Chapter187,Part2: 2 - Talent Blossoming

Chapter 187 Talent Blossoming

Part 2

“There was a recent story where the infamous Barrel Bandit Group turned into frogs…… This is hard to believe, but is it true?” (Radrick)

“………… Yeees, well…… It isn’t false……” (Cry)

Turning a human into a frog is a terrible thing to do. How could Lucia have come up with such weird Magic?

What if this was a crime in the eyes of the law?

“What a strange answer. Do you have any objections?” (Radrick)

How should I answer…… After being lost and hesitating in my mind, I respond by saying something vague.

“………… No. By mistake, the Hunters also turned into frogs…… So I thought that it was a little bit problematic……” (Cry)

“Say what…… Even Hunters?” (Radrick)

Before I knew it, everyone around me was watching me as if they wanted to eat me. His Majesty’s estimate daughter was also staring in wonder and was listening to me.

”Ah, yeaaah…… Of course, I properly turned them back afterward. That was in the end just non-lethal Magic.” (Cry)

It seemed that Tino turned Ruda and the others back, so there shouldn’t be anyone missing. If there had been, Gladys-kyo2 would have written about it. There were no complaints, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

As I shrank back, His Majesty laughed boldly, as if he had heard a funny story.

“Interesting. You are very interesting, just as the rumors portrayed you, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》.” (Radrick)

“………… It is an honor.” (Cry)

I wonder what kind of rumors are circulating. Really, rumors are such a nuisance. You can’t easily retract the information that has once been attached to it.

When I was fed up with this, His Majesty nodded broadly and said in a sharp voice.

“I would have liked to have seen the rumored power with my own two eyes. This must be a boring escort for you… Actually, try to use that frog-turning Magic or something right here.” (Radrick)

…… Eh?

No, no, that was Lucia’s doing…… Eh?

There were half-suspicious and half-convinced stares staring at me. The Emperor’s gaze and His estimated daughter’s breath were full of curiosity. And Franz-san’s expression was full of suspicion.

I looked around, but Kruz and Term were also staring at me.

Exactly what kind of rumors are around……? I am not a Magi. I have almost no Magic power, so I can’t even make a small spark.

Kruz licked her lips and said amusedly.

“Humph…… It is a Magic I have never heard of and it is a ridiculous story, but…… Certainly, if you can control the spirits of the sheets, then it may be easy to turn humans into frogs, desu.” (Kruz)

“Come to think of it, we haven’t had the chance to see your power yet……” (Term)

“Keke…… Hihi……” (Kechakchakka)

There is…… No one on my side. ………… Eeeeeeeh. No matter how you look at me, there is no way a harmless person like me can use Magic. Hmm? Can’t you see how much Mana Material I have inside my body? It is so faint, so, so faint. I don’t remember carrying anything heavier than a fork for a while now.

The rebellious carpet was *pechipechi* clapping. They were totally egging me on. Now, the atmosphere doesn’t allow me to say that I couldn’t do it. But well, I have no choice to say it though.

Don’t underestimate a Master of creating excuses. I put on my serious expression.

“Human frogging is inhumane. At that time, it happened because of unavoidable circumstances――” (Cry)

“Do not worry. I will allow it. You can turn it back right?” (Radrick)

“………… The control is still lacking. The fact that it turned Hunters into frogs is proof of that――” (Cry)

“I don’t care. Do it.” (Radrick)

His Majesty Radrick’s expression was serious. Don’t tell me you really believe that I can turn you into a frog, do you? Don’t make me laugh.

When I sigh a little and *kyorokyoro* looked around, neither Term, Kechakchakka nor Kruz seemed to be on my side.

If I don’t show my strength, it might affect the chain of command. So I gathered my resolve.

“I-It can’t be helped…… I don’t know if it will succeed as it only works when I am in perfect shape, and even with that the success rate is only about ten percent, moreover, my stomach hurts a little bit…… No, I don’t think it will work ninety-nine percent of the time though――” (Cry)

“Yowaningen, you said your stomach hurts but didn’t you eat a lot of nuts earlier, desu. Just do it, desu.” (Kruz)

Well, it can’t be helped then. I am actually incompetent, so Term should just become the Leader.

With so many excuses, I am sure I won’t be caught for perjury. So let’s take it easy.

With a half-hearted smile, I imitated Lucia and *pachiri* snapped my finger.

