Chapter177,Part1: 1 - Uncomfortable Feeling

Chapter 177 Uncomfortable Feeling

Part 1

After more than half a day of walking, we reached our first stop quite peacefully.

The journey this time isn’t an adventure. We will avoid encampments as much as possible, and the Emperor’s safety will be our first priority.

The people of the city greeted the carriage bearing the seal of Zebrudia with cheers as it was driven in.

We were just escorts, so we were a bit away from the main carriage, so we didn’t receive it directly, but it was quite a nice and fresh feeling.

Thanks to my Relic, I was able to stay comfortable even when I wasn’t used to riding horses. However, what made me feel more at ease than anything was――.

“Yosh, nothing happened.” (Cry)

“Hah!? Because of you, Yowaningen, you delayed our departure, didn’t you, desu! You definitely have to buy a new horse in this city, desu!” (Kruz)

“I don’t have money on me.” (Cry)

“Wha…… Whaaaaaaaaat!?” (Kruz)

While I was clenching my first tightly――Kruz, who was on the horse in front of me, turned red from ear to ear and shouted. However, thanks to my 『Perfect Vacation (Comfortable Vacation)』 I was in a comfortable mood. I will also have to ask her to recharge this Relic later……

As Kruz instructed, I held her tightly and said.

“So what I was saying was that――There were no bandits, no Monsters, no Treasure Shines and no Phantoms that appeared. No natural disasters appeared. That’s a breakthrough, you know.” (Cry)

“Hah? We are just on an escort mission, so there was no way that so many things would appear, desu.” (Kruz)

“…… Well, it is true that there is also that line of thinking.” (Cry)

There is no doubt that nothing happening is better, but…… You sure lived a happy life……

I looked at Kruz warmly when she was *girori* glaring at me.

“Stop saying suggestive and meaningless things, desu! Yowaningen, you should know your place a little bit better.” (Kruz)

As expected of the Emperor and his delegation, the lodgings provided were luxurious and reserved for nobility.

His Majesty and his personal bodyguard will take the top floor of the inn. And we will fill up the lower floor.

To make future adjustments, I was inside a room in the inn with Franz-san after he finished giving directives to the knight under him. Franz-san frowned and said.


“I guess my fear was unfounded. The 『Fox (Kitsune)』 got scared of us.” (Franz)

“No, no, you can’t let your guard down yet. You never know what might happen.” (Cry)

“You bastard was the only one who caused trouble this timeee! Don’t say something serious when you are dressed like a foooool! Don’t hit my shoulder, I’ll cut you offfff!” (Franz)

Franz face turned red as he was yelling at me while being *ponpon* hit on his shoulder by the still energetic carpet. You won’t be able to build a good relationship with the carpet if you get angry at something of this level.

Kruz straightened her back, sipped her tea with graceful movement, and said.

“Don’t yell like this, desu. You don’t have to be so angry, as long as I’m here, this escort is as good as a success. Even if there is an opponent you can’t handle, you can leave it to me, desu!” (Kruz)

“And there’s Kechakchakka too. Moreover, there’s also 《Still Water (Shisui)》.” (Cry)

There was even Kilknight. It is about time I need to figure out how to feed it.

Kechakchakka was still dressed as suspiciously and laughing as suspiciously as ever. I really envied Term’s boldness to be able to stay calm with members like this.

“Say your name first, desu! You “Yowaningen (Weak Human)”!” (Kruz)

“Hmpf…… Whatever. 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 as someone who can see through all of this, I’d like to hear your point of view.” (Franz)

………… Eh?

I opened my eyes in surprise. Kruz, Kechakchakka, and Term’s eyes were all focused on me.

Don’t tell me, maybe…… I have something to do……? It is only troubling for me when you ask for my opinion. My opinion has never been right on anything in my whole life. Weeell, in a sense it had been right, but each time it was right in a weird way.

However, it is my job, so I can’t just say no. I can at least give him my opinion.

I crossed my legs and pretended to be badass. And I immediately started to make excuses.

“Well, that’s troubling, even I can’t see the future. So it’s not going to be a hundred percent sure, but from my experience… Or rather it is just a rule of thumb, so there are things that I do know.” (Cry)

I *chirari* looked at Term. It is a speculation that Term, who is Level 7 and second next to me in the highest Level, will do something in case of emergency.

Term frowned at me, but I said without worrying about it.

“The most dangerous time is when you let your guard down. We are in a town, so we don’t have to worry about bandits or Monsters attacking us, but we should be very careful.” (Cry)

“What? I don’t need you to tell me to not let my guard down, but――What are you saying, what is coming?” (Franz)

“Erm………… Dragons?” (Cry)

“What!?” (Franz)

Oh no, I said something that I don’t even think will be true. Dragons are powerful enemies, and when I was in the party, we were often attacked by them. The city was surrounded by walls, but dragons can fly, so it didn’t really matter.

“After that…… Right, maybe something like Spirits.” (Cry)

“Impossible. You are talking nonsense! We are not in uncharted territory, we are still in the Empire, you know!?” (Franz)

Franz-san yelled at me with bloodshot eyes.

You don’t need to be that angry…… In the end, it is just an opinion. Even I don’t think it is going to happen either.

To try and calm him down, I laughed and said.

“No, but, well, I heard a Crimson Dragon attacked the Castle, right? So there is a precedent……” (Cry)

“Tsk………… Damn――” (Franz)

“Well, calm down, don’t worry, if any Dragons show up, Term-san will defeat them.” (Cry)

At my abrupt words, Term only widened his eyes slightly. Apparently, being that “Baa-san (Grandma)” second made him more tolerant to reckless behavior.

Term Apokris is one of the best Water Magic users in the Imperial City. It is said that he earned his Alias of 《Still Water (Shisui)》 from the fact that he single-handedly dammed a river, split the ocean, and completely stopped a waterfall.

It is said that water attribute magics are often less powerful, but that isn’t the case for Term as he can freely manipulate the flow of the water to the point of completely stopping it.

The human body is made of sixty percent of water. Even legendary beasts such as Dragons contain water in their bodies.

Water is essential for living beings. In that sense, it can be said that he is a Magi who can kill creatures extremely efficiently. That was what Lucia said.

Term pondered while holding his chin and nodded composedly.

“Alright. If a Dragon should appear then――I will deal with it. However, there is one thing I want to ask. Why did you choose me? There is Kechakchakka…… And also Kruz here. That Kilknight over there is also quite something.” (Term)

As expected of a Level 7, he wasn’t afraid even when he heard that his opponent would be a dragon. But I doubt one will appear though.

And the reason I chose Term is…… Simple. It is because I trust Term the most as he has an Alias. Kechakchakka’s abilities are unknown too, and KilKnight has, in many ways, a lot of uncertainty. And, Kruz is my escort.

However, I can’t say that in front of the person himself. I *chirari* glanced at Kechakchakka who was letting out a “Kekekekeke” laugh and looked at Term.

“You don’t understand?” (Cry)

“………………? Fumu.” (Term)

Did he understand? Without seemingly being offended by my question, Term said with a serious expression.

“Well, fine. I have never shown you my power before, right? Let me show you what the essence of my magic can do.” (Term)

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TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Here it is, Cry’s random suggestion! Now only a dragon or a spirit or even worse can appear!

Franz will so regret not listening to Cry!

Just saw the last episode of Brooklyn 99. It is such a funny show! I recommend it to anyone who likes a good comedy show!

Tchao à plus!

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