Chapter194,Part2: 2 - Next

Chapter 194 Next

Part 2

Once the storm had subsided to some extent, the ship was very stable.

Thanks to my Relic I am always comfortable in any kind of situation, but as expected of a state-of-the-art ship, Kruz and the others did not complain about it at all. Maybe I won’t get seasick or have tinnitus in my ears even if I take my Relic off.

As this ship is used to transport important people of the country, each room was not inferior to the inns I had stayed in before.

The furnishings and furniture were nice, and the bed was *fukafuka* soft. If Liz had been here, she would have wanted to take a look around the ship, as she loves to explore such places, but alas, she had already been struck by lightning and fell.

I peeked out of the window in the room several times, but there were only black clouds outside and no kites or my ghost friends in sight.

My childhood friends are all reckless, so it won’t be surprising if they try it again, but I wonder if they realized that it is impossible to do it in the middle of a storm. But I think the idea of flying on a kite is a bit out of touch with reality, no?

As for the food, I don’t know the details, but it was excellent. The meat, fish, and vegetables were all delicious. They probably have a dedicated chef here. It seemed that we would not have to use the food that I forced Sytry to prepare for us. Everyone, who had been in a hurry when the storm hit, had calmed down to some extent.

While *gorogoro* rolling on my bed, I look at the carpet which was actively moving around in one corner of the room and tilt my head.

“…… I wonder if we’ll crash……?” (Cry)

The anxiety I had been feeling had quite calmed down.

Considering my bad luck, it is quite possible, but from the looks of Franz-san, this ship seems to be very robust. He knows that multiple Dragons have attacked us before, so he must be quite confident that we will be safe even if we are attacked by Dragons.

Of course, it is better if we don’t crash. The ship should arrive at its destination, the capital of the Country of Sand, Toizant.

Although Toizant is a small country compared to Zebrudia, it has a flourishing culture of its own and is said to have a reasonably high level of technology, so there is probably no great concern about being attacked within the country.

“…… So that means that the endgame is a few days aways, heh.” (Cry)

I feel like it has been a while since I have been thinking about something serious.? Well, I am not thinking about the escort plan, I am just thinking about when it will end though……

As I was *butsubustu* mumbling to myself, I heard a knock at the door.

I hear Term’s voice from the other side of the door and hurriedly get out of bed, *urouro* wandered left and right while pretending to be working.

Hunters also have their pride, too. If the Leader is always *gorogoro* lounging around, he wouldn’t show a good example. Unlike Eva, Term probably doesn’t know about my laziness, but if Term tells my shameful behavior to 《Abyssal Fire of Destruction (Shin En Kametsu)》”Baa-san (Grandma)”, she might say that she can’t forgive something like me for being a Level 8, and she might come and try to burn me.

Despite being in the middle of the night, Term appeared to be in perfect condition.

“I’m sorry to barge in on you so late at night. But I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page about future matters, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. It seems that Kecha is concerned about it.” (Term)

“…… Aaah. I knew that you would be coming here by now.” (Cry)


I was pretending to be a badass as I was inadvertently agitated. I can’t help but be pulled in by the badass atmosphere when Term is nearby.

He wants to discuss future matters! What an earnest Hunter he is. I am very sorry that only a quack like me can praise you, but as expected of a Level 7, what a wonderful sense of responsibility.

This is what a veteran Hunter who has dived into numerous Shrines is.? I would like to have Luke, the guy who’s always doing whatever he wants to do, ponder about this.

“I will have to give my thanks to 《Abyssal Fire of Destruction (Shin En Kametsu)》 one day.” (Cry)

“!? You have a lot of confidence…… But Rose is definitely top-notch in terms of destruction. Even a surprise attack won’t work on her. She has probably more destructive power than you might think.” (Term)

When I muttered to myself, Term opened his eyes exaggeratedly, as if he had heard what I said.

Eh……? Will that “Baa-san (Grandma)” burn you when you just want to thank her? Why?

She was more heinous than I thought. I think it would be more likely that she will burn me if I don’t thank her, but it doesn’t seem like Term was joking.

…… When I go thank her, let’s make sure that my Barrier Rings are charged.

“W-Well, I guess it will depend on how you do it. More importantly, you are here in order to be in sync and for confirmation, right. There won’t be a need for that, I will just follow you up as I did before.” (Cry)”

“What!?” (Term)

Was it too blatant that I threw everything at him? But I am like a piece of trash in terms of fighting and commanding abilities, so in the time of emergency, it is better to leave everything to Term who is more experienced than to me to give orders, like what I did when we were attacked by herds of Chilldra.

I don’t want to give orders because if I do, they will blame me for anything that happens. Well, even if I don’t give orders, they will blame me, but I still feel more comfortable that way.

“Sorry, but this is my way of working. Aaah, of course, I will be in charge of adjusting everything. And about Kruz, I have already talked to her, so we’re good.” (Cry)

Franz-san has been listening to me for some time now, and the prestige of being a Level 8 seems to be effective on the Emperor. So, as long as I don’t do anything too flashy, I should be able to persuade them. But I think it is more likely that nothing will happen in the first place, though.

“Fumu…… In other words, you leave the execution completely up to us.” (Term)

“…… Is it a problem? If there is anything, I will support you.” (Cry)

“…… No, I don’t mind. If that’s how you do things, I’ll match with you. When all this had already been set up, this is an easy mission.” (Term)

Even though he said it was easy, he had a stern expression on his face, but I guess that is the difference between me and him in terms of sense of responsibility.

And he said set up…… But I didn’t do anything though. His lip service is so perfect that it is shocking. I would also like to grow old and become a nice middle-aged man like him.


Thanks to Franz-san’s efforts and the Term’s serious concerns, nothing particular happened and the boat trip went smoothly.

The airship was very stable, but it didn’t seem to be that fast, so it will take three days to reach Toizant if all goes according to schedule.

The first day we were tossed inside a storm, but after that, no one came to call me, and I had a surprisingly peaceful time.

As seen in the briefing, the color on Franz-san’s face was getting better and better.

Aren’t we going to arrive safely if we keep going like this? Just as these words were beginning to cross my mind, it came.

While I was playing with Kruz in my room, Franz-san came running in.

The expression on his face was not fear or impatience, but confusion.

“《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 His Majesty is calling you.” (Franz)

“? Did something happen?” (Cry)

There was no commotion. When I stared in wonder, Franz-san frowned and said.

“………… Look outside. I am sure you noticed――But we are not getting out of the storm at all.” (Franz)

“Eh……” (Cry)

I inadvertently looked out the window. Outside, the sky was as dark as ever.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Tadada as Cry said this is not just a regular storm XD

They are so going to suspect Cry knows something!

Tchao à plus!


Here Term think that the meaning of thanking her is “kill her”, you know like when a mob wants to thank someone by sabotaging the brake on his car XD

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