Chapter196,Part2: 2 - Best Companions ②

Chapter 196 Best Companions ②

Part 2

The guards were still alive. They were unconscious and unable to fight, but I could still feel the pulse of life from them. However, it was gradually weakening. If they were not treated quickly, they would die before long.

I knew it by intuition. This was all about――Efficiency. It was because of its efficiency that it wouldn’t kill in an instant. It wasn’t because of his kindness. Since they were going to die anyway, he doesn’t need to 『Waste』 his Magic to stop them from breathing. It was for that simple reason.

Even at the moment when I had first seen the Magic he used to defeat the swarm of Chilldra, I had the impression that at the core, Term’s Magic was dreadful. I had thought it was just my imagination, but my intuition was right.

Human beings are terrifying. Because of their short lifespan, they grow up quickly, and because they are living in a hurry, they kill people without hesitation.

So this was――Who he truly was.

A chill ran through me. I felt an unusual wand in my right hand. I quickly opened my mouth, but what came out was not a spell, but a cry.

“W-What does this mean, desu! Do you know what you did, desu! Kechakchakka, why didn’t you stop Term, desu!” (Kruz)

“………… Weren’t you going to persuade her, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. Well, whatever. Your fate isn’t in my hands. You won’t even be an enemy. If you want to stay out of harm’s way, stay in the back.” (Term)

“Ukeke……” (Kechakchakka)

“Kuh!?” (Kruz)

With those words, Kruz understood the situation. She didn’t want to understand, but she did.

Even at a time like this, the Emperor’s expression was not frustered. However, his gaze was stern.

He put his hand on the sacred sword at his waist and asked Term.

“I knew you were lurking nearby, but…… Term Apokris. So you are a 『Fox (Kitsune)』 !?” (Radrick)

“Indeed. However, this is a goodbye. This ship is going down.” (Term)

We can’t win. I cannot defeat Term even if I catch him by surprise.

Term’s power is so powerful that it is hard to believe he is human. He is probably a great Magi in the field of Water Magic, beyond the reach of even Lucia Roje. And even now, even if he wasn’t looking at Kruz, Term Apokris wasn’t letting his guard down.

If there was a chance to win, it depends on the power of this staff Relic that I have been entrusted with, but――.

The expression on 《Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)》 face hadn’t changed at all since right after Term had entered.

Seeing his pitiful smile, gave Kruz, for the first time, a strong chill. If what Term said is correct, then Yowaningen is――.

No, I already understood. I just didn’t want to believe it. In the first place, if Term was attacking us as an assassin, the first thing he would have done would have been to target 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》.

I quickly distanced myself from Yowaningen and readied my staff.

Franz staggers while using his sword as a cane.? However, his eyes were cloudy and his expression was pale.? His movements were also slow and sluggish, and if it was now, Kruz is probably stronger than him even in melee combat.

“Cry Andrich…… You bastard…… So you are a 『Fox (Kitsune)』.” (Franz)

Franz’s breathing was ragged. He didn’t have any significant injuries, but he was half-dead.

Still, he pulled his sword out with weak movements. The tip of his well-polished sword was trembling.

“I won’t let, you. I knew, you were, suspicious. Shit, I knew it! I won’t, let you, kill his Majesty!” (Franz)

“Your loyalty is admirable…… However, the reason for your defeat is that you underestimated us. 『Fox (Kitsune)』 are…… Everywhere. I’ve already killed the others. Let’s see how far a Knight under the direct order of the Emperor of Zebrudia can go against the four of us.” (Term)

I can tell from a single glance. Term was fully ready. The Emperor was also a good swordsman, but he was not as good as to defeat Term.

No, no one was a match against him. Even if Franz was uninjured, even if the other knights were still alive, and even if Kruz cooperated with them, there was no way to win against Term, the 《Still Water (Shisui)》 and 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 when they have become our enemies.

“Even though, I believed in you――I-I’ve misjudged you, Yowaningen! Desu!” (Kruz)

Kilknight didn’t even twitch in this situation. Kilknight was probably also a Fox. When you rationally think about it, there is no way that a guy with such a disturbing name like Kilknight is sane.

I calmed my racing emotions and thought calmly. There was no way to win.

It was probably Yowaningen’s instructions that he kept me alive. Were they trying to make me switch sides? However, you have underestimated me.

There was no way that Kruz Argen would betray her escort target. She isn’t someone that likes conspiracy. Rather than living a disgusting life, she would choose to die a noble death as a proud Spirit People.

The only thing I can do is run away. We must make a hole in the ship and escape. If we fall, we can somehow manage with my Magic. That is, if there were no pursuers.

Not everyone will be able to make it out alive. The Emperor was the first priority, and Her Highness the Princess was the second priority. Kruz made up her mind.

I’ll use a powerful Magic. I adjusted my breath and sharpened my awareness. A tingling killing intent and the vast amount of Magic that Term has prepared filled the room.

And there, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 who had been silent until now muttered with a somewhat serious expression.

“Fox……? ……………… What are you talking about?” (Cry)

“………………!?” (Kruz)

TL notes:

Thanks for reading! This is my 300th translated chapter!

And with it comes the grand reveal!

Cry has no idea what Term is talking about because he isn’t a member of the Fox!

Tchao à plus!

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