“Eiiiii, Kruz, turn into a froggg!” (Cry)

Of course, there was no way that she will transform.

I can’t use Magic. I have practiced when I was longing for it, but I can’t use Magic, and to begin with, I have very little Magic power.

In my hometown, I was told I had no talents. I had no talent for anything, but if I had to pick one thing I had the least talent for, it would be being a Magi.

Franz-san didn’t say anything. His Majesty didn’t say anything either. Kruz didn’t say anything either.

But then Term’s eyes widen in astonishment and he mutters.

“Impossible…… 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 what did you do?” (Term)


What did I do? I am the one who wanted to know the most.

There was a single frog on the chair where the Emperor was sitting a moment ago. There was also a frog at the place where Franz-san had been. There were several frogs *gerogero* croaking in the place where several of the Imperial Guard had been standing. Of the Imperial Guard, only a female Magi, the Leader of the group of Magi seemed to have been spared and she screamed with a pale face.

It was as if I was having a nightmare.

When I looked behind me, I saw a silver frog at the spot where Kruz had been. She was *furufuru* trembling, but when our eyes met, she *petari* hit my feet.

They weren’t Toads like the one Lucia changed last time. They are…… Tree frog. I was so confused that on the contrary, I became calm.

“………… Looks like Kechakchakka and Term are safe.” (Cry)

“Kekeke!? Kekekeke!?” (Kechakchakka)

“You should…… Have eaten Amuzu Nuts! That’s impossible!” (Term)

My throat was parched. I take a deep breath and slowly begin to understand the situation.

What? Can it be…… Is it possible that my latent talent as a Magi has blossomed?

It is true that Kruz often told me “Lucia-san has talent, so if Yowaningen also works hard, you will get a little bit better”, but…… Is this the result of my incompetence up until now?

By the way, there is almost no blood relationship between Lucia and me.

The Emperor’s estimate frog-daughter was crying in a small *gekogeko* croaking voice. I am glad to see my talent blossoming, but before I can rejoice, this is a disaster.

Franz-frog and the Imperial Guards-frog were chanting in protest. Among them, only the Emperor-frog remained majestic even as a frog.

The only thing that reminded me that he was the Emperor was the golden color on his body, it was as if the color of his hair had been transferred there. No matter how you look at it, it just looks like a frog. What’s more, it wasn’t a Toad like the one Lucia did, but a Tree Frog like the one I imagined2…………

And when I thought up to this point, I once again looked at the Emperor-frog.

………… If it was the technique I had thought of, then it would have been a lake frog, but at this point, I won’t be picky about it. Because the look of a tree frog is still closer to a lake frog than a toad, you know.

Is this my true power when I awakened……?

While running away from reality, I said with a nihilistic smile.

“…… Apparently, I am more talented than Lucia.” (Cry)

“A-A-As if it is the time to say that!” (Female Magi)

The only Magi of the Imperial Guard who had escaped the transformation came to me while trembling. Her eyes were desperate. Of course, that would be the case if all your companions had been transformed into frogs.

However, the Emperor should have been wearing a Barrier Ring. To think it would be able to penetrate the Barrier Ring…… This is exactly what shocking news coming from fake news means.

“T-That’s why I said my control was still lacking……” (Cry)

“Turn them back! Turn them back right now!” (Magi Leader)

The Magi Leader grabbed me by the collar and appealed to me.//

Turning them back is a good idea. But yeah, the problem is that I don’t know how to do it.

“Ehmm…… Turn back!” (Cry)

『!? I can’t, Nii-san!』 (Lucia)

I yelled and looked around but nothing happened. That’s bad. Maybe because I was in a hurry, I can even hallucinate Lucia’s voice.

Not good. At this rate, if I don’t do something, I will become the criminal who wiped out the Emperor and his group by inadvertently turning them into frogs. This is unheard-of. And there was no way I could get away since Term witnessed it.

When Lucia turned people into frogs, how did she change them back…… I frantically dig up my memory and I *pon* strongly hit my hand.

“Aaaah, right. I remember how to change them back. You just need to crush them.” (Cry)

TL notes:

Thanks for reading !

Hahaha I can see a chibi Lucia yelling “Muri desu!” at Cry.

And Cry thinking that he awakened his true power was so funny! Let’s just hope he won’t try to do it again while Lucia isn’t watching him!

And now that Kruz transformed into a frog, she kind of reminds me of a Tsundere Tino.

Tchao à plus!

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