradition, eh. That’s really a useful word…… Next time I will use that too.

Apparently, we are not all here yet.

I could clearly tell who was a Hunter and who was a nobleman, even though I am not a good judge of character.

I don’t know much about the nobility of Zebrudia at all, but Hunters who have absorbed Mana Material have a different atmosphere. The Hunters who were invited to the White Sword Gathering, in particular, are the cream of the crop in this Hunter’s holy land, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to avoid their gazes and don’t attract their attention.

It is going to be alright, I have my 『Barrier Rings (Safe Ring)』 on me. I won’t die so easily.

Maybe it was because of its origins, the atmosphere in the hall was much more relaxed than I thought it would be. It was much better than I had imagined, as far as I could tell from a quick glance around.

First of all, it is good that the Hunters were not rampaging. The knights were lined up next to the walls and were on the lookout, and lined up near the entrance were maids in a well-tailored pure white apron dress and butlers in a black suit with their spine stretched nicely.

The servants of Zebrudia’s Imperial Castle are a source of admiration for the commoners. I heard that many of the people in this place are relatives of those well-educated nobles and the like.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Cry is really unconscious, to give some Onsen Eggs to the Emperor just because he is a forgiving man. He really is afraid of nothing XD

And Luke succeeded to follow Cry, I’m sure the other Members will be here too!

Tchao à plus!


Gladys-kyo: Kyo is a suffix to say lord.

